Tuberose Perfumes for Men and Women – The Most Voluptuous of Flowers

What flower evokes all things lush and sensual to you? To me, it would definitely be tuberose. This blossom has many elements that make it complex and voluptuous, from the sweetness of its fruity facets to the creaminess of its coconut facets. Tuberose contains lactones, hence the coconut effect, but it also includes indoles, aroma-molecules that lend it a particularly smoldering and intriguing character. So nuanced is tuberose absolute that with few adjustments it can be made into a proper perfume. On the other hand, so distinctive is tuberose that a clever blend of coconut and another white floral can give a believable tuberose effect to a floral bouquet.

Talking about tuberose, I think that it makes sense to expand the discussion and include a few more excellent examples as well as to highlight tuberose scents that would work for men. This note lends itself to experimentation.

Diptyque Do Son

On the fresher, brighter tuberose scale is Diptyque’s Do Son. It’s as effervescent as a tuberose can be and it has a delicate, yet persistent sillage. Do Son is named after a sea resort near Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, and while I’ve never been there, the perfume reminds me of tuberose stems I bought in Hanoi. They smelled like green champagne and coconut candy, kẹo dừa. Simply delightful.

Honoré des Prés Vamp à NY

Another bright tuberose but this time with a stronger green accent. I’m not sure what to make of the brand’s claims to be “all natural,” but I find this fragrance elegant and polished.

Jo Malone Tuberose Angelica

A tuberose cologne, if you will. Although this floral note has the reputation of being big and loud, I hope that my selection can convince you that it’s far more versatile than is commonly thought. It pairs well with the musky-green angelica, lending it a touch of creamy warmth.

Kilian Beyond Love

Beyond Love takes us towards a sweet and plush style of tuberose. Its natural milky, creamy facets are highlighted with orange blossom marshmallow. Its musky darkness is amplified. It seems almost gourmand at first, but wait a few minutes and it will show the face of a temptress.

Le Labo Tubéreuse 40

Tubéreuse 40 starts like a cologne with a generous dose of orange blossom, neroli and bergamot, however, it has a dark drydown of sandalwood, moss and amber. This contrast gives it a memorable character and it makes it perfect for both men and women.

L’Artisan Parfumeur Nuit de Tubéreuse

Another tuberose that works for both men and women. Typically, tuberose perfumes are sweet, but Nuit de Tubéreuse balances out the sugary creaminess with pepper, angelica and a cocktail of woods. The result is a fragrance that’s both bracing and plush, an unexpected but successful juxtaposition.

More about tuberose can be found at: Tuberose Perfumes

As always, I’d love to hear what tuberose perfume you like.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Alison: Miller Harris noix de Teubereuse is lovely. July 13, 2020 at 9:14am Reply

  • Tourmaline: Hi Victoria,

    Thank you for another fascinating video. I was initially surprised that you didn’t choose a jasmine scent for your wedding day, but the more you described tuberose and its multi-faceted and voluptuous qualities, the more I understood.

    I have never smelled tuberose flowers, but I saw them at the wedding of a cousin about 15 years ago.

    My main tuberose fragrance is Chloe, which Michael Edwards classes as a single floral tuberose. It manages to be both fresh and rich. I was given a bottle by a boyfriend soon after it first came out, and I loved it. The more recent version has a hard edge, to my nose, and is not as good as the original.

    The very first gift-with-purchase that I ever received, at the age of about 17, was a bottle of Jontue – another scent that Mr Edwards classifies as a tuberose. The bottle came in a pretty oval tin, about 10 inches long, in pretty pastel colours, that could be used for storage. I can’t remember what I had bought to qualify for the gift – probably a skin care or makeup item, but the gift was a total surprise, as I had never heard of such a deal before. I enjoyed the fragrance, which is still available today, and is still lovely. In February of last year, I bought a 68ml bottle online, because I had none of the original bottle left.

