Spring Cleaning and Perfume Wishlists

It’s spring (at least, in theory), and it’s time for de-cluttering and paring down. Some of you mentioned that your perfume wishlists are getting longer and longer and asked me to run a thread in which all of us can give our recommendations on how to streamline our choices.

Please post your wishlists and comment on the wishlists posted by others! Let’s see which fragrances we loved and which we found disappointing. Of course, perfume preferences are a personal matter, but we might as well have some fun with it.


Happy Easter! We wish you a great holiday weekend, and we will return on Tuesday.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Irem: I have a very short wish list, probably need more encouragement to buy than help for streamlining. I want some Carnal Flower. Has been on my wish list for some time now. Also, will need to repurchase Cristalle EdT, but that is a need. Please give me reasons to purchase Carnal Flower 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 8:14am Reply

    • sara: it’s the best tuberose, a must-have if you love white florals. i don’t regret buying it. March 29, 2013 at 8:18am Reply

      • Michele: I think By Kilian’s Beyond Love is the gold standard for tuberose. To me it smells as if you crushed tuberose petals in your fingers and immeditely inhaled that pure, fresh fragrance. I think Carnal Flower smells beautiful and expensive (and it surely is expensive!!) , but I don’t love the eucalyptus-wintergeen note it has. Fracas has a candy-like sweetness that I don’t care for. Ah well, fragrance is all personal preference. March 29, 2013 at 10:07am Reply

        • Connie: Haha, you’re both wrong (in my very biased opinion)! Fracas is (and will always be) queen. 🙂 March 30, 2013 at 6:34pm Reply

    • Emma M: I agree with Sara’s comment – it is the best tuberose – I often think of it as not just a tuberose, but a gilded one March 29, 2013 at 9:06am Reply

    • Victoria: Carnal Flower is an easy one for me to defend! I consider it the gold standard tuberose along with Fracas. It’s lush, complex and gives you a glimpse of how beautiful this flower can be. March 29, 2013 at 9:13am Reply

    • Gerda: Irem: you only need one reason vor Carnal Flower: Its great! Long lasting and beautiful.
      I just bought a full bottle the other week and I feel rich!!! March 29, 2013 at 12:12pm Reply

  • sara: fun idea! i need some help. here is what i want to try. what’s worth searching for, what isn’t?

    chanel 1932
    jimmy choo flash
    arquiste anima dulcis
    frederic malle dries van noten March 29, 2013 at 8:15am Reply

    • Victoria: Out of those, I liked Anima Dulcis the most. Dries Van Noten is another really interesting woody blend, which might work well for the summer (if our summer ever comes). March 29, 2013 at 9:14am Reply

    • Lynne Marie: anima dulcis is just exquisite – chocolate without being gourmand-y and spicy and complex. Worth seeking out!! April 2, 2013 at 1:44pm Reply

  • Sandra: I recently bought Dries van noten, so that knocked one thing off my list..
    The others are:
    Chanel 1932
    serge lutens fluer d’oranges
    Chanel Cristalle Vert or no 19 Poudre
    En passant March 29, 2013 at 8:52am Reply

    • Victoria: I would streamline your wishlist by seeing what fragrances duplicate what you already have or what will fit better for the coming season. En Passant seems like a perfect spring perfume, for instance. March 29, 2013 at 10:57am Reply

    • Ariadne: Hi Sara & Sandra, I sampled Ch. 1932 for several days and was totally UNDERwhelmed by it. My assessment of it is ….. Meh.
      I wouldn’t bother with anything larger than a small sample vial but even that is @$20! March 29, 2013 at 3:21pm Reply

    • Wendy R: En Passant is to die for. When you wear it you will feel like you are sitting the the middle of a lilac tree. It is beautiful. A perfect spring “pick me up” fragrance. When I wear it I catch myself moving my nose close to my wrist – ah lovely. March 29, 2013 at 6:27pm Reply

  • Emma M: Hello – I’m a longtime follower, first time commenter here.

    I’ve quite a few things on my wishlist, a few of which are orange blossoms, so I’d appreciate some help choosing between the following please:

    Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger
    by Killian Sweet Redemption
    Hermes 24 Faubourg

    Thanks – and nice to meet you all! March 29, 2013 at 9:04am Reply

    • Victoria: Hmm, that’s a tough choice! I may go for Sweet Redemption, because it’s sultry and elegant, easy to wear and nuanced. I love all of those three perfumes, except that FdO occasionally gives me a headache, it’s that rich. 24 Faubourg is a classic, a definite must in my wardrobe, and the one I save for the cool evenings. But Sweet Redemption I can wear anytime. March 29, 2013 at 9:22am Reply

      • Emma M: Having already drained my sample of Sweet Redemption, it was looking like to forerunner – thanks for helping me to confirm this! I suspect that all three will make their way into my collection at some point though… March 29, 2013 at 11:49am Reply

    • Lila: Sweet Redemption is my favorite out of the three and I almost bought a bottle but opted for L’Artisans Seville l’Aube instead. Beyond Love is my favorite of the Killians. 24 Faubourg is nice too, though… March 29, 2013 at 11:34am Reply

      • Emma M: Thanks Lila, I must dig out my sample of Beyond Love now!

        I’m really intrigued by Seville l’Aube, particularly as I understand it has an incense note? I’ve only tried it once but remember liking it, must revisit. March 29, 2013 at 11:51am Reply

        • Elisa: I think Sweet Redemption and Seville a l’Aube are quite similar, though I’ve only smelled SALA on a friend, not on myself. Sweet Redemption is gorgeous, one of my fave releases from the past couple years, and probably my favorite orange blossom. March 29, 2013 at 3:03pm Reply

        • Lila: Seville is similar to Sweet Redemption but not quite as sweet. I’m not sure but maybe the incense tames the sweetness. The incense is not overpowering, though. I can hardly detect it. March 29, 2013 at 9:24pm Reply

  • Ksenija: What a fun idea! Here’s my list of spring-summer perfumes:

    Dior For Ever and Ever
    YSL Paris EdP
    Estee Lauder Super EdP March 29, 2013 at 9:11am Reply

    • Victoria: Oh, what did you think of Forever and Ever? Someone was asking me about it and I realized that I haven’t smelled in ages and don’t even remember it. March 29, 2013 at 10:57am Reply

      • Ksenija: I only found out about it about 10 days ago, and have been going back to Sephora to spray it 4-5 times. It is a very interesting perfumer. Also, I did a blind test with some of my friends at school (women and men) and they ALL picked repeatedly this one as the best. I am not a great perfume connoseur so I cannot positively distinguish notes, but it has some unintrusive fruit combined with delicate flowers. It gives impression of fragility, but actually the lasting power is quite strong – I could clearly smell it on my wrists even after 12 hours and partying. The drydown is a bit ozonic (to my nose), but still very beautiful and feminine. It’s sort of a cross-over between Marc Jacobs and Eclat d’Arpege by Lanvin. March 29, 2013 at 11:25am Reply

        • annemariec: You make that sound delightful! I love descriptions like this – it’s the character of a perfume I’m interested in first up, and how a perfume behaves, rather than the notes. The notes I can look up myself if I have to. Thanks for a great mini-review! March 29, 2013 at 4:48pm Reply

        • Victoria: You do make it sound lovely! Thank you, Ksenija. March 30, 2013 at 4:54am Reply

    • Scent Hive: I love to see Paris on someone’s wish list, one of my all time favorites! 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 11:18am Reply

      • Victoria: I know what you mean! For this reason, I would never want to talk Ksenija out of yearning for it. 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 11:21am Reply

  • Sandra Levine: Beige has been on my wishlist since it came out. March 29, 2013 at 9:14am Reply

    • Victoria: I like it as a second-skin, casual perfume, but admittedly, it’s not the most exciting of Chanels or gardenias. So, depending what you like about it, you may find something similar at a lower price. March 29, 2013 at 11:11am Reply

      • Sandra Levine: What did you have in mind? March 30, 2013 at 10:56am Reply

        • Victoria: Prada Infusion de Tubereuse and Costume National Nude are worth trying. March 31, 2013 at 5:50am Reply

  • Justine Jones: Rose. De Sewa and Coeur de Mai,both from MDCI. March 29, 2013 at 9:20am Reply

    • Victoria: You actually reminded that I haven’t smelled these in a long time and now I want to smell these again. 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 11:15am Reply

      • Justine Jones: Oh pease do! I spray them on each wrist each time I go to Harrods. But still I cannot decide whether or not t
        o spend that much on a bottle. Any alternative suggestions would be most welcome! March 29, 2013 at 11:33am Reply

  • Johanob: Hi everyone!Longtime reader,don’t think I’ve ever commented though!I Love Fracas.It’s THE tuberose to have!I wish I knew Carnal Flower,but we don’t get the Malle’s in South Africa(do we??lol)
    Seeing that it’s now autumn over here,I hope you all have a wonderful spring/summer,I shall look forward to spring returning in September,over here!
    I am now turning to Serge Lutens for comfort,during the cold short days to come.
    Beautiful picture you took V!Happy Easter,J. March 29, 2013 at 9:21am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you! 🙂 Fracas is beautiful, and it’s one of the fragrances I wouldn’t want to part with.

