Recommend Me a Perfume : November 2016

Our November “Recommend Me a Perfume” thread is now open. You can use this space to ask any questions about perfume, including fragrance recommendations, and of course, share your discoveries. Bois de Jasmin will return with its regular schedule on Monday, November 28th. In the meantime, please be sure to take a look at our Doctors Without Borders fundraiser, which is a great chance to support a good cause and win some unique prizes. For instance, we have vintage Mitsouko, a full bottle of Chanel No 5 extrait de parfum, niche perfumes, longlost discontinued perfumes, and I’m offering a collection of rare vintages and a perfume class. Thanks to the generosity of this community and our large pool of prizes, 51 53 winners will be drawn.


How does it work: 1. Please post your requests or questions as comments here. You can also use this space to ask any fragrance related questions. To receive recommendations that are better tailored to your tastes, you can include details on what you like and don’t like, your signature perfumes, and your budget. And please let us know what you end up sampling. 2. Then please check the thread to see if there are other requests you can answer. Your responses are really valuable for navigating the big and sometimes confusing world of perfume, so let’s help each other!

To make this thread easier to read, when you reply to someone, please click on the blue “reply” link under their comment.

To all who are celebrating Thanksgiving, a happy and warm holiday to you. 

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Jane: Hello from rain soaked, blustery UK. I’ve been using L’Artisan Parfumeur’s Caligna all summer and loving it almost to the point of addiction, but now have to admit summer has really really gone! Could anyone suggest a perfume that might ‘talk me down’ from it? I already love Jicky, Shalimar, AE, Parfum Sacre. Many thanks for any suggestions. November 21, 2016 at 9:00am Reply

    • Anne: Hello Jane,
      I too love Caligna! It’s a really beautiful scent. Right now, I am enjoying something more spicy and cosy ( if that makes any sense). Have you tried Dyptique fragrances? I m thinking you might enjoy Volutes or Eau Duelle.
      Hope this helps. Anne November 21, 2016 at 12:04pm Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Anne, spicy and cosy sounds perfect, and no, I haven’t tried Diptyque; for some reason I always think of candles when I see the name but now I won’t! November 21, 2016 at 12:16pm Reply

        • Anne: Ohhhh I m exited for you now!!! Diptyque virgin 😉. I really think you might enjoy those 2 fragrances, and while at the diptyque counter try their “voile parfumé ” ( it s a hair, face , body oil, and it s divine). Let me know how you like them. Gosh I sound like a diptyque représentant…😂
          Kisses, Anne November 21, 2016 at 12:50pm Reply

          • Jane: Will do, thanks Anne, Your enthusiasm is infectious. I don’t think I have to go far to find Diptyque and thank you for the kisses, always welcome! November 22, 2016 at 4:29am Reply

    • Sylvia Long: Hi Jane,
      I’m always missing summer too! Have you tried Gurlain’s Terra-cotta Le Parfum? Berdorff’s sells it in the US. It’s a nice transition from all noir summer to summer and a cozy warm dry down. Maybe it will help the season change be more bearable for you! November 21, 2016 at 12:11pm Reply

      • Sylvia Long: Haha- spell check! That was supposed to read ‘all out summer’. 😀 November 21, 2016 at 12:12pm Reply

        • Jane: Thank you Sylvia, we do have a local Guerlain counter so I shall try when I’m next loitering, November 22, 2016 at 4:13am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Have you tried any Mona di Orios? Her work is sometimes compared to the older Guerlains like the ones in your collection. Maybe you would like her Vanille. November 21, 2016 at 12:19pm Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: I think you could love Héritage, Guerlain. It is a lovely, warm, balsamic lavender/patchouli perfume. I love to alternate it with Jicky and Eau du Coq. November 21, 2016 at 12:28pm Reply

        • Jane: Thank you Cornelia
          Heritage sounds intriguing, It’s a shame the Guerlain counters carry so few of their perfumes. I shall try on a London trip when I can get to Selfridges. I do love the lavender based scents, I have a half bottle of Guerlain’s Aqua Allegoria Lavande Velours from a few years ago that still love. I wish Guerlain would develop it as a full scent; it had a lovely violet note in it. November 22, 2016 at 5:01am Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Hamamelis, I’ve not heard of Mona di Orios and now I’m intrigued and also delighted to think now that I have a ‘collection’! November 22, 2016 at 4:31am Reply