    I haven’t smelled any of the fragrances that you mentioned or listed, but I would particularly like to try Carnal Flower and Beyond Love. July 13, 2020 at 9:20am Reply

    • Victoria: Both of these are worth trying if you like plush florals. Carnal Flower is greener than Beyond Love, but both are rich. July 13, 2020 at 9:52am Reply

  • Lema: Carnal Flower-Fredrick Malle? Not sure many men could carry off a tuberose soliflore…. July 13, 2020 at 9:43am Reply

    • Victoria: I wouldn’t pick that one for a man, unless he’s adventurous, but perhaps I should have included it in my list above. Many of our male commenters wear a wide range of scents, beyond the usual citrusy/marine suspects. July 13, 2020 at 9:51am Reply

    • Nina Z: I know more than one man who wears Carnal Flower! But they are hard core perfume lovers who don’t worry about what others think of their choices. July 13, 2020 at 11:51am Reply

  • Tara C: Hiram Green Moon Bloom is a favourite of mine. July 13, 2020 at 10:05am Reply

    • Pocketvenus: Moon Bloom is so lovely! July 13, 2020 at 10:52am Reply

    • Nina Z: As someone who finds that most tuberose perfumes go sickly sweet on me, I really enjoy Moon Bloom. It’s on the lighter side and it’s a bit spicy. It could be a good starter tuberose or just a good alternative for people who find the other ones “too much.” July 13, 2020 at 11:53am Reply

    • Victoria: It’s beautifully made. July 14, 2020 at 1:30am Reply

    • MZ: I love that one too! July 15, 2020 at 2:33am Reply

  • Bill: I love tuberose, even if it’s often considered by others as a feminine note. I love wearing Fracas. I’m sure I’ll love Tubéreuse Criminelle, though I’ve never managed to properly test it since the Palais Royal boutique doesn’t do any spraying. They would only smear a little bit on your skin with a blotter, which frankly is a totally useless way of trying a perfume. I like Carnal Flower a lot as well, but I’ve never been able to justify the price tag.

    Isabelle Doyen’s Nuit de Bakélite is the most original and curious rendering of tuberose. I love it. I also love Christophe Laudamiel’s Tubéreuse Organique, replicating the tuberose scent without using any actual tuberose.

    And of course on the more classic side, I also enjoy Poison and Ysatis. I also love Nicolaï’s Number One and Sacrebleu which feather this flower as well. July 13, 2020 at 10:21am Reply

    • Lema: Bill, you know Carnal Flower also comes as a hair mist? July 13, 2020 at 11:16am Reply

      • Bill: Oh I think I’ve seen it being mentioned somewhere, though I was never intrigued enough to try. July 13, 2020 at 1:48pm Reply

    • Anu: Hi Bill,
      Could you please talk a little bit more about Christophe Laudamiel’s Tubéreuse Organique. I am really intrigued by your description of it. Thanks in advance. July 13, 2020 at 1:14pm Reply

      • Bill: Hi Anu. Simply put, he used lavender, jasmin, tequila, and so on to reproduce the scent of fresh tuberose flowers. I love it. You can see the full description on their website (search The Zoo NYC).
        I was lucky enough to own the first bottle that came out of their lab and signed! July 13, 2020 at 1:50pm Reply

        • Anu: Thank you! July 13, 2020 at 3:38pm Reply

    • Victoria: Great choices! I actually know quite a few men who wear white florals, and I always think that these notes smell great on anyone. Anyway, it’s always good to push one’s boundaries.

      I like that you’ve mentioned Number One and Sacrebleu, which are great examples of using white florals in different contexts. July 14, 2020 at 1:32am Reply

  • Silvermoon: Oh what delight, Victoria! I love tuberose and it was great to watch your video about your (obvious) love and appreciation for this floral note. I agree that it is precisely its complexity that makes it so fascinating – green yet milky, pretty yet voluptuous, bright yet deep.

    So, as it is one of my favourite notes, unsurprisingly, I have many perfume bottles with tuberose. Among those you mention, I have Carnal Flower (love that and also agree that it seems best in summer/warm weather but also is great on cooler days); Tubereuse Criminelle (I had smelled it before, but waited to buy it in a bell jar in the Serge Lutens shop on a trip to Paris, so that it somehow enhanced my memories of it); Le Labo Tubereuse 40 (at least when I bought it, one could only get this in New York City – and I immediately loved it and so decided to get it as soon as I tried it in store); Nuit de Tubereuse (also a favourite, especially if I go out in the evening/dinner), and Le Chasse aux Papillions (so I must admit I never thought of this as a tuberose perfume, always having focused on its other aspects, so it is interesting to learn that maybe unknowingly I like it because of the tuberose).