      Stay warm! Lutens’s fragrances are perfect for cold weather. March 29, 2013 at 11:10am Reply

    • Lila: I actually prefer Fracas to Carnal Flower. I love that Fracas seems more buttery from start to finish, CF opens up more green then dries down to a recognizable tuberose. March 29, 2013 at 11:39am Reply

  • Julie: Ok, so now I have a new something I really want to try. The Carnal Flower everyone’s talking about sounds absolutely wonderful. I soooo love tuberose! I live in rural Missouri and I’ve never ever heard of it. I don’t even know if we get it in the State’s? I’ll have to do a little research. Thanks, have a terrific Easter! March 29, 2013 at 9:32am Reply

    • Leah: Hi Julie

      We do have it in the states – check Aedes de Venustas for samples March 29, 2013 at 9:55am Reply

      • Julie: Very nice to know, thank you! March 29, 2013 at 11:42am Reply

        • missyl: Hi Julie! : ) I live in the countryside in MO too. I sure haven’t seen it anywhere around here (lol!) I keep thinking I should check on the niche lines when we’re in St. Louis or KC. Maybe Nieman Marcus? Happy Easter to you all! March 29, 2013 at 2:08pm Reply

    • Victoria: You can also fill out the questionnaire at Editions de Parfums website and they might send you a sample. March 29, 2013 at 10:58am Reply

      • Julie: Thank you, Thank you! March 29, 2013 at 11:42am Reply

  • Leah: Great post! I still have not quite figured out how to streamline perfume love, though I have read quite a few bloggers lately restricting themselves to samples. I have been reaching for Dune a lot lately and was able to replenish my stock on Ebay, so I can scratch that one off, but ever since I read your Dries Van Noten post, I have been dreaming of it (almost to the point of buying unsniffed). I picked up some samples of Jour d’Hermes and liked that as well, though I think I can exercise full bottle restraint on that one. Happy holidays! March 29, 2013 at 9:47am Reply

    • Victoria: Please don’t buy DVN unsniffed! It’s an interesting fragrance, but it’s soft-spoken, more so than you would expect based on the notes. But it’s worth getting a sample. March 29, 2013 at 11:01am Reply

      • Leah: Thanks for the tip, samples it is! March 29, 2013 at 11:51am Reply

    • Lucas: Leah, I echo Victoria’s voice, don’t buy it unsniffed. I thought it would be fine for me but I didn’t like it much. March 29, 2013 at 11:06am Reply

  • Sassa: I am happy to say that my wishlist is the smallest it’s been in years. I’ve been going through my samples/decants and have not found much new that’s grabbing me.

    Chanel 19 EDP
    By Kilian – Flower of Immortality
    Bottega Veneta eau Legere

    Do backups/refills count? If so, then I can add a couple more:
    Chanel Bois des Iles and Gardenia
    By Kilian – Sweet Redemption
    Jo Malone – Orange Blossom March 29, 2013 at 10:29am Reply

    • Victoria: No 19 is one of my favorites, so I can’t possibly talk you out of it. But if you are trying to decide between these three for the summer, then Eau Legere is a great choice. March 29, 2013 at 12:04pm Reply

    • TheSnailsPajamas: I recently bought the BV eau legere, and it’s wonderful. The lime note is refreshing and works incredibly well with the lightened floral-leather. March 29, 2013 at 12:38pm Reply

      • lori: Me, too. One of my favorite perfumes to date! March 30, 2013 at 12:25pm Reply

  • Scent Hive: What a terrific idea!
    I just reviewed Inflorescence by Byredo because even though I usually write about naturals, I was very inspired and smitten by this one. It is now #1 on my wish list. I would also love a full bottle of DSH Vanille Botanique and Ayala Moriel Sahleb. Oh, and a bottle of Aftelier’s Rose Body Oil would be lovely!

    Trish March 29, 2013 at 10:57am Reply

    • Victoria: I haven’t tried any of these, but I just read your review, and I’m tempted by Inflorescence myself. 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 12:05pm Reply

      • Lisa: The two scents I adore from Byredo are Palermo and Inflorecense. I visited Barney’s in Scottsdale, AZ a few weeks ago and had great customer service there. I bought Mure et Musc body cream and Une Rose body cream. On a whim a sprayed Infloresence on myself, not thinking much of it. It wasn’t until that evening that I kept getting whiffs of a green, herbal, clean floral scent- loved it!!! It has a bit of a pepper blast- can’t really describe it. I am not a pro at this but I do know what I like.
        Please do a review on it!! I love reading your decriptions… July 3, 2013 at 2:13pm Reply

  • Lucas: Sending best Easter wishes to Victoria and all Bois de Jasmin contributors!

    At the moment my wishlist includes bottles of:
    Parfum d’Empire Iskander
    Parfum d’Empire Osmanthus Interdite
    Carner Barcelona Tardes
    Histoires de Parfums Rosam
    MFK Oud Silk Mood

    and I’m hoping to get samples or decants of:
    Amouage Opus VII
    Prada Infusion d’Iris l’Eau d’Iris
    Olfactive Studio Flashback

    and Esxence 2012 novelty of Haute Parfumerie En Provance Lavande Ombree, Bergamote Boisee March 29, 2013 at 11:03am Reply

    • Victoria: Have you tried Aedes de Venustas signature perfume? I found Flashback to be in the same ballpark–a crisp, bright, citrusy vetiver. Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal is also similar in character. March 29, 2013 at 12:06pm Reply

      • Lucas: No, I haven’t tried Aedes de Venustas perfume and I don’t have access to sample it. I’m familiar with Vetiver Fatal which I didn’t like. March 29, 2013 at 2:18pm Reply

    • johanob: Lukas!I think flashback is wonderful,I splurged on a full bottle today,was so worth it!Also Byredo Accord Oud,which I tested on a blotter a few months back,kept it in my diary,and 3 weeks later I could still smell it on the pages.I think it is gorgeous.
      My wishlist now is:
      Chanel 1932
      Byredo Florescence(not sure about that 1’s spelling,but it sounds awesome!) March 30, 2013 at 8:46am Reply

      • Lucas: Johanob, thanks for these few words about Flashback. I will definitely sniff it during my next visit at a perfume boutique, or I’ll simply order a sample home.

        I tried Chanel 1932 a while back (see my review at Chemist in the Bottle) and I liked it but I didn’t find it FB worthy. March 30, 2013 at 8:50am Reply

        • johanob: Lucas,thanks for the heads up RE Chanel 1932!
          The reviews thus far has not been very convincing also,so I shall definitely not buy it blind! March 30, 2013 at 8:58am Reply

  • Cornelia Blimber: Happy Easter to everybody! I have this year only one perfume on my wishlist: No.5 (edt, extrait, Eau Premierè….) before it is to late.
    And perhaps a bottle of A.Goutal Parfum Preferé par Camille. But maybe I stick to my old favorite Femme.
    By the way: I love that eucalyptus note in Carnal Flower! March 29, 2013 at 11:24am Reply

    • Victoria: Femme is in the same area as Goutal, and it probably rivals it. March 29, 2013 at 3:32pm Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Do you like Goutal better? March 29, 2013 at 6:13pm Reply

        • annemariec: For me the Goutal has a very earthy patchouli note. I like it, but I wore it to work once and a colleague made a remark, innocently, which has put me off wearing it in confined spaces since then. Femme seems to meld with my skin far better. March 30, 2013 at 6:06am Reply

          • Victoria: I agree with Anne-Marie, I prefer Femme. I like Goutal very much, but Femme feels more suave and polished. March 30, 2013 at 6:52am Reply

            • Austenfan: Is that current Femme or vintage? I really need to try that one. I like/love most of what I have smelled by Roudnitska.
              And I adore MPCPC. March 30, 2013 at 2:49pm Reply

              • annemariec: I wear and prefer the modern Femme, but now you mention it, I think the vintage may emphasise the patchouli a bit more. Modern Femme has a noticeable note of cumin. However, my vintage Femme is not on good shape so it’s hard to tell. I remember reading somewhere that the Goutal is in part a tribute to Femme and that would be to the vintage version, I’m sure. March 30, 2013 at 4:59pm Reply

                • Cornelia Blimber: I remember the vintage Femme very well. It had a more outspoken note of fruit (peach, prune), almost rotten fruit, and that made it exciting and interesting. It is now easier to wear, and still a very good and elegant perfume. March 31, 2013 at 6:56am Reply

    • annemariec: Your No 5 dilemma: if I could only have one of those I’d go for the extrait, which is still glorious and the best expression of No 5 of the lot. I’m glad I have a lifetime supply of No 5 in many forms, but I’m hoping that news of its major reformulation has been greatly exaggerated. I’m an optimist. March 29, 2013 at 4:56pm Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Oh Annemariec, it’s not a dilemma– I want all of it! And certainly a big bottle of the extrait. Let’s hope that No5 will not be too damaged. March 29, 2013 at 6:22pm Reply

        • annemariec: A big bottle of the extrait is every No 5 lover’s dream! All the best with your No 5 adventures. March 29, 2013 at 7:26pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: Thank you! March 30, 2013 at 4:49am Reply

  • Beth: I’ve been following my rules. Sample first, decant second. If I get through the decant and still am craving, then it’s truly FB worthy.

    Right now I’m on decants and thinking these will make the cut:

    Ormonde Woman
    Kilian’s Amber Oud (ouch, pricey – I want to not love it as much as I do every time I spray it)

    What’s getting expensive is all the samples I want, and then all the decants I want. March 29, 2013 at 11:31am Reply

    • Victoria: I’m partial to Coromandel, and I’ve just given someone a nudge towards it, but Ormonde Woman is another beauty. It’s also versatile enough–worn light it can be a good daytime fragrance, worn with a heavier hand, it makes a statement in the evening. March 29, 2013 at 3:34pm Reply

    • Brie B.: I have a similar vetting process, except I rarely get decants (They are expensive!). Instead, I tend to ration my samples for two to three uses throughout a month’s time to see if I love it enough to dish out the big bucks. I’ve noticed that I might be wowed by the first use, but by the second or third time the novelty wears out. Out of over 100 samples that I’ve tried in the past year, only 10 have made it onto my wishlist and stayed there.

      My favorite from your list has to be Coromandel! I haven’t tried Ormande Woman though. March 29, 2013 at 4:31pm Reply

      • Beth: That’s a good process Brie. I’ve found for me, I need to spray it to feel like I tested it. And it takes a few more wears for me to get over the initial “wow” factor. At first, I was sure I needed Bois des Iles, but now I’m wondering if I really love it as much as, say, 31 Rue Cambon. It’s certainly lovely, but it is probably second tier, as compared to how Coromandel or 31RC works on my skin. Plus, I’m satisfied with 10ml ($30) worth of Bois des Iles, that I can wear now and then.