    • Aurora: Waving back from the UK! Have you tried any of Nicolai perfumes? Her work is also often compared to the classic Guerlains. You might like Kiss Me Tender (vanilla, almond very comforting) or Sacrebleu or Sacrebleu Intense. Or totally different and this one can be polarizing – but inspired by the fig of Caligna – have you already come across Thierry Mugler Womanity? It has a weird but compelling salty note and doesn’t remind me of any other scent. November 21, 2016 at 12:54pm Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Aurora,
        No, haven’t tried Nicolai but have read good things about her and will send off for a sample. I think I was put off trying Womanity simply because of the ridiculous name – my loss I suppose. I’ll try as soon as I’m in town, I’m intrigued by a ‘salty note’. November 22, 2016 at 4:25am Reply

    • Pearl: One more vote for Volutes 🙂 Cozy is the perfect term to describe it I think. You might also enjoy Philosykos as it has fig in it I believe. November 21, 2016 at 10:34pm Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Pearl, Diptyque is certainly a destination for me now. November 22, 2016 at 4:34am Reply

    • Ninon: What about another L’Artisan, Seville A L’Aube? November 21, 2016 at 10:49pm Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Ninon, I already have L’A P’s Chasse au Papillons which has a lovely orange blossom note so will try Seville a L’Aube also. November 22, 2016 at 5:08am Reply

    • Hayley: My caffeine-lacking brain read the beginning of your post as ‘raisin soaked, blustery UK.’ It somehow made sense hahaha. I second the Diptyque and Terracotta suggestions, and Jo Malone’s Basil & Neroli might be another good one. I find it to be a creamy beachy scent that I wouldn’t mind in cooler weather. November 22, 2016 at 10:56am Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Hayley,
        ‘raisin soaked’ is probably wholly appropriate at this time of year -Christmas puddings and all that! I’ll certainly be making a nuisance of myself at the Diptyque counter in the near future and Basil and Neroli sounds rather lovely and definitely worth a try. November 22, 2016 at 11:13am Reply

  • Mirian: Hello! I love fragrances, but need to be quite careful of certain notes (sandalwood and the like) due to my migraines. I love fun florals like Carnal flower and black saffron, but lately i feel like i want a bit of zest with those florals. Can anyone recommend me something that has a little citrus kick to it? November 21, 2016 at 10:02am Reply

    • Mara: Dear Jane, I would recommend to you “L’Air de Rien” by Miller Harris.

      And for dear Mirian, a nice flowery fragrance with some citrus zest is “Fleur Oriental” also by Miller Harris. You could try the “Petit Grain”, from the same house again.

      (I am going through an intense Miller Harris personal period -this explains my above references!)

      Finally, for both Jane and Mirian, I’d suggest
      “No.12 (December) – Winter in Berlin” by the German perfumer Erik Kormann.

      I hope this proves helpful!
      All the best to both of you! November 21, 2016 at 10:14am Reply

      • Jane: Thank you Mara, I’ve not tried any Miller Harris or Erik Kormann but will research now. ~brand new smells with intriguing names – how lovely! November 21, 2016 at 11:40am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Hi Mirian, fellow migraineur here! Mona di Orio has two fragrances with a nice citrus, I adore Eau Absolue, and I also really like her Lux. Not cheap though!
      And ofcourse there is Cristalle which I can almost always were, migraine or not.
      Have you ever tried a fresher neroli when having a migraine (e.g. Goutal’s Neroli)? I can handle them well when I am migraining.
      Cornelia is a migraineur too, so I’m sure she will share her choice (I think it is Shalimar Eau de Cologne, but I’m not 100% certain). November 21, 2016 at 10:18am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Hi Hamamelis!