    My love for tuberose goes back to my childhood in India, where I grew up with tuberose flowers in vases at home, my family’s tradition of giving tuberose garlands for birthdays and special occasions, attending weddings with tuberose floral displays and many ladies wearing tuberose garlands in their hair, going past markets and flower-sellers in front of temples, and so on. No smell can pretty much bring me greater joy.

    There are many other great tuberoses that I have, enjoy and love wearing: Noix de Tubereuse (Miller Harris), Tubereuse Interdit (Andree Putnam), Tuberose Gardenia (Estee Lauder), Flowerhead (Byredo), Fracas (Robert Piguet), Maai (Bogue) – to name just a few.

    Can’t wait to see what other suggestions turn up in the discussion – hopefully something new to try. July 13, 2020 at 10:49am Reply

    • Victoria: For me, my India (at least part where my in-laws are from) is jasmine (mogra) and champaca, but when I traveled in the South, I was bowled over by the scent of tuberose. Carnal Flower, by the way, uses Indian tuberose. July 14, 2020 at 1:34am Reply

      • Silvermoon: Hi Victoria, in Bengal using tuberose for garlands, decorative displays, etc was/is widespread. Not per chance, the Forest Essentials tuberose is called Bengal Tuberose (one of my favourite soaps in their line). Jasmine and champaca was/is also widely used. Jasmine was especially common for hair decoration and smaller/thinner garlands. I also think that as tuberose became more expensive, probably from the 1990s, its use declined for things like decorating wedding venues, etc. Nowadays, flowers such as marigold are used more often than before.

        Yes, I find Carnal Flower beautiful precisely because it reminds me of Indian tuberose. The other tuberose flowers clearly are a bit different (I have never smelled fresh tuberose flowers/stalks in Europe, so not sure how they might differ). July 14, 2020 at 4:52am Reply

        • Victoria: In Europe, they’re sweeter, less creamy, less rubbery, less intense. Grasse tuberose is particular reputable, but to me, nothing beats the Indian variety. July 14, 2020 at 8:20am Reply

  • Pocketvenus: I used to dislike tuberose, but I’ve since come around. The one that did it for me is Luten’s Tubereuse Criminelle. July 13, 2020 at 10:54am Reply

    • Victoria: That was my gateway tuberose too. July 14, 2020 at 1:34am Reply

  • Claire: Hello. Thank you for the really interesting emails each week Victoria – I have only recently discovered your work and am finding it so helpful. I’ll try Carnal Flower. Years ago I had a friend who wore Michael Micheal Kors and I thought it smelt like a sexy sultry hot evening in a rose garden – everywhere we went she had compliments about her delicious smell – I now know it is a tuberose. It smells nice on me but nothing how it smelt on her. July 13, 2020 at 11:11am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you very much, Claire!
      Michael Kors is a great tuberose too. Marc Jacobs for Her is another one, quite similar to Kors. July 14, 2020 at 1:35am Reply

  • Debby: I’ve only recently started to actively seek out tuberose fragrances, though once I started I realised I had always liked them as I had not realised how prominent a note it is in old favourites like Giorgio And Poison.
    I love Nuit de Tubereuse, I call it my posh hippy perfume as it to me it recalls the sort of joss sticks that were around a lot in the 70s.
    Carnal Flower is a beautiful wedding choice, I think Chasse aux Papillons would be lovely too. I personally really regret not choosing something specific and new for my wedding day instead of my signature at the time of Angel. It must be lovely to have specific memories like that. July 13, 2020 at 12:04pm Reply

    • Victoria: When you learn to spot tuberose, you realize that it’s used a lot! July 14, 2020 at 1:37am Reply

  • Damiana: I’d say Truth or Dare, a fragrance Madonna thought of in honor of the classic Piguet Fracas. I don’t always love tuberose in scents but here it’s sweet and creamy, yet airy. Very nice for warmer days! July 13, 2020 at 12:11pm Reply

    • Victoria: I forgot about that one, but yes, Truth or Dare is very good. An option for those who find Fracas too sweet. July 14, 2020 at 1:37am Reply