        And oh, please, try Ormonde Woman. I didn’t know what to make of it on my first wear. I’m on my 3rd, and it’s just making me fall in love with it. It does this dance with my skin tho, it disappears, then re-emerges just even more beautiful. March 29, 2013 at 5:10pm Reply

    • Farouche: coromandel! I went from loathing to loving this fragrance and recently purchased a full bottle. March 30, 2013 at 8:58am Reply

  • maja: My wishlist is very short. (Ok, it’s longer but my family should not know about it;) My birthday is in a couple of months and since I’m on a rose kick I have to decide between Portrait of a Lady and Voleur de Roses. I haven’t tried the new Serge Lutens rose so that could be another option. Any suggestion? Oh, and I like Rose Anonyme, too. Ok, I’ll stop now. It’s going to be difficult choosing just one rose… for now 😉

    ps. Just a question offtopic. I just got a bottle of Diorissimo from my husband but it is the new one (Les Creations de Monsieur Dior) and I find it quite different from the original in a pink box. Jasmine is so predominant. Is it possible? I like it though because I can’t wait for the spring… March 29, 2013 at 11:42am Reply

    • Lucas: Maja, Rose Anonyme is a gorgeous rose, definitely a favourite rose of my wardrobe.
      SL La Fille de Berlin didn’t work very well on me but it doesn’t mean it’ll be the same for you. It’s a big rose with a metallic finish. March 29, 2013 at 2:20pm Reply

      • maja: Thank you, Lucas. I like it very much, too. I have a small vial, I should maybe try a little decant spray. March 29, 2013 at 5:50pm Reply

        • Lucas: I bought a 200ml bottle of Rose Anonyme, I enjoy it so much I drained half a bottle in few months. March 30, 2013 at 8:51am Reply

    • solanace: I finished my decant of Rose Anonyme in no time. Delicious stuff. March 30, 2013 at 11:21am Reply

  • Lila: Well, I just sprung for a bottle of A La Nuit so I’m probably good for a while (maybe a day or two 🙂 ). This is my short wishlist:

    SLs Santal Blanc (I’ve only sampled the wax version so I still need to order a real sample.)

    FMs Parfum de Therese (again, need to get a sample as I’ve only tested it in the store)

    Clive Christian C for Women keeps tempting me but I have a decant to keep me happy for now. March 29, 2013 at 11:51am Reply

    • Leah: Lila – Parfum de Therese is stunning, definitely sample if possible March 29, 2013 at 12:11pm Reply

      • Lila: I will! I’m curious as to wether it’s a good fragrance for spring/summer or winter/fall? March 29, 2013 at 9:17pm Reply

        • Connie: Parfum Therese really is the kind of thing one can wear year round, but if I had to pick, I would say Spring/Summer. The melon really fits with warmer weather. March 30, 2013 at 6:47pm Reply

  • Tomate Farcie: Long list, but the current favorites-
    Mito, Chypre Palatin, 31 Rue Cambon, Mohur, March 29, 2013 at 11:52am Reply

    • Victoria: How do you find Chypre Palatin? March 29, 2013 at 3:38pm Reply

      • Tomate Farcie: To me it’s a green floral and very unique. I just love it. I was surprised that it’s considered masculine. If I had a fortune I’d buy all of the MDCI collection! March 29, 2013 at 4:37pm Reply

      • Farouche: Chypre Palatin is just gorgeous. My brother gave me the sample set for my birthday and I’ve been slowly working my way through them. What a great line! March 29, 2013 at 6:19pm Reply

        • Victoria: Thank you both! I read some mixed reviews, but I was curious what you think.

          I also like the MDCI collection, apart from the bottle design. If they were available in plain flacons, they would also be more affordable. March 30, 2013 at 6:38am Reply

  • Elizabeth: I don’t have a “to buy” wishlist, but I have a list of potential wedding perfumes! 1. Seville a l’aube, 2. Parfum de Therese, 3. Perle de Mousse, 4. The pour un Ete, 5. La Chasse aux Papillons. For some reason, I am leaning towards jasmine and green notes. It will be a summer wedding, and my dress (champagne in color, not white!) has a tulle skirt and lace bodice. March 29, 2013 at 12:04pm Reply

    • Victoria: A wedding perfume topic–always a favorite for me! 🙂 This is obviously a personal choice, but I would go for either Perle de Mousse or La Chasse aux Papillons, if you want green and jasmine (and sometimes with a delicate but noticeable sillage). Le Parfum de Therese is gorgeous, but I find it slightly too heavy in the warm weather. Same for Seville–even though I do love it, its indolic, animalic base explodes on my skin when it’s warm. Now, this could be a good perfume for the evening, the reception time and later. 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 12:20pm Reply

    • Hana: Parfum de Therese is my wedding perfume of choice although I’m not even engaged yet. I love the idea of myself in a lace dress wearing this perfume. But I agree with Victoria that it may be a bit too much if it’s hot. La Chasse aux Papillions would be a great alternative. March 29, 2013 at 12:43pm Reply

    • missyl: Hi Elizabeth!
      Congratulations and what a beautiful list of wedding perfumes! : ) La Chasse wears just beautifully in the heat, if its going to be hot on your chosen day. I know if you choose something you’re going to want it to last for a few hours at least… I finally found a way to make my beloved La Chasse last a bit longer….I spray it on the inside of the bodice of what I’m wearing. It blooms beautifully without ever getting overwhelming and the perfume on the cloth holds the scent so it doesn’t just disappear after two hours. Blessed wedding day to you! March 29, 2013 at 2:16pm Reply

  • vanilleamere: Mitsouko by Guerlain and La Dolce Vita by Dior are mine March 29, 2013 at 12:09pm Reply

    • Victoria: Ah, I can’t talk you out of these! 🙂 These are among my own favorites. March 29, 2013 at 3:31pm Reply

  • Trudy: I really enjoy this site and read it most every day. I’ve learned so much from all the comments and suggestions although I’ve never commented until now.

    My wish-list is a somewhat a moving target as what I want in a perfume is rather elusive. From the Perfumed Court, I have ordered samples of Carnal Flower, Ormond Jayne’s Tiaf, Goutal’s Songe, and Mitsuoko-vintage. I love them all. I’ve never sniffed any of the Killian’s but from the comments on this site I think I need to do so.

    Currently I’m mostly wearing Coco Mlle Velvet Body Oil and soap (a gift from my niece), Givenchy Eaudemoiselle (bought at a weak moment at Neiman’s from an enthusiastic SA who swore it was “me”). Occasionally I wear Debut by Parfums Del Rae but, for me, its time has come and gone. I also have a bottle of Dioressimo EDP that my husband gave me a few years back that I like but I always find lacking something.

    For summer I’m considering:
    *L’eau de Chloe (seems fresh and youthful but sort of refined)
    *O de Lancôme (I’m attracted to its retro sophistication, yet not too dated, quality)
    *Or….I up for suggestions!

    I live in the Los Angeles area and it will be on-again, off-again summer from now on until it is full blown summer towards the end of June so I’m ready for a summer fragrance and I’m looking for something “more”.

    Great post!! March 29, 2013 at 12:38pm Reply

    • Cheryl: Oh, Ta’if! And, oh, Songes! I love them both- each has a supple, burnished quality that makes me feel positively golden when I wear them. Great choices for your spring/summer scents. March 29, 2013 at 1:42pm Reply

      • Trudy: Thanks for affirming how beautiful these frangrances are! They do indeed have a golden quality about them which
        I love. March 30, 2013 at 10:53am Reply

    • Christy C: Ormonde Jayne Frangipani is amazing for summer; it is gorgeous, and the lime note is so refreshing. Serge Lutens Fleurs de Citronnier is another favorite of mine, and I think Vero Profumo Mito will probably be great for summer. March 29, 2013 at 2:14pm Reply

      • Trudy: Thank you so much for the suggestions. I have ordered a small sample vile of each and can’t wait to try! March 30, 2013 at 10:54am Reply

    • Xiao: I love Songes and Ta’if! Songes to me is more of an evening scent, as it wears a little heavy, but it is still gorgeous. March 29, 2013 at 4:28pm Reply

      • Trudy: Yes you are right about Songes. It kind of reminds me of a sultry evening in the tropics. March 30, 2013 at 10:55am Reply

    • Victoria: Hi, Trudy, and welcome! Based on what you like, what about L’Artisan La Chasse Aux Papillons? It’s so delicate and pretty and it would be a perfect summer perfume. Also, have you tried Marc Jacobs for Her? It’s been around for a while, but for a watery, sheer white floral bouquet, it’s one of the best. March 30, 2013 at 6:40am Reply

      • Trudy: Thank you for the suggestions! I have been wanting to try La Chasse Aux Papillons based on some of the comments from this site. I’ve just ordered a sample vile, along with a few others, and can’t wait to try. I’ve never tried Marc Jacobs. I’ve heard that is a beautiful fragrance so I think it is high time I check it out..maybe today if I make it over to our local Nordstrom. Thanks again! Love this site. March 30, 2013 at 11:03am Reply

  • Bettye: To streamline for the coming warmer seasons I’m trying to limit myself to just two new fragrances, one for day and another for evening. Running strong for the daytime scent is L’Artisan’s La Chasse aux Papillons (I prefer the Extreme version). But I’m also considering Annick Goutal’s Le Chevrefeuille. Thoughts, everyone? For nighttime I’m rather well settled on Serge Lutens’ deliriously gorgeous (to me) A La Nuit. Thank for for your always interesting thoughts, Victoria. March 29, 2013 at 1:00pm Reply

    • Jillie: Hi Bettye – I have always liked AG’s Chevrefeuille as it really does smell like the honeysuckle in my garden! And I have been complimented on it several times, which doesn’t happen often. There’s something about Chasse which I am not too fond of, but I can’t put my finger on it. As V says, perfume is very subjective, but if it was me I’d go for Chevrefeuille, especially as I think it is longer lasting. March 29, 2013 at 1:23pm Reply

      • Austenfan: I second this.
        I find La Chasse a tad too clean. Chèvrefeuille is a little more “rustic” and therefore more interesting to me. March 29, 2013 at 1:28pm Reply

    • Xiao: I love, love, love Le Chevrefeuille! It has my vote too. March 29, 2013 at 4:30pm Reply

    • ula: I bought a FB of Chevrefeuille a couple of weeks ago and I love it to bits. It screams spring/fresh summer mornings and good mood – a very happy perfume in my book. April 2, 2013 at 2:46pm Reply

      • Victoria: I’m wearing Chevrefeuille today, and it’s perfect for creating some spring mood. I agree with you that it’s a happy, smiling perfume. April 2, 2013 at 3:05pm Reply

  • Elena: I buy/own very few FBs, so my upcoming spring/summer purchase is getting a lot of thought. I am considering
    Iris Nobile,
    Jour d’Hermes,
    SL Fleurs d’Oranger,
    Lys Mediterranee,
    and thanks to Victoria’s enticing review, I think I need to get a sample of Perle de Mousse before I decide. Un Matin d’Orage was on the list, but last time I sampled it, it seemed somehow musty, which I wonder was the fault of the bottle at Nordstroms, which of course was sitting out under bright light, and had probably been so for a year or more, since I don’t think the AGs get a lot of love. Of course Lys Mediterranee costs as much as any of the other two combined, which matters to me! March 29, 2013 at 1:19pm Reply

    • Austenfan: I have never tried LM. Of the other three my favourite by far is Iris Nobile ( in edp).