        How nice that you remembered that! Yes, Shalimar, in all the concentrations.
        And Nuit Etoilée (Goutal) and Eau de Mûre (Maître Parfumeur) are my migraine-perfumes. November 21, 2016 at 12:22pm Reply

        • Hamamelis: Cornelia do you have Nuit Etoilée in EdT or EdP? November 21, 2016 at 2:25pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: I have edt. November 21, 2016 at 3:27pm Reply

    • Erry: Try Jo Malone Orange Blossom, Annick goutal Le Chevrefeuille and Hermes Jour d’Hermes for fresh, bright and pretty white flower November 21, 2016 at 12:50pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Mirian: So sorry you suffer from migraine, perhaps you would like Carthusia Mediterraneo, that doesn’t stick around too long but is delightfully citrussy while it lasts and that might be perfect for a headache after all. Another idea is Guerlain Parfum Initial L’Eau (discontinued but still widely available online in the UK, I hope it is where you are too). It’s a light floral with a lovely and long lasting grapefruit note. November 21, 2016 at 1:15pm Reply

    • George: Diorella, Eau de Magnolia, Cristalle or 1932. November 21, 2016 at 6:24pm Reply

    • Cybele: try the new Chanel 5 L’EAU and Frangipani by Ormond Jayne- both super pretty! Maybe you also like Jour d’Hermes and a classic is Cristalle EDT November 24, 2016 at 7:25am Reply

  • Tijana: I have shortlisted my top favourites for the next FB with which I will ring in the New Year, and need help determining which one to buy. They are all quite different and even though it is for a NYE, I do want something that I will be able to wear on a daily basis. Thoughts welcome!

    Le Labo – The Noir 29
    FM – Dans tes Bras
    Chanel (new EDP) – La Pausa, Gardenia or Boy
    Dior – Feve Delicieuse
    L’Artisan – Drole de Rose
    Terry Gunzburg – Ombre Mercure
    Amouage – Memoir Woman

    Thank you all! November 21, 2016 at 10:08am Reply

    • Phyllis Iervello: Tijana,

      I probably won’t be much help to you because I think that the Chanels (La Pausa, and Boy), The Noir 29, Drole de Rose and Dans tes Bras would all work on a daily basis. I would order samples if I were and then decide afterwards. November 21, 2016 at 10:32am Reply

    • Delilah V: Hello Tijana, that’s an eclectic list you have there a few of these scents have opposite “personalities”

      So I say it depends on the type of year you want to have. Choose Memoir Woman if you’re hoping for a year of action (figuratively and literally) it exudes power but is quite feminine, green, spicy incense, a “get things done” scent.

      Or Ombre Mercure if you’d like a year of comfort and indulgence, sugared iris, powdery patchouli, hints of almond. Basically a velvety powdery creamy blanket. Pick a fragrance for the type of year you want is my (vague and unhelpful) advice. November 21, 2016 at 7:35pm Reply

      • Tijana: Thank you Delilah, actually this is a VERY good advice, I wasn’t thinking of approaching it that way! Love it, thanks! November 21, 2016 at 8:58pm Reply

      • Hayley: You make Ombre Mercure sound delicious. I don’t know what powdery patchouli is like, but I am intrigued 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 10:58am Reply

        • Delilah V: Hi Hayley, well it’s a little like smelling makeup as a child. It doesn’t actually smell like food but it’s so sweet, smooth and powdery you want to taste it. If you do try it tell me what you think. November 22, 2016 at 11:32am Reply

    • Danica Radovanov: Feve Delicieuse if you like gourmands. It’s always nice to smell like tonka and vanilla. I would probably choose Memoir Woman (incense spice and plum). 🙂 November 23, 2016 at 5:33pm Reply

      • Tijana: Thank you!!!! I am leaning towards Feve I have to admit!!!! November 23, 2016 at 5:58pm Reply

        • Danaki: Hi Tijana,

          I would steer clear of Feve if you want something to wear everyday. I own a bottle and although I love it, I have to admit that it is on cozy weekends at home where it seems to work. November 27, 2016 at 2:51pm Reply

  • Julie Ellis: Hello! Snowing lightly here in New England, but it’s just enough to feel a holiday mood coming on.
    Just love this column and many thanks to Victoria and all who participate.
    Today I am thinking of a fragrance with a strong berry note and light woodsy notes.
    Also, something a little sunny but not totally citrus for days like…today. Need some new ideas.
    Many Thanks!! November 21, 2016 at 11:26am Reply

    • rainboweyes: Reading your comment, I immediately had to think of Byredo Pulp, the “berriest” 🙂 scent I’ve ever smelled. And it has cedarwood in the drydown… November 21, 2016 at 12:26pm Reply