  • Nina Z: This is a note I’m really drawn to but at the same time I have difficulties wearing it, as it tends to go too sweet on me. Carnal Flower, for example, is glorious for the first hour and then it becomes so cloying I can’t bear it. So I was happy to find Moon Bloom, which is both lighter and a little spicy, so I can wear it with pleasure. My other favorite tuberose–or at least I consider it tuberose–is Sacrebleu Intense. The tuberose is the strongest note in this fragrance for me, but it is blended so beautifully in a gorgeous oriental fragrance that in the end smells unique of itself. July 13, 2020 at 12:35pm Reply

    • Victoria: Do you prefer Sacrebleu Intense to the regular version? July 14, 2020 at 1:38am Reply

      • Nina Z: I actually might prefer the original (I have a small amount of that) but I love both of them. And the intense version is, I believe, the only one that’s available now, so that’s why I mentioned it. Also, I think the intense version is more tuberose forward. July 14, 2020 at 1:06pm Reply

        • Victoria: I have only a bit of the original. I need to smell the intense one again. July 19, 2020 at 7:36am Reply

  • Dohotay: Does anyone have thoughts about the difference between La Chasse au Papillon (EDT) and La Chasse …Extreme (EDP)? Do they smell the same or quite different? July 13, 2020 at 1:00pm Reply

    • Victoria: I have a review on this site comparing both. They do smell quite different to me. July 14, 2020 at 1:38am Reply

      • Dohotay: Ah. Thank you for responding, and for your wonderful posts. Could you tell me where to find the review? July 14, 2020 at 2:34am Reply

        • Dohotay: Actually I found it. Interesting, and good to know that they are not just different strength versions of each other.
          One tuberose fragrance that no one has mentioned is Marfa by Memo Paris. I like to wear it in Autumn/ Winter as it’s quite strong. July 14, 2020 at 2:42am Reply

          • Victoria: Oh, good!
            Yes, it’s kind of misleading for them to market them as such. I prefer the EDT, since it’s more delicate. The EDP is heavier, less refined, but it has more presence. July 14, 2020 at 3:00am Reply

        • Victoria: It’s in the menu Perfume Reviews. All of the reviews on this site are arranged alphabetically, but you can also search by notes, moods, perfumers, etc. July 14, 2020 at 2:59am Reply

  • Anu: Hi Victoria,
    Thank you for that lovely post. Like Silvermoon above, I grew up in India too and the intoxicating smell of tuberose holds a special place in my heart. I really enjoy Serge Lutens Tubereuse Criminelle and a recent discovery has been Rogue Perfumery Champs lunaires. Unfortunately, FM Carnal Flower’s drydown does not work for me. I am always on the lookout for a good tuberose. July 13, 2020 at 1:43pm Reply

    • Victoria: I haven’t encountered a tuberose I didn’t like, but I have to say that truly great tuberoses are rare, considering how many fragrances use this note. July 14, 2020 at 1:39am Reply

  • Tami: Tuberose is my absolute favorite note! Once I learned to recognize it (based on bulbs I’d once grown), I realized that it was the common note across many of my preferred perfumes. Thank you for the suggestions; I’ll need to seek them out. July 13, 2020 at 2:02pm Reply

    • Victoria: I once grew tuberose too, and I was so excited to see it bloom. It’s actually not too difficult. July 14, 2020 at 1:40am Reply

  • Klaas: Haha, I never knew what tuberose actually looks like! Now I do. So thank you for that….

    I find tuberose hard to pull of myself, but I love to smell it on others. I do not know that many tuberose fragrances, but is do like Noix de Tubereuse and Fracas (but only when applied with a light hand). Though nothing beats vintage Poison for me. I wore it for a short while in my teens……as it went so well with my drama/glam/gender bending/new wave aspirations! Not the most obvious choice for a 16 year old boy, but hey 😉 July 13, 2020 at 3:37pm Reply

    • Tami: Poison was TOTALLY the glam/new wave perfume choice! Plus the model in the first ads kind of had a Siouxsie Sioux vibe.

      I also loved the drama of the first sample I received… this amazing scent, spritzed on a peacock feather. Wow! July 13, 2020 at 3:42pm Reply

      • Klaas: Oh my God, Siouxsie and the Banshees!! Totally 😉 July 14, 2020 at 3:52am Reply

    • Victoria: It’s usually white or ivory, but this variety from the Netherlands (out of all places) was purple. It smelled so good that even after it dried out, it kept its scent.