      That Matin d’Orage must have been off. Orage is a lot of things but I can’t think of any way that it might come across as musty. March 29, 2013 at 1:30pm Reply

      • Elena: That’s what I was thinking, because I fell in love the first time I smelled it and this was not the same experience at all! It’s a little annoying to have to order a sample when one should be freely available, but that’s alright. I’ve gotten so many samples from Nordstrom I really can’t complain.

        LM is truly gorgeous. It would be my first choice, but I think because of cost, I am leaning toward Iris Nobile. March 29, 2013 at 3:42pm Reply

    • Cheryl: It must be the samples, that or could it be a change of diet influencing your chemistry? In any case, I’ve worn it very often recently (from the Nordstrom counter here in Seattle) and it smelled fine (more than fine, but you know what I mean).

      And seeing Iris Nobile on your list- I must try that. It sounds heavenly. March 29, 2013 at 1:36pm Reply

    • Christy C: Lys Mediterranee is at the top of my to-buy list! I do love SL Fleurs de’Oranger as well, though I will stick with my decant, and I haven’t tried the others. March 29, 2013 at 2:17pm Reply

      • Elena: I think a decant of the SL might make the most sense, since I absolutely love it but I’m not sure how often I would wear it. Nothing else scratches that itch for me. March 29, 2013 at 3:44pm Reply

    • Erin T: Like my friend Austenfan, I vote Iris Nobile (EdP), which you can get for a very reasonable price online: a beautiful scent that insinuates itself slowly into your day. April 1, 2013 at 12:54pm Reply

  • Austenfan: My wishlist is long and more or less written in stone.
    However, one item needs a little encouragement and trimming. I have been wanting to order the sample set of the MDCI’s for a while. My problem is which ones to order.
    I definitely want:
    La Promesse de l’Aube
    Invasion Barbare
    Péché Cardinal ( for days when I give up trying to be classy)
    I will probably want L’Enlèvement au Sérail
    Which leaves one. I definitely don’t need Ambre Topkapi, or Belle Hélène, or Chypre Palatin. So my choice is between:
    Un Coeur en Mai
    Le Rivage des Syrtes
    Rose de Siwa

    Any suggestions/opinions are welcome! March 29, 2013 at 1:26pm Reply

    • Victoria: I would vote for Un Coeur en Mai, because in my notes I wrote down “Patricia de Nicolaï’s touch!” (whatever it means) And I seem to remember that you admire Nicolaï’s creations. March 29, 2013 at 3:10pm Reply

      • Austenfan: Thanks for your rec.! I was considering that one. Both March of the Posse and Robin of NST adored it.
        (And you did remember correctly that I love Mme de Nicolaï’s work.) March 29, 2013 at 3:28pm Reply

    • Victoria: And I would love to hear what else is on your wishlist! 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 3:10pm Reply

      • Austenfan: Ok here goes:
        Fracas ( in extrait)
        Rubj and Kiki
        Lonestar Memories
        L’Ame Soeur ( in extrait I think, have to try them side by side)
        Noir Epices and L’Eau d’Hiver
        Rose Absolue, Tubéreuse, Duel and Myrrhe Ardente
        Le Jour d’Hermes
        Ambre Précieux, Le Jasmin, Route du Vetiver
        VCA Bois d’Iris
        Profumo ( Acqua di Parma)
        Comme des Garçons 1

        They are more or less in order of preference.
        So what is yours?

        And Happy Easter! March 29, 2013 at 3:46pm Reply

        • Victoria: A fantastic list! Mythique is on mine as well.

          Other perfumes on my wishlist are:
          Serge Lutens Santal Blanc (I just finished two samples and I need a whole bottle, it’s better than I remembered)
          Arquiste Boutonniere no 7 March 29, 2013 at 3:56pm Reply

        • maja: Noir Epices is totally worth it, I think. 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 3:56pm Reply

          • Austenfan: I have a good sized sample. It reminds me a little of Bois de Paradis. NE seems more austere though. It’s wonderful and unique. March 29, 2013 at 4:02pm Reply

        • Cybele: Manoumalia, there is nothing like it. March 29, 2013 at 6:23pm Reply

          • Austenfan: It definitely is something else. I love it! April 1, 2013 at 12:44pm Reply

        • Annikky: Now THIS is what I call a wish list. I was visiting my mom for Easter and missed the poll, but was alarmed when I read the comments: people seemed so reasonable and diciplined that I started to feel really bad about my own list…

          I will be in Paris in the end of this week, hopefully the list will be shorter after that 🙂

          PS We share Fracas, Kiki and Bois d’Iris. April 1, 2013 at 4:31am Reply

          • Austenfan: You know it is a WISH list. I may never own all of these, so that is why I put so many things on it. I think I will try and get Fracas and Manoumalia this year. Before summer preferably.

            Do you prefer Kiki to Rubj? April 1, 2013 at 12:45pm Reply

            • Annikky: I know exactly what you mean, same here. But I do enjoy making those lists, even if I cannot afford (or ultimately don’t even want) everything.

              Regarding Vero Profumo scents: very very surprisingly – as I’m definitely not a fan of lavender and don’t usually get excited by citrus – I am indeed most taken with Kiki. Not that I necessarily think it’s the best of the four, but I have been craving it more than I do Rubj. It might be that I had a more fixed idea about Rubj, as strong white florals are a familiar territory for me, while I haven’t really tried anything that can be compared to Kiki. That said, I’m wearing Rubj in parfum at the moment and it’s stunning, much quieter and more rounded on me than the EdP. So I probably need to add it to the list:) April 1, 2013 at 2:16pm Reply

              • Austenfan: Have you tried any other good Lavenders?
                (I love Caron Pour un Homme, Nicolaï pour Homme ( discontinued but Ausliebezumduft still has it), Caldey Island Lavender, Caron Les Plus Belles Lavandes, Histoires de Parfums 1725, Nicolaï Maharadjah, By Kilian A Taste of Heaven and have been dying to try Brin de Réglisse ).

                I too prefer Rubj in extrait, I find the EDP a bit sharp and just not as harmonious. April 1, 2013 at 5:02pm Reply

                • Annikky: Not really, no, as this is not what I normally gravitate towards and there is so much to smell. But I obviously need to branch out. Incidentally, I was reading about Maharadjah body oil yesterday and thinking that it sounded really good. I plan to visit PdN while in Paris (I have put off ordering samples, hoping I’ll be able to visit the store soon), will definitely try the lavenders. April 2, 2013 at 4:25am Reply

                  • Austenfan: I highly recommend visiting a PdN shop. I think the one on Rue des Archives is nice and big. I went to the one on Rue des Grenelles which is lovely but tiny. Also Etat Libre d’Orange is on Rue des Archives. And if my memory serves me right there is a Palais des Thés shop near it.
                    The Maharadjah I have is probably different from the one they are currently selling, so I am not sure how pronounced the lavender note in the new one is.
                    Will you visit Jovoy as well? They have the Amouages, MDCI’s, Parfum d’Empire, Histoires de Parfum and loads of others. April 2, 2013 at 7:53am Reply

                    • Victoria: If you visit the shop in Rue des Archives, it’s worth stopping by Sens Unique (13 Rue du Roi de Sicile). It’s not too much of a walk, and they have a fantastic selection. April 2, 2013 at 11:47am

                    • Annikky: Thank you both for recommendations (I cannot reply to Victoria directly), these are much appreciated. I am on my way to Paris now, will report back. April 4, 2013 at 12:22am

                • Victoria: What is Histoires de Parfums 1725 like? I have a set of their samples, and I feel like revisiting it. April 2, 2013 at 7:34am Reply

                  • Austenfan: I think you liked it when you first tried it. It is my second favourite of HdP. It is an anisic lavender amber. If that makes sense. The lavender is not as pronounced as in Kiki, or Pour un Homme, and sort of blended with the anise. It is very refined, and although officially an “homme” scent is is really unisex.
                    I have a full bottle and it gets quite a lot of wear. April 2, 2013 at 7:42am Reply

                    • Victoria: 🙂 I seem unable to remember the numbers of HdP, and I get them all mixed up. Just checked my notes, and yes, sure enough, I’ve tried and liked it and urged myself to revisit it. April 2, 2013 at 7:50am

        • Marie: Nice list, Austenfan!
          If you can wait until summer I could send you my VCA Bois d’Iris that I have sadly fallen out of love with…

          Also love L’Eau d’Hiver – it feels like a sparkling veil every time I wear it 🙂 April 1, 2013 at 4:44am Reply

          • Austenfan: That sounds like a great offer! I can easily wait till then. Maybe we could work something out. April 1, 2013 at 6:48am Reply

            • Marie: That would be cool! Maybe Victoria could give you my email address so we can stay in contact with each other 🙂 April 1, 2013 at 8:47am Reply

              • Victoria: I will be happy to put you two in touch. April 1, 2013 at 8:54am Reply

              • Austenfan: I have just sent you an email! April 1, 2013 at 12:43pm Reply

    • Maryna: I’m with you on having a hard time picking those five! I’ve recently gotten my sample set from MDCI (great service by the way!), and from the three you are choosing I’d go for Un Coeur en Mai. This is a reformulated version, so if you know the original you’ll find it a little (well, quite) different. It got a tad more sharp and “crunchy”, and its dark side is now more pronounced (peppery-clove accord). I really am enjoying it, it’s a perfect spring scent, clean but with an interesting twist. March 29, 2013 at 4:55pm Reply

      • Austenfan: Which ones did you choose? Apart from Un Coeur en Mai.