    • Erry: What about Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay? It has a nice berry note with a touch of vetiver and cedar. November 21, 2016 at 12:54pm Reply

    • Caroline: At the budget end of the spectrum, Philosophy’s Falling in Love is a nice berry scent. It’s been a few years since I’ve smelled it, so don’t recall whether it has a woody facet. November 21, 2016 at 5:39pm Reply

    • katherine x: Hi Julie,
      I’m not a berry or fruit perfume person (and I love woods) – but I love love these two: L`Heure Folle (Cartier) – soft berry that persists on and off all day and L’eau Circe (Parfumerie Generale) – all plum. Neither are woody. November 21, 2016 at 8:59pm Reply

    • Pearl: I’m not sure if is counts as a strong berry scent but Bois de Paradis by Parfum delrae has a definite blackberry note to it and Blueberry musk by Shay & Blue also sounds like something you might enjoy 🙂 November 21, 2016 at 10:47pm Reply

    • Jen: Slumberhouse Sadanne is cedar woods and strawberry. May be more intense woods and berries than you are looking for but it is delicious and perfect for fall. November 23, 2016 at 11:51am Reply

    • Neva: Hi Julie Ellis, I can definitely recommend Multiple Rouge by Humiecki & Graef. It smells of red berries and to me it was always a scent for the colder season. I hope you’ll be able to try it. November 29, 2016 at 9:18am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: You might like Penhaligons’ Blasted Bloom. It has wild berries in the opening; I find it very sunny without any citrus. It has notes of hawthorn and cedar. To me, it evokes sunny days along a cold coastline, which was perfumer Alberto Morillas’ intention. I wrote my own review of it exactly one year ago! I hope it’s not rude to share the post: December 22, 2016 at 10:59am Reply

  • trudy: I just love these posts and all the comments. Over the past few years I have tried a lot of different fragrances. So many that I’ve become overwhelmed. I finally realized none of them truly fit the bill. Although I’ll always love some variety, I would love to have one fragrance that is just “the one” . So…I’m looking for something with some sparkle and effervescence. Something I can wear with crisp cotton or black velvet. A little tender but not too sweet, fresh but with depth and a little mystery. I guess I’m looking for a “signature scent”. Fragrances that I’ve tried are: Narciso (all of these), Hermes Eau Des Merveilles, Chanel Beige, Carnal Flower, Do San, Tom Ford Fleur de Chine and Cafe Rose, and the list goes on. All very nice but lacking in that “sparkle” I’m searching for. Quite a tall order I know…. November 21, 2016 at 11:34am Reply

    • Aurora: Have you tried Baiser Vole Eau de Toilette? It is sparkling to me (a green lily) and it lasts well and I wear it year round while the Essence de Parfum which is much heavier and rich in vanilla in winter at night only. November 21, 2016 at 1:24pm Reply

      • Trudy: Thank you for the suggestion! I just picked up a sample at Nordstrom…I will see how it wears on me. November 21, 2016 at 9:17pm Reply

    • Lily: My one, if I had to go back to just one, would be Houbigant Orangeur en Fleur. I feel it is both elegant enough for any formal occasion, but effervescent enough for daily life. Orange and spice, orange blossom/jasmine, over a subtle wood/musk base.

      Good luck! And we’ll all be curious to hear what you decide! November 21, 2016 at 1:46pm Reply

      • Trudy: Thank you so much…I will add this to my list of samples to order on-line as I can’t see to find it at any of the shops nearby. It sounds lovely. November 21, 2016 at 9:18pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Trudy have you smelled Une Rose Chyprée by Andy Tauer? To me it has all the qualities you asked for, and at the moment one of my favourites. November 21, 2016 at 2:30pm Reply

      • Trudy: I haven’t tried this one but will order a sample decant on line. I did some reading on this and it sounds beautiful. I see that Bois de Jasmin gave it five stars. Thank you for the suggestion. November 21, 2016 at 9:20pm Reply

    • Karen A: My suggestion is Coco, either the pure perfume or EdP. If I could only get one, I’d go for the pure parfum. Perfect for daily but like coming down a beautiful staircase under a crystal chandelier when dressing up