      I can’t express how much I like the idea of a teenage boy wearing Poison. I myself had a Poison fling in my teens, but my mother thought that it was not an appropriate perfume and bought me Tendre Poison instead. Not even close that one. I never wore it. July 14, 2020 at 1:42am Reply

      • Klaas: Hahahaha, yes, I think your mum was actually quite right, but teenagers just need to express themselves and assert their personalities….
        And a few dabs of Poison never killed anyone.

        Mind you, it was extremely potent!! July 14, 2020 at 3:56am Reply

  • Johaboha: Thank you for this post. Tuberose is one of my favourites. I really enjoy the bright opening of miu miu fleur d’argent, a variation of the scent that adds tuberose. I also like tuberose by Mona do orio, especially in winter it feels like summer bloom without being too reminiscent of coconut. July 13, 2020 at 4:11pm Reply

    • Victoria: I like that Mona di Orio too. July 14, 2020 at 1:43am Reply

  • Aurora: I fare well with tuberose mixed with plum as in GL Clandestine, Mary Greenwell Plum, Robert Beaulieu Vison Noir, it seems quite a popular pairing. Cassini by Oleg Cassini is also a favorite but I swapped my AG Gardénia Passion which had way to much tuberose for me to enjoy. July 13, 2020 at 5:24pm Reply

    • Victoria: Such lovely choices to add to our ever growing list! July 14, 2020 at 1:43am Reply

  • Joyce: Thank you for the video, Victoria. Delightful and genuine. Carnal Flower must be very special indeed for it to be your wedding scent. I am also tempted now by Tubereuse Criminelle.

    My own favourites are SL’s Cedre and a new found cheapie but a goodie, which is Zara’s Tubereuse Noir.

    Due to a former coworker’s daily dousing of Fracas, I remain traumatised by that particular perfume 🙁 July 13, 2020 at 5:37pm Reply

    • Victoria: Oh no! Being smothered by Fracas can traumatize even the most hardcore white floral lover. July 14, 2020 at 1:44am Reply

  • Peter: Aloha Victoria,

    Mahalo for your luscious post. I’ve mentioned before that my first job was a lei greeter at the Honolulu International Airport. Atelier Cologne Cafe Tuberosa is the exact scent memory of the end of a day, with arms draped in tuberose lei and many smoked cigarettes (the 1970s!)

    For a non-smoky tuberose, I love your Carnal Flower. Sweet, green, and a little pungent. I recently sampled some other tuberoses. Nina suggested SL Tubereuse Criminelle and that is an addictive scent. Unfortunately it comes at a high price, only available in the 100ml ‘Gratte Ciel’ bottles. I also tried DSH (Dawn Spencer Hurwitz), a natural perfumer, recommended by limegreen. Her Tubereuse soliflore was quite lovely.

    I’m also a big fan of Rogue, a US niche brand with good quality and reasonable prices. Anu just mentioned Champs Lunaires, which I haven’t tried. But I just sampled two of their other tuberoses. Flor Mortis has a similar camphor top note as SL Tubereuse Criminelle, buts blooms into a wonderful fruity floral. Tuberose + Moss starts with woody oakmoss and eventually becomes a more vintage-style floral.

    Some of your other readers also recommended tuberose/tropical scents. rainboweyes: Leahlani from Kauai. Karen Boorsma: Malie and Kai. Ariadne and limegreen: Van Cleef & Arpels. I’m still waiting for the boutiques and Department Stores to fully open up. July 13, 2020 at 6:41pm Reply

    • Victoria: With all of your and Tourmaline’s discussion of Hawaii over these past few weeks, I had a dream about it. I mean, Hawaii, not the discussions. 🙂 The sea, the sun, the white flowers.
      Many interesting tuberose choices to consider. DSH’s is very nice. July 14, 2020 at 1:47am Reply

      • Peter: Aloha Victoria,

        One thing nice about DSH is that they offer a 3ml Voile de Parfum (non-alcoholic) spray sample that can be shipped to Hawaii (or Overseas). I’ll definitely be able to immerse myself in Tubereuse again!

        I hope your Hawaiian dream had “smell-o-vision”! I’m very fortunate to live in this fragrant Paradise.