        It will be quite a hassle to get them as for some reason, which I have yet to find out, they won’t shop to the Netherlands. If need be I will have them shipped to a friend who lives just across the border in Belgium. March 30, 2013 at 3:15pm Reply

        • Maryna: That’s really bizzare they won’t ship to the Netherlands (mind you, I’m currently in Belarus and they agreed to)! Have you tried to get in touch with them via email? (well I guess you have, that’s the only way, really)
          I’ve also gotten Chypre Palatin, la Belle Helene, Vepres Siciliennes, and Enlevement au Serail. They all are lovely, beautiful, classy and rounded… But I can’t say I’ve been sold or am heartbroken – which is a relief, considering their price. My favourite three in order of preference are Un Couer, Chypre and Helene. April 1, 2013 at 9:16am Reply

          • Austenfan: I have yet to find out why. I will email them once I will allow myself to get the set.

            I sniffed La Promesse last summer in Paris. It very nearly brought tears to my eyes. I have had a small decant of Invasion Barbare for a couple of years and it is one of my favourite masculines.
            Chypre Palatin I liked when I tried it, but not enough to want a decant of. La Belle Hélène reminded me of La Traversée which I already own, so I crossed that one off the list as well.
            The fragrances are very expensive but I think the sample set is quite a good deal. April 1, 2013 at 12:50pm Reply

  • Jillie: Happy Easter to you, Victoria, and all your readers!

    I, too, will be going to a wedding (my husband’s nephew) in a couple of months’ time, and I would like another bottle of P de Nicolai’s L’Eau a la Folie. This seems ideal for a summer/ish wedding as it is juicy, feminine, flowery and fresh, and reminds me of vintage Femme mixed with Diorella. I just wish there was an Extrait of it.

    Here’s hoping that the Easter Bunny will be hopping along with my new bottle …….. March 29, 2013 at 1:30pm Reply

    • Victoria: Ok, I’m discovering as I answer these comments that I’m very bad at dissuading anyone from trying something. I’m much better at justifying why you *should* have it. 🙂

      Plus, L’Eau a la Folie is a favorite, and it’s one of those rare fruity perfumes that smell elegant and unique. March 29, 2013 at 3:40pm Reply

  • Cheryl: I have gone through two decants of Un Matin d’Orage, and each time I wear it, I feel incredibly happy and fulfilled, in the way that only a great scent companion can make you feel. So, UMdO is on my very short Spring purchase list. But I’m also craving a warm, pretty at-home fragrance to wind down with. For years that fragrance was Shalimar eau de cologne, but I have one vintage bottle of that left, so I was thinking about What We Do in Paris is Secret. Something about that honey and heliotrope combination intrigues me. If anyone has that, please share your experiences of it. Is it a spring/summer evening snuggle scent, or something else entirely? March 29, 2013 at 1:32pm Reply

    • Elena: UMdO is on my list too… I was almost happy that it wasn’t working for me last time I tried it, but reading your comment makes me remember just how evocative and emotional it was when I tried a good sample. How can you not buy something that makes you happy and fulfilled? March 29, 2013 at 3:47pm Reply

    • Victoria: What We Do in Paris is Secret is definitely sweet and cuddly, a summer evening perfume. March 30, 2013 at 6:41am Reply

    • Connie: I love WWDIPIS, I especially like how I can detect it on my clothes days later. Its a gourmand but still interesting, and it’s very uplifting. It’s on my wishlist as well 🙂 March 30, 2013 at 6:59pm Reply

      • Cheryl: Well, Victoria and Connie, I thank you both for your impressions…I’ve ordered a bottle of WWDIPIS from Luckyscent! I was tempted to just order a sample, but honestly, I like so much of Ropion’s work that I decided to go for it.

        And Elena, your words about UMdO being an emotional and evocative experience really resonated with me. I love the way that only fragrance can really take us to that sort of intimate theater of memories and pleasure, aside from (maybe) love. March 31, 2013 at 12:54pm Reply

  • Renee: Hello,
    What a nice topic!I like it because it was not only one time that I bought a perfume unsniffed after I read your reviews and I never regreted it! :-))
    I am looking for a scent for my summer vacation,in a place where is hot and dry.I was thinking about Zeta and Oranger en Fleurs.
    What is your opinion?
    Happy Easter to everybody who is celebrating it on Sunday! March 29, 2013 at 1:48pm Reply

    • Victoria: I don’t know these two well, so I hope that someone else might chime in, but if you want an orange blossom for the summer, what about Annick Goutal Neroli? It’s effervescent and bright. March 29, 2013 at 4:03pm Reply

  • TheSnailsPajamas: The only thing that’s really on my wishlist is SL A La Nuit, mainly because I just bought some wonderful hair oil that smells strongly of jasmine (Fushi’s Really Good Hair Oil) and it reminded me of SL Sarassins – I’ve tried it and love it, but didn’t want to quite pay that much. Is A La Nuit pretty much a jasmine soliflore too? March 29, 2013 at 2:04pm Reply

    • Victoria: Yes, it is! It has other notes, but the impression is jasmine, jasmine, jasmine. March 29, 2013 at 4:04pm Reply

      • Victoria: I also wanted to add that among all jasmines I’ve tried (and still keep it on trying), A La Nuit remains my favorite.

        For a light jasmine, I like L’Artisan The Pour Un Ete, but unfortunately, it has poor longevity. March 30, 2013 at 7:18am Reply

  • Gretchen: I really enjoy seeing what other folks are toying with as the weather starts to warm up. Anyone who’s considering Perle de Mousse, I can testify it is AMAZING and well worth the investment. Same with Une Matin d’Orage, which is lovely. Carnal Flower-use a Light Hand or you might wind up with quite a headache. I’m wearing Jean Louis Scherrer today for the first time and it is delightful, quite perfect as a new addition to my spring rotation. Next up? Mito, and Opardu. Victoria and Suzanne, let’s do this for summer scents too, since that’s where I tend to fail in imagination! March 29, 2013 at 2:13pm Reply

    • Elena: When I am living on the streets because I am completely unable to trim my wish list, I hope my dear enabling internet perfume friends will at least throw a few coins into my cup… March 29, 2013 at 3:52pm Reply

      • Victoria: 🙂 Let’s hope that we can actually manage to trim wishlists, rather than the opposite. March 29, 2013 at 4:05pm Reply

        • solanace: I guess it’s more like the opposite. 🙂 I’m loving everyone’s wishlists! But we’ll keep company to each other when we are all homeless, and we can procure some fragrant woods for our fire. March 30, 2013 at 7:01am Reply

          • Victoria: I really love learning what everyone is craving. It makes me inspired to try new perfumes or revisit old favorites. 🙂 March 30, 2013 at 7:20am Reply

    • Victoria: So, Scherrer was a winner? 🙂 March 29, 2013 at 4:05pm Reply

      • Gretchen: “winner” hardly describes it! It reminds me just a bit of the Cabochard I wore in high school which, now, smells awful. I find it to be something I will crave in the heat of the summer. Funny how I’m leaning towards more greens and aldehydic florals than to my uber florals, like 24 Faubourg and Carnal Flower, as I would have in the past. There’s something so satisfyingly “personal” about them. Now, if Mito comes out as an extrait, I suspect I’m doomed. March 29, 2013 at 8:07pm Reply

        • Victoria: I’m very happy to hear that you like it! 🙂

          Mito is coming in an extrait soon, from what I hear, so I have a feeling that I’m doomed too. I loved the EDP, but wished for more curves and slightly more longevity. March 30, 2013 at 4:59am Reply

  • Tatiana: My FBI wish list consists of Parfum d’Empire Equistrius. I have a split of Vero Kern’s Mito headed my way, so I’m pretty much set and happy. I tried SL de Profundis on paper last fall, so I’d like to find a sample of it to see if the reality of it matches my memory,but there’s no urgency on this one.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter. March 29, 2013 at 2:38pm Reply

    • Victoria: Your wishlist seems under control! De Profundis is great, but I find it better for the fall. Maybe, it’s just me though. March 29, 2013 at 4:08pm Reply

  • Brie B.: I have a moderately long wishlist of 10 perfumes (moderately long to me is excessive to most non-parfumistas though!) consisting mostly of rich orientals that most would consider fall and winter perfumes. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area though, where it hardly gets scorchingly hot during the summer. At the top of my list are Keiko Mecheri Attar de Roses, Andy Tauer L’Air du Desert Marocain, Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan and Chanel Coromandel. I wonder which of those would do best during the spring and summer months… March 29, 2013 at 3:22pm Reply

    • Victoria: Out of those Coromandel would be best. I’ve worn it last summer on and off, and it always seemed to work well. The others are definitely on the heavier, more opaque side. March 29, 2013 at 3:31pm Reply

    • maja: Coromandel is just fantastic. March 29, 2013 at 3:57pm Reply

    • Nina Z: I also live in the Bay Area, and before I read the comments from the others, I, too, decided to recommend Coromandel as the most versatile. Ambre Sultan could, I think, become cloying in even warm-ish weather. I’m sure the Tauer smells great even in heat, but I just find the Coromandel more wearable (and seems like a good fog fighter). March 29, 2013 at 4:22pm Reply

      • Brie B.: Looks like Coromandel is the clear winner. I myself was leaning toward purchasing that first. I’m wearing the last bit of my now depleted sample today; I know many consider it a “dressed-up” only sort of fragrance, but I’m wearing it with jeans and riding boots! March 29, 2013 at 4:37pm Reply

        • solanace: I love Coromandel, too. March 30, 2013 at 7:04am Reply

  • Jennifer: My full-bottle buy list isn’t too big. Right now it consists mostly of:

    Cuir Venenum
    Rossy de Palma

    Of course these are all ones I wanted in the fall/winter so I don’t know how they’ll be in the heat. Maybe another round of samples for now to find out. And of course there are tons of samples I want, so that gets expensive. March 29, 2013 at 3:24pm Reply

    • Victoria: Volutes is sheer enough to work in the summer. Plus, it has a sparkling citrusy top that freshens things up. At any rate, I would first test it out in the warm weather before splurging on a full bottle. March 29, 2013 at 5:34pm Reply

  • Eva S.: On my wishlist:
    Chanel no 19 Poudre.
    Perle de Mousse

    I usually wear Chanel no 5 elixir sensuel, any suggestions are most welcome! March 29, 2013 at 3:37pm Reply

    • Victoria: Perle de Mousse is my current spring favorite, and I’m enjoying my sample set. If you like perfumes with a classical touch, it will hit the spot. March 29, 2013 at 5:36pm Reply

      • Eva S.: I like everything with a classic touch! 🙂
        Perle de Mousse coming up!
        Victoria, thank you for your answer and your wonderful blog!
        Happy Easter! March 30, 2013 at 4:43pm Reply

  • Nina Z: A friend is going to buy me a bottle of perfume so I really do need to narrow it down to one:

    Seville a L’Aube
    Un Fille de Berlin
    Sideris (by Maria Candida Gentile)
    Bois des Iles

    I have decants of all except Bois des Iles, which I used up. I have some really expensive things on my wish list as well, but I guess that’s more along the lines of a fantasy perfume wardrobe than an actual “to buy” list:

    Amouage Jubliation 25
    Amouage Lyric Woman
    Guerlain Angelique Noire March 29, 2013 at 4:29pm Reply

    • Victoria: If you’ve used the decant, maybe it is a good sign that you’re ready for a full bottle! March 29, 2013 at 5:37pm Reply

    • solanace: Bois des Iles is a perfume I’d never get tired of. March 30, 2013 at 7:06am Reply

  • annemariec: I’m just agonising between Parfums de Nicolai Number One or Number One Intense. I have a sample of the former and am just waiting on a sample of the Intense before I make up my mind. I’ve even got the money saved!