      The small bottle of the pure parfum is affordable, and perhaps the SA will give you a generous sample of the EdP as mine did! November 21, 2016 at 4:10pm Reply

      • Trudy: Thank you for the recommendation. I picked up a sample at Nordstrom today….we will see how it does with my chemistry. I’ve always wanted this one to work for me. It just seems so glamorous. November 21, 2016 at 9:23pm Reply

        • Karen A: Fingers crossed it works! But if not, you now have lots of suggestions to try. The pure parfum has been my default fragrance when dressing up or just wanting to make something feel special (like a quiet dinner at home!). November 22, 2016 at 3:53am Reply

    • Delilah V: Hi Trudy, my suggestion would be YSL’s Saharienne. It’s so sweetly delicate, has a lovely crisp opening and a soft spice and light mossy drydown. Mysterious, airy and feminine. Also second Aurora’s suggestion, Baiser Vole smells of silky green lily stems, a little romantic very sophisticated. November 21, 2016 at 7:03pm Reply

      • Trudy: Thank you for the suggestion of YSL Saharienne. I am going to track this one down or see if I can order a sample. Your description sounds gorgeous. November 21, 2016 at 9:26pm Reply

    • hajusuuri: Trudy, I recommend Chanel 31 Rue Cambon November 22, 2016 at 12:41am Reply

      • Hamamelis: Excellent suggestion! November 22, 2016 at 6:51am Reply

    • spe: Apologies in advance for this obvious suggestion. Your description reads like No. 5 to me. Have you tried all formulations? November 22, 2016 at 1:33am Reply

    • kayliz: I think of Vero Profumo’s Mito as sparkly, the Voile d’Extrait a bit more so than the Eau de Parfum. November 22, 2016 at 2:11pm Reply

    • Cybele: Cristalle EDP November 24, 2016 at 7:29am Reply

  • flopsymopsy: Many years ago – more than I care to think! – I found a fragrance called Liz Claiborne, which came in an absolutely ghastly bottle, triangular, which a really hideous plastic surround. However the fragrance was, I thought, lovely. Does it ring any bells with you lovely enthusiasts out there? I’d love to rediscover either it, or the floral note which stood out to me. Having said all this – it was a crazy mixed up period in my life and so it may all turn out to be a trick of the memory, although I would love to know! November 21, 2016 at 11:55am Reply

    • angelaB: Hi flopsymopsy – I do recall that fragrance from the 80’s. It had freesia as it’s main note if you looking for something similar? November 21, 2016 at 1:04pm Reply

    • Nikki: That fragrance is still sold at TJMaxx… November 21, 2016 at 1:25pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Flopsymopsy: Then based on this information, how wonderful that Angela knew this perfume too!, you might also like Diptyque Ofresia (I love the freesia note in this). Also, try eBay if nothing will do but the Liz Claiborne, it might still be available for a reasonable price. November 21, 2016 at 1:48pm Reply

    • DaveStPaul: Hi flopsy,

      My wife had that same crazy triangle bottle when we met. =:o)

      I think you should try some of the perfumes made by Parfums de Nicolai. She makes really nice, lovely, and I think *friendly* fragrances. Odalisque, or Temps d’une Fete, or Number One — any of these might hit that spot you’re looking for. They usually have a nice zing, too, almost like smelling a greenhouse, or an actual bouquet sometimes, if that makes sense. It might give a similar feel to the floral note you remember from Liz Claiborne, which was kind of marigold-y or carnation-y, and lively.

      And I think you’re right to be cautious with the power of memory: It’s really unlikely to find something that will bring exactly that feeling back. But hopefully someone on here will help you find something new. Good luck. November 22, 2016 at 11:24am Reply

    • Mia: Hi flopsymopsy! I am very late here, as usual. Here however info from Fragrantica about the scent:

      Whether the notes are accurate or anything, I don’t know but you probably will recall them. In your shoes I would go after Liz first, then perhaps try to find some substitutes or more “modern” equivalents. I would feel haunted by a scent I knew exists there somewhere and thus could not enjoy any other before getting to know the One.

      Good luck! November 29, 2016 at 2:19pm Reply

      • flopsymopsy: thank you so much for all your comments – a bottle of the original juice is winging its way to me whilst I have also taken your