        I just read that your in-laws are from India. No wonder you describe the tastes and the smells so well. As you might know, I’m a huge Bollywood fan. From Dilip Kumar to Ranbir Kapoor. And all the exquisite Beauties “singing” Lata Mangeshkar. July 14, 2020 at 4:18am Reply

        • Victoria: My interest in cooking and scents long predates my marriage, but of course, I discovered many new scents and tastes on my trips to India. And I do like Bollywood as well. I’m in the Asha Bhosle fan club. 🙂 July 14, 2020 at 8:19am Reply

      • Tourmaline: I’m learning various Hawaiian words, however I haven’t dreamed about Hawaii – yet. But then, perhaps I have done but have then forgotten it. My dreams are very vivid, so I’ll look forward to a Hawaii one! July 14, 2020 at 9:21am Reply

        • Victoria: I don’t know what triggers my dreams, but I really like when I have scented dreams, when I smell something pleasant in it. Sometimes it’s so vivid. July 14, 2020 at 9:53am Reply

        • Madaris: Fracas and Carnal Flower are my favorites. My Fracas is a used tester so it was very affordable. Splurged on Carnal Flower. I love the story about the naming of Carnal Flower. July 25, 2020 at 9:49pm Reply

  • Kate: L’heure Bleue. The tuberose dominates on me. Love it. Wearing it right now! July 13, 2020 at 6:42pm Reply

    • Victoria: You make me want to put it on and look for the tuberose facet. I usually notice the orange blossom part the most. July 14, 2020 at 1:47am Reply

  • Matty1649: I’ve just found my Prada Infusions de Tuberose, so I’m going to wear it today July 14, 2020 at 4:42am Reply

    • Silvermoon: Hi Matty1649! I was inspired by yesterday’s post too. I am wearing le labo Tubereuse 40 today, and plan to use a tuberose perfume each day this week. July 14, 2020 at 5:02am Reply

    • Victoria: That’s a charming tuberose. July 14, 2020 at 8:19am Reply

  • Matty1649: I’ve just remembered a cheapie I bought after reading Samantha’s review on her blog I Scent You a Day.. It’s Avon Platinum…. She’s a great Avon fan. July 14, 2020 at 8:41am Reply

    • Victoria: Oh, I have no access to Avon here, but I agree, some of their perfumes are nice. July 14, 2020 at 9:53am Reply

  • Kathy: After reading this and watching your video, today I’m trying Miller Harris Tuberosa again. Your mention of wintergreen aspects helped me to smell this with more understanding. Also, I have always been intrigued by reviews of Carnal Flower and Tuberose Criminelle; but feel I missed the boat reformulation-wise so I never have tried them. Is anyone ready to rave about a recent purchase of either? July 14, 2020 at 12:04pm Reply

    • Victoria: I think that they’re still fine! Obviously, there will be differences if you start comparing the versions, but I find them very good. July 19, 2020 at 7:36am Reply

  • Wara: OMG!!! This has nothing to do with this post….but I just read this on BBC….Waaaaaaa!!!! July 14, 2020 at 7:39pm Reply

    • Kathy: My sister sent me that, too! I see Calice Becker’s point, but can’t believe it will lead to greatness, and any mistakes or omissions won’t even be human ones. July 15, 2020 at 9:43am Reply

      • Wara: Kathy,
        That is exactly what i thought…humans are becoming more and more disposable…for the benefit of??? July 16, 2020 at 9:17pm Reply

    • Silvermoon: Hi Wara! Actually I found this fascinating (and also inevitable). Think about how computer aided design (for example, in the auto industry) did not end creativity, beauty and quality in cars. We can still experience an emotional reaction to a wonderful piece of architecture (also probably helped by CAD). Using technology doesn’t necessarily mean giving up the human element. July 16, 2020 at 4:54pm Reply

      • wara: Silvermoon, Thank you SO much for a dose of reality…i guess perfume for me is such a visceral/magical/mystical element….the opposite of technology and machines….cette la vie!!! July 16, 2020 at 9:05pm Reply

    • Victoria: That’s interesting! I can’t say that it’s the first time I hear of it, since many companies, including the ones I’ve worked with, have tried to create a version of that device. I agree that it won’t replace a perfumer. July 19, 2020 at 7:38am Reply