    I know this is very specific – not too many people seem to know Number One (a white floral with a restrained tuberose note) – but does anyone have experience with Nicolai’s ‘Intense’ versions? Is the difference like and EDT and an EDP?

    Number One non-Intense is quite long lasting and has a lovely floaty quality to it that the Intense may smother. Sometimes it almost seems to dance before my eyes! March 29, 2013 at 5:01pm Reply

    • Victoria: I’ve smelled Intense only on paper, but I recall that I preferred the original. It was more graceful somehow. March 29, 2013 at 5:38pm Reply

      • annemariec: Graceful, yes, I think you may be right. March 30, 2013 at 6:02am Reply

    • solanace: I only know the original, but I think it is one of the greats. I have a big decant and will need another. March 30, 2013 at 7:07am Reply

      • annemariec: Thanks solanace! You may want to stock up then: the Nicolai website and Luckyscent list only the Intense, so unless the original is for sale in the boutiques, that may be an indication that the original has been d/c. If I go for the original, I’ll be getting it from one of the decant services. March 30, 2013 at 5:06pm Reply

        • solanace: That’s big. Thank’s for the info, Annemarie. March 31, 2013 at 5:12am Reply

  • Maryna: Wonderful topic, Victoria! I’ve got an on-and-off wish list, but as the spring is coming (or is it?) I’m contemplating between Tauer’s Zeta and Vero’s Mito. Both looked terribly appealing when I had a quick sniff in a shop. Apart from it, I’d really love to finally own a bottle of Bois des Iles in extract, and oh-so-happy FM’s Bigarage Concentre. And oh, a sample set of Ann Gerard perfumes – there’s so much buzz about them all, I’m really curious. March 29, 2013 at 5:08pm Reply

    • Victoria: I don’t know Zeta, but I liked Mito. I only wished that it had a slightly better lasting power.

      If I were to save up for one perfume, it would be a favorite classic. Those fragrances are timeless, for the lack of a better descriptor, and they always feel just right. If you love Bois des Iles, maybe worth saving for it first. March 29, 2013 at 5:42pm Reply

      • Maryna: I had a feeling it was your review of Zeta that convinced me to try it! But I see exactly what you mean about classics – I’m a big Guerlain fan myself and pick FBs when I feel they are timeless. Sometimes though I want a bit of extravaganza, hence Vero and Andy. March 30, 2013 at 3:32am Reply

        • Victoria: Ah, it was Suzanna’s review for BdJ! I reviewed Aftelier’s Honey Blossom, which was also inspired by linden flowers and created at the same time as Zeta (Mandy and Andy worked more or less side by side in a letter project led by Nathan Branch).

          Mito would be a perfect compromise between extravagance and classical elegance. March 30, 2013 at 4:57am Reply

          • Maryna: Apologies, Victoria! Thanks for suggestion to try Honey Blossom, the idea of a perfect lindenblossom has been haunting me for a while. I know D’Orsay’s Tilleul (just reformulated version though) and quite like it, but musks overwhelm on my skin after a while. La Chasse aux Papillon does not give me any linden flowers, unfortunately. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Unter den Linden by April Aromatics, but haven’t tried it yet. Are there any other interesting lindenblossomcentric fragrances worth trying? March 30, 2013 at 1:37pm Reply

            • Victoria: No worries! 🙂
              I don’t know that many fragrances with strong linden notes, other than D’Orsay’s Tilleul, La Chasse, and the two I mentioned. There was a great MAC fragrance called Naked Honey, but it was a limited edition. It’s unfortunate, because linden is one of the most beautiful scents. I look forward to June when the big linden trees in front of my apartment building will burst into bloom. March 31, 2013 at 5:47am Reply

              • Maryna: It IS a wonderful scent, so hard to capture accurately in a perfume form though. I love the smell of linden flowers in summer as much as I do linden tea in winter. Will keep and eye on MAC – maybe they still carry Naked Honey somewhere. Thanks for the pointer April 1, 2013 at 9:31am Reply

            • Farouche: I own and like Voluspa Linden Blond Tabac EDP, with notes of linden, blond tabac, absolute, tuberose, red grapefruit, and tonka bean. It was a rare blind buy on the ‘Bay and was inexpensive. Worth looking into at any rate 🙂 March 31, 2013 at 10:36am Reply

              • Maryna: Sounds incredible! I’ve never heard of this brand, will certainly check it out. Thanks a lot. April 1, 2013 at 9:20am Reply

    • Christy C: Definitely try Mito for a full wearing–it changes quite a bit. I like Zeta as well, but Mito is in my top 5! March 29, 2013 at 9:07pm Reply

      • Maryna: Thanks, will certainly do! March 30, 2013 at 3:33am Reply

  • Cybele: In no particualr order:
    Osmanthus Different Company
    Outrageous Frederick Malle
    Rose Barbare Guerlain
    No 22
    Cuir de Russie
    Manoumalia March 29, 2013 at 6:29pm Reply

    • Elena: Cuir de Russie is number one on my fall/winter list. I haven’t tried the extrait, but I have the feeling that will be the winner. Which formulation do you like? And what is Outrageous like? March 29, 2013 at 7:04pm Reply

      • Cybele: I have only tried the EdT of Cuir de Russie so far. At first Outrageous interested me because of Luca Turin’s review where he mentions a cellar of crab apples creating a certain oddness versus the official description of Caipirinha notes that rather put me off. I wear it in humid tropical climate as a very clean skin scent that is different from the usual fresh of white musc or citrus- Osmanthus works in a similar way for me. March 30, 2013 at 7:44am Reply

    • Victoria: If you wanted to streamline, maybe go for either Rose Barbare or Coromandel. Both are quite patchouli heavy, and while they don’t smell identical, they have similar lush and rich characters. It’s just me, but after wearing Rose Barbare for a while, I found that it started to bore me, but Coromandel still keeps my interest. March 30, 2013 at 6:43am Reply

      • Cybele: I agree that Coromandel is the more interesting and unique fragrance. But sometimes I don’t mind boring if it just smells very good. I recently layered (one sprayed on wrists and neck and the other one on my scarf) Rose Barbare and Clair de Musc, something delicious turned out, quite clean but also very pretty and deep. March 30, 2013 at 7:53am Reply

        • Victoria: Oh, that combination sounds wonderful! And don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy my bottle of Rose Barbare. I waited for more than a year to finally buy a bottle of Coromandel, and Rose Barbare tided me over in the meantime. March 30, 2013 at 7:57am Reply

          • Cybele: it was surprisingly wonderful! I tried it at an airport and I was like: wow, I want to sit next to me on the airplane! March 30, 2013 at 8:19am Reply

  • cj: I’m trying very hard to limit my purchases of full bottles this year, especially since my first bottle of the year was L’Heure Fougueuse ($$$!). And I’m saving up for my wedding next June, so I’m on a tight budget.
    It will be mostly decants for me, but I may require a few FB’s, namely Seville a L’Aube (how I wish it came as 50ml!),
    Dries Van Noten, and Bois Blond by Parfumerie Generale. Also on the list are decants of Equistrius and Amouage Opus VI and I hope to score a vintage mini of Feminite du Bois. March 29, 2013 at 9:02pm Reply

    • Victoria: Congratulations on your wedding! Is L’Heure Fougueuse something you’re planning to wear for your big day? March 30, 2013 at 6:45am Reply

      • cj: Thank you! I’m pretty sure I will wear Carnal Flower, which I know you will approve of for such an occasion 😉 March 30, 2013 at 11:08am Reply

  • Fae: I’m new to commenting, though I’ve been following for a little while now. I thought for a long time I was alone in my passion for perfume and so having found you, I have been delighting in this marvellous community. I’ve learned so much! Anyway, I’m wondering about one (or more 😉 ) of these:

    Atelier Cologne Trefle Pur
    Huitieme Art Poudre de Riz
    Frederic Malle Une Rose
    Frederic Malle Carnal Flower
    Serge Lutens Bois de Violette.

    Any thoughts? March 29, 2013 at 9:39pm Reply

    • Victoria: Nice to meet you, Fae! 🙂 Poudre de Riz is the only perfume I haven’t tried from your list, but the rest are beautiful fragrances. They are also very different from each other, and if you wanted to decide which one to get first, maybe it could be something that will work well in the summer. In this case, Trefle Pur.

      If you like Une Rose, it’s worth trying Etat Libre d’Orange Rossy de Palma. It’s also an earthy, dark rose, also really well-crafted, but much less expensive. March 30, 2013 at 6:48am Reply

      • Connie: Thank you for the suggestion Victoria. I too like Une Rose, but it is quite a lot of money! March 30, 2013 at 7:19pm Reply

  • Anka: Like Maryna I have an on-and-off wish list, too!
    At the momentI could need some decision support for the following:
    RamonMonegal – Curielle, bec. it is one of the very few fragrances containing patchouli thatI consider miraculous.
    Hermes – Eau des Merveilles, I love violets, and here it is wonderfully embedded in ambery notes and therefore wearable not only in spring but during the whole year.
    Serge Lutens – Clair de Musc, it reminds me of my favorite smell in my younger days without being nostalgic because it smells grown-up.
    Julitte hasa gun – Lady Vengeance, bec. I always have to smile while putting it on. March 30, 2013 at 4:54am Reply

    • Victoria: Eau des Merveilles is one of the few bottles I’ve finished, and I always find something else to enjoy in it. The violet note doesn’t pop out on me too much, but now I know that I will be looking for it. March 30, 2013 at 6:50am Reply

      • Anka: Happy Easter and thank you for the feedback, your experience tipped the scales in favor of the miracle-water. I bought a 50 ml bottle of Eau des Merveilles yesterday and am perfectly satisfied!
        NowI can concentrate on fragrances for the summer… (so far Humiecki & Graef Eau Radieuse and Bvlgari au The Vert Extreme made it onto the shortlist). March 31, 2013 at 10:19am Reply

  • solanace: I really want a FB of either Amouage Epic or Rose Nacrée du Désert. Of course, they’re both uber expensive, but I’ve been working hard and, as my aunt says, ‘I deserve myself’ (whatever this means, I like it! :-)). I must choose very carefully, though. Which one do you guys like best? March 30, 2013 at 6:58am Reply

    • TheSnailsPajamas: The Guerlain is to die for. I’d buy that in a heartbeat. March 30, 2013 at 7:15am Reply

    • Victoria: I would vote for Rose Nacrée du Désert, because I like it more than Epic. It’s also distinctive and unusual enough to hold my interest. March 30, 2013 at 7:16am Reply

      • solanace: After your recs on Rose Splendide and Rose Anonyme, I really trust your roses, V!

        If you both think the Guerlain is better, I’ll surely take that into account. Thank’s! March 30, 2013 at 8:31am Reply

      • daika: Can you explain why you like Rose Nacrée more than Epic Woman? Has it to do with the character or the notes? July 31, 2013 at 10:06am Reply

        • Victoria: Not so much the notes, but the character and the emotion it conveys. Epic is nice, but it just leaves me cold. August 1, 2013 at 7:11am Reply

  • Farouche: My wish currently consists of:

    Puredistance sample set
    Ann Gerard discovery collection
    Neela Vermeire Bombay Bling
    Tommi Sooni I
    PdN Odalisque

    I think that due to cost, Bombay Bling can wait. Tommi Sooni is on sale at LuckyScent but I should wear my sample a bit more before pulling the trigger on that one. My Odalisque decant is almost gone, but I’m not sure I’ll wear it much in the summer. So it looks as if the decision is between the two discovery sets. Loved Opardu and am anxious to try the others. Also loved two out of three of the Ann Gerard’s. Please advise! March 30, 2013 at 8:48am Reply

    • Lucas: Decisions, decisions. From Puredistance I only tried Opardu which I liked but not loved.
      On the other hand Ann Gerard fragrances didn’t work for me at all. March 30, 2013 at 8:53am Reply

      • Christy C: The Ann Gerards are not working for me, either. I tried Perle de Mousse again today and something in it is extremely off-putting on me. (My daughter even said it smells like something died! I don’t think it is _that_ bad, but definitely not pleasant on me.) 🙁 So strange, since it sounds absolutely lovely on most! And Victoria compared it to Lys Mediterranee, which is very much a favorite of mine. Well, at least I shall have something good for trading! March 30, 2013 at 3:28pm Reply

    • Austenfan: Best value for money: Odalisque! ( Well I don’t know how much Tommi Sooni is.)
      I have 2 samples of Puredistance. Antonia and M. I couldn’t care less for Antonia and M is good, but it didn’t blow my socks off. Also the samples came in very fussy packaging.
      I am probably just prejudiced so please ignore my comment! March 30, 2013 at 2:56pm Reply

    • Tomate Farcie: I think you’re my perfume twin. . . I love all of these. I’m really enjoying my Ann Gerard Discovery set. I also purchased the discovery set from Neela Vermeire’s web site. Have you tried Mito? It’s another one on my wish list. I’d wear Odalisque in the summer. . . Good luck! March 30, 2013 at 3:04pm Reply

      • Farouche: Plus, we agree on Chypre Palatin! March 30, 2013 at 10:55pm Reply

  • johanob: Hallo again Victoria,and thank you for wonderfully inspiring reads,always!
    My current wishlist looks like this:
    Chanel 1932
    Serge Lutens “The girl from Berlin”
    Byredo Florescence,apparently a wonderful spring garden perfume!
    Patiently waiting for their arrival in Johannesburg,which is soon I hope!
    We still have some summer left,it seems.That makes me very glad.
    Happy weekend everyone! March 30, 2013 at 8:54am Reply

    • Victoria: I didn’t care for 1932, mostly because it was too pale and fleeting. So, I recommend sampling it first. March 31, 2013 at 5:52am Reply

      • Johanob: I did sample 1932 today,and I was SO dissappointed,seeing that I love a couple in the Les exclusifs range,especially 28 La Pausa.It’s gone from my wishlist…opted to buy the new gaultier instead! March 31, 2013 at 10:17am Reply

  • becky: I was excited to find this site the other day. I’ve learned so much…enough to learn that I could use some experienced guidance:-)

    I’ve been looking for a new scent for months now. I haven’t had much luck. Based on the list below of perfumes I’ve worn over the last 15 or so years, would anyone be able to identify common notes or even specific perfumes that I might want to try?

    Vera Wang sheer veil
    Van Cleef Arpel Murmur
    Lanvin Rumeur
    Jil Sander #4

    Thanks! March 30, 2013 at 3:43pm Reply

    • Victoria: Becky, it’s fun to give you recommendations, because like you, I also love white florals. Your four perfumes are all dominated by white floral notes (jasmine, gardenia, orange blossom), but they are sheer, rather than sweet and creamy.

      Cartier de Lune
      Jour d’Hermes
      Parfums de Nicolai Odalisque
      Jo Malone White Jasmine and Mint
      L’Artisan La Chasse Aux Papillons
      Serge Lutens Nuit de Cellophane (a good intro to Serge Lutens, since his other fragrances are on the heavy side)

      Jill Sander is different though, since No4 is on a rich, sultry side, but it also has a sparkling citrusy opening. You might enjoy something like L’Instant de Guerlain. March 31, 2013 at 6:17am Reply

  • sasha: My wishlist right now is only SL Rose de Nuit. (Well, only that and everything else.)

    Decidedly not for summer, but still I find myself with my finger hovering over the buy button day after day.

    It might be a hopeless case. March 30, 2013 at 4:28pm Reply

    • Nina Z: Try the new Serge Lutens rose fragrance Un Fille de Berlin. It probably would work better for summer than the Rose de Nuit (and I just like it better) and it is less expensive! March 30, 2013 at 7:37pm Reply

      • Victoria: I agree! I love Fille de Berlin, and I prefer it to Rose de Nuit. March 31, 2013 at 5:54am Reply

        • sasha: I have 10mls of Fille de Berlin and I do like it, but not as much as Rose de Nuit. However, I’ve just found a small decant on eBay which will probably fill the Rose de Nuit shaped hole in my heart until the autumn.

          For today, I’ll celebrate spring with en Passant. March 31, 2013 at 7:05am Reply

          • Victoria: Then it’s true love! 🙂 March 31, 2013 at 10:27am Reply

  • Christy C: Here are the FBs I own, together with my wishlist. What would you all suggest with regard to the wishlist? How about for rounding out my fledgling collection?

    VP Rubj edp
    OJ Ta’if edp & Frangipani edp
    l’Artisan Seville a l’aube
    Diptyque Tam Dao

    FM Lys Mediterranee
    VP Mito edp
    Tauer Carillon Pour un Ange
    NV Mohur & Bombay Bling
    MdO Vanille
    OJ Woman
    SL Une Voix Noire, Fleurs de Citronnier, Fleurs d’Oranger & Bois de Violette March 30, 2013 at 5:04pm Reply

    • Nina Z: To round out, buy fragrances that are in a different category than the ones you have. For example, you have a great orange blossom so you don’t need Fleur d’Oranger. I suggest Mito (for a green fragrance) and/or MdO Vanille for a truly wonderful smoky vanilla. March 30, 2013 at 7:40pm Reply

      • Christy C: That certainly makes sense! And MdO Vanille is more of a cold-weather perfume, so that sends Mito to the top of the list. 🙂 March 31, 2013 at 1:43pm Reply

  • Rose D: There are so many lovely roses I cannot make up my mind about the one I actually want!
    For some time now, especially two have been under my radar: Ormonde Jayne Taif and Etat Libre dOrange Eau de Protection (or Rossy de Palma).
    I already own Taif (edp) and would like to complement it with the Bathing Beauty gift set; but have been pushed back by the thought that an awfully hot summer would do nothing for the candles.
    The heat has also put me off from buying Rossy de Palma; perhaps it would be too strong in that weather. But then, I wear the original Agent Provocateur, so I just might be able to pull it off. March 30, 2013 at 7:43pm Reply

    • Victoria: Rossy de Palma is earthy, but not too sweet, so it may not be as challenging in the heat. Especially for someone who wears AP! 🙂

      Another great summer rose with character is Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme. March 31, 2013 at 5:53am Reply

      • Rose D: Wishlist just got longer 🙂 April 1, 2013 at 4:10pm Reply

  • Johanob: Hi guys!So:Despite most people’s opinions about it,I DID buy Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Male today.I’ve been an ardent fan since the original was released in 1995,and have worn all the re-incarnations as well!I Love them all.Got LBM just in time to wear during these last hot days!Just a note:A lot of people have commented elsewhere about the oversaturated availability,and wearers of Le Male,in both Europe and the US.I must say that I’m very fortunate then to live in Africa,where its available,but not many people here are THAT into perfumes(even less so the male species in africa!)I think I’ve smelt Le Male maybe ONCE on another guy,Haha!Over here its mostly Axe and Old Spice all the way!!Hehe!Happy Sunday!Hope those wishlists get ticked off ASAP!J March 31, 2013 at 10:12am Reply

    • Victoria: Enjoy it! The way you wear perfumes makes it your own, so it doesn’t really matter if it’s popular. It’s certainly a very good fragrance. March 31, 2013 at 10:31am Reply

  • figuier: Hello all and happy Easter!!