  • Toni: What a wonderful video. Years ago a Custom Perfumer (Erne), created a scent for me. He collected his oils from Grasse every year. I told him my favorite flowers were gardenia and orange blossom. The lovely fragrance he created was orange blossom, sandalwood, and tuberose. The tuberose I planted bloom every summer. Heavenly.
    I’m anxious to try your recommendations! July 14, 2020 at 10:20pm Reply

    • Victoria: That must have been a special experience. July 19, 2020 at 7:38am Reply

  • MZ: Marfa from Memo Paris is one of my absolute favourites. To me, it is everything: calming, exhilarating, timid, bold, comforting, homey and classy, I mean it really can boost any mood I need boosted. I just love it and it plays very well with my skin, which can sometimes pull pranks on the nicest of fragrances. I can only say I am grateful I love the original more than Marfa Spices (both are unisex, but I suspect many men would be more comfortable with Spices) which with the addition of cardamom takes what is already a hefty price and runs with it. But for Marfa, I just might have saved up for it.

    Another favourite is Serge Lutens Datura Noir. It doesn’t speak to me as strongly as Marfa, but I find it truly lovely.

    I do love Carnal Flower, Moon Bloom, and several other tuberoses that have been mentioned. I even came close to buying Made in Heaven from A Lab on Fire, after quite strong scepticism initially. However, there is something about tuberose that easily overwhelms me, I have to tread carefully around it, maybe it’s my skin with the pranks again? No such sensibilities with Marfa and Datura Nior, we’re in sync. July 15, 2020 at 4:26am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you for these other additions to the list–with such great descriptions. July 19, 2020 at 7:39am Reply

  • Charlotte Barrow: Thanks for this article and your lovely video Victoria!

    Two years ago, I visited the Frederic Malle shop in the historic Burlington Arcade (a charming 200 year old shopping arcade in London). They had a very innovative (I thought) enclosed glass testing space that looked like a shower, which enabled the fragrance to diffuse into the air rather than being located in a spray area.

    I loved Carnal Flower and would certainly own it if it weren’t out of my price range. They gave me a blotter sealed in a plastic envelope, which still smells incredibly potent two years later! I’m sure it was a very romantic and memorable wedding fragrance.

    I own and love Nuit de Tuberose; ‘bracing and plush’ is a perfect description. My mum also bought me a bottle of LCauxP EDT when she visited me in London years ago. At the time I found it too sweet and ended up gifting it to a friend, but my tastes have expanded since then and I’ve acquired a small bottle of LCauxP Extreme; it holds happy memories even though there are some differences with the EDT. July 15, 2020 at 5:51am Reply

    • Victoria: Carnal Flower has a tremendous presence, doesn’t it! July 19, 2020 at 7:39am Reply

  • Sebastian: No discussion of Tuberose perfumes can be complete without Nuit de Bakélite (mentioned only once in passing by Bill) and L’Eau Scandaleuse. Both – although very different from each other – are as good as it gets with tuberose-centered leathery chypres. July 15, 2020 at 7:47am Reply

    • Victoria: So true, great choices. July 19, 2020 at 7:40am Reply

  • Michael: As a man who doesn’t subscribe to the theory of perfumes by gender, I own and wear Carnal Flower, and I usually get complimented when I do so.

    My other go to tuberose fragrance is the slightly more obscure Tuberosa from the Perfumer’s Library range by Miller Harris. I also enjoy their Noix de Tubereuse. July 16, 2020 at 11:48am Reply

    • Victoria: I think that most white florals smell amazing, on everyone. July 19, 2020 at 7:41am Reply

  • Kathy: I value your opinion, so thank you. I will have to sample soon. I’ve been trying to cheer myself up about 21st Century perfumes lately. I recently bought a Bee Bottle of Nahema edp, and I love it. Having smelled a few other vintage Guerlains, I could see where it does not have that “heft,” but it is not disappointing at all. July 19, 2020 at 9:56am Reply

  • Nancy Chan: Not exactly a perfume, but rather a multipurpose oil for hair and body, may I recommend a Tuberose scented oil by Liha Beauty. July 19, 2020 at 12:38pm Reply

  • Madaris: Fracas and Carnal Flower are my favorites. My Fracas is a used tester so it was very affordable. Splurged on Carnal Flower. I love the story about the naming of Carnal Flower. July 25, 2020 at 10:02pm Reply

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