    My FB wishlist is quite long, but since I can’t figure out a running order I haven’t made up my mind which is the most ‘necessary’, so am unlikely to actually purchase anything in the near future:

    By Kilian Rose Oud (although Mohur might have supplanted it – seems I like my roses *expensive*)
    Cristalle edp/No 19 Poudree
    Traversee du Bosphore
    Lys Med
    No 18

    Back-ups are also high on my list:

    Terracotta Voile d’ete
    Songes edt
    Cristalle edt March 31, 2013 at 11:12am Reply

    • Victoria: I hear you on expensive roses. The sheer, transparent and ethereal roses can be very pretty (like Balenciaga Eau Rose), but to make a honeyed, voluptuous, smells-like-August-afternoon rose, some very expensive materials are required. In case of Rose Oud and Mohur, the rose oils those fragrances use are the fine vintage equivalents (of course, I don’t know the formula, but I can smell the quality of the materials). March 31, 2013 at 11:39am Reply

      • figuier: Thanks Victoria, glad to hear it’s not just me being a diva 🙂 I’ve never liked rose scents very much, but these two are both stunning. Might buy another couple of samples from luckyscent to see if one makes it to first place. April 1, 2013 at 11:41am Reply

        • Victoria: 🙂 Nothing wrong with that either!
          Experimenting with samples a bit longer is a good idea, especially since these perfumes are so expensive. April 1, 2013 at 4:59pm Reply

  • JustineMaren: Oh I sure have enjoyed reading through everyone’s list, and I think mine may have just grown longer. I am new to learning about fragrance and what I like, and have learned so much following here. First time to comment. I seem to be craving iris mostly. Used up my sample of SL Iris Silver Mist and 28 La Pausa. I love La Pausa and no. 18 but they don’t last! I’ve been experimenting with LOTS of samples so here’s what’s on my consideration list.
    SL Iris Silver Mist (makes me choke to spend $300, but at least I know I can get it on the website now in the US)
    28 La Pausa
    No. 19 (I actually have a bottle on hold at Nordstroms right now, but I’m still debating)
    Odalisque or Le Temps du Fete – both lovely

    So many choices! Any recommendations? March 31, 2013 at 12:17pm Reply

    • maja: La Pausa is gorgeous but has serious problems with longevity. Iris Silver Mist unfortunately smells like a humid greenhouse to me and it’s quite expensive. I would go for No. 19. Classic, sparkling, complex, a joy to wear. 🙂 March 31, 2013 at 4:18pm Reply

      • JustineMaren: Thank you Maja, that’s kind of what I’m thinking too. Can’t go wrong with a classic like No. 19 March 31, 2013 at 7:34pm Reply

        • Victoria: I agree with maja, if La Pausa doesn’t last, then it’s not a worthwhile buy. You won’t be reaching for it that often, or else you will feel frustrated that it doesn’t last. April 1, 2013 at 5:52am Reply

          • JustineMaren: Victoria, I think you are right, it is just gone within 2 hours, and yes, frustrating. Thanks for confirming my instincts on that! April 1, 2013 at 10:15pm Reply

  • Kneale: My wishlist is mostly white florals as I can never stray too far from them!
    Creed’s Fleurissimo
    Robert Piguet’s Petit Fracas (does anyone know when this will be available in the States?)
    Hermes Jour d’Hermes
    O de Lancôme

    I am wearing a lot of citrus these days in anticipation of spring-summer: Hermes Eau d’Orange Verte and Roger et Gallet Extra Vieille.
    What a great topic! March 31, 2013 at 3:13pm Reply

    • Victoria: Jour d’Hermes is very versatile to me, and it’s a nice option that can go from morning to day to evening. O de Lancome is a classical cologne, although if you haven’t tried their orange blossom accented version, it’s worth a try the next time you’re at a Lancome counter. April 1, 2013 at 5:50am Reply

      • Victoria: Also, if you already have both Hermes Eau d’Orange Verte and Roger et Gallet Extra Vieille, O de Lancôme may not necessary. April 1, 2013 at 7:26am Reply

      • Kneale: Jour d’Hermes is now at the top of my list! Thank you for the recommendation, Victoria. The orang blossom O de Lancôme sounds beautiful. April 3, 2013 at 7:22pm Reply

  • Tara C: Here is my wish list:

    Naomi Goodsir Cuir Velours & Bois d’Acese
    R. Monegal Cuirelle & Impossible Iris

    Do you think Cuir Velours and Cuirelle are too redundant? March 31, 2013 at 11:09pm Reply

    • Victoria: They don’t smell alike, but they have similar characters to me. I would definitely pick one (I’m personally partial to Cuirelle) for now. April 1, 2013 at 5:48am Reply

  • Marie: I’ve never cared for citrus perfumes but find myself craving them lately. I can’t decide between Guerlain Pamplelune and AG Les Nuits d’Hadrien… which one do you prefer?

    Other scents on my wishlist:
    * No 5 Eau Premiere
    * FM L’Eau d’Hiver
    * Narciso Rodriguez For Her
    * Hermes Eau Claire des Merveilles

    Happy Easter to everyone! 🙂 April 1, 2013 at 5:01am Reply

    • Victoria: If Pamplelune works for you (I know some people have trouble with its patchouli notes), then go for it. It’s more original and memorable than Les Nuits d’Hadrien (and might be less expensive too). April 1, 2013 at 5:47am Reply

    • Austenfan: As an alternative to Pamplelune I would suggest Yuze Fou from the Parfum d’Empire line. More expensive though.
      I too prefer Pamplelune to Les Nuits(, and I adore Goutal). April 1, 2013 at 6:27am Reply

      • Austenfan: That is Yuzu Fou, not Yuze Fou. April 1, 2013 at 6:31am Reply

      • Farouche: Love Yuzu Fou, it’s so refreshing! I brought a small decant in to the office today to give to a co-worker. April 1, 2013 at 8:17am Reply

      • Marie: Thanks for mentioning Yuzu Fou! I still have to try most of the Parfum d’Empire perfumes but I’ll keep that one in mind. April 1, 2013 at 8:52am Reply

        • Farouche: Oh, and it’s from 06130, not Parfum d’Empire. April 1, 2013 at 11:01am Reply

          • Farouche: Sorry, I was thinking of Yuzu Rouge!! April 1, 2013 at 12:41pm Reply

        • Austenfan: Another great citrus from that line is Azemour les Orangers. April 2, 2013 at 9:09am Reply

  • Mirian: Only two!

    Serge Lutens a la nuit
    Francis Kurkjdian APOM pour femme April 1, 2013 at 7:50am Reply

    • Marie: APOM Femme is gorgeous! April 1, 2013 at 8:49am Reply

      • Sandra: I love Francis Kukjdian Amyris also, nice summer sexy scent that I find last and lasts. They dry down on me is amazing. Also there is a aqua smelling one by him that I also adore for summer. April 1, 2013 at 3:23pm Reply

        • Victoria: When I first tried Amyris, I didn’t find it all that exciting, but once it dried down, it became addictive, for the lack of a better word. It’s polished, but not fussy. April 2, 2013 at 7:37am Reply

    • Connie: Have you tried LUSH’s Lust? It is another great and powerful jasmine like A la Nuit, but it’s less expensive and I, personally, prefer it. 🙂
      I find that the longevity and sillage are better as well. April 1, 2013 at 10:00am Reply

    • Victoria: And A La Nuit is gorgeous too! But I called my blog Bois de Jasmin, so I’m biased in favor of anything jasmine. 🙂 April 2, 2013 at 7:36am Reply

  • E. Lime: I have trimmed my wishlist down to just two essentials my small wardrobe is missing: Yuzu Rouge, for this summer, and La Fille de Berlin, for the fall/winter. If I could add an understudy for the fall/winter, it would be TF Violet Blonde. April 1, 2013 at 9:31pm Reply

    • Victoria: That’s a nice wishlist! I love Yuzu Rouge, and while I keep trying various other fresh roses, this one (and Rosine’s Un Zest de Rose) return as my summer staples. April 2, 2013 at 6:16am Reply

  • Susan: I recently received a sample of Mohur, which I am looking forward to getting to know before I take the plunge.
    SL A la Nuit also appeals to me because I love the scent of night blooming flowers. I used to live in the West Indies, where there is a wonderful flowering vine called Night Blooming Cereus. The huge, white blooms only last one night, and the fragrance is spellbinding. April 3, 2013 at 4:45pm Reply

    • Victoria: Your description is wonderful. There is something magical about the scents in the tropics, the thick humid air that seems to capture all scents (good or bad) and hold them. I know from my own travel experiences, that’s one of the strongest memories. April 4, 2013 at 5:50am Reply

  • Jo: My want list is quite short is I exclude the heavier cool weather scents. Diptyque Vetyverio, Hanae Mori Magical Moon, AdP Mirto di Panarea and Chanel No5 Elixir Sensuel. I’ve recently fallen pretty hard for La Fille de Berlin though and want to be sensible and wait til Autumn for it! April 3, 2013 at 7:13pm Reply

    • Victoria: La Fille de Berlin will be perfect in the fall, and it will be something to anticipate. I think that delaying the gratification can also be enjoyable in a tantalizing, teasing way. 🙂 April 4, 2013 at 5:48am Reply

  • Lydia: One of the most interesting things I discovered from obsessively reading the Turin-Sanchez perfume guide is that at least half the perfumes I love have some relation to Feminite du Bois.

    I still have a few drops of the original FdB from when it was first released in the US, as well as a bit of eau de toilette Dolce Vita (lately smelling kind of thin to me, probably because of the concentration).

    As much as spring is making me long for light, flowery scents, I think my next bottle will have to be one of the FdB offspring and cousins, which I’ve loved in samples.

    Lutens – Bois de Violette
    Lutens – Bois et Fruits
    Lutens – Bois Oriental
    Keiko Mecheri – Genie des Bois
    Rosine – Poussiere de Rose

    (One consideration will have to be availability in the US, so that might rule out some Lutens, sadly.) April 3, 2013 at 11:41pm Reply

    • Victoria: Have you tried Estee Lauder Sensuous? It’s based on FdB too. At least, a tester should be easy enough to find at any mall.

      Bois de Violette is one of the fragrances I would take to a desert island, so of course, that’s my vote. 🙂 April 4, 2013 at 5:46am Reply

      • Lydia: Estee Lauder scents used to all share some common underlying note that nauseated me, so I’ve been steering clear of them for years. But I’ve lately been curious to try Azuree, and now you’ve given me another reason to make a stop at that counter.
        Thanks for the suggestions! April 4, 2013 at 9:46am Reply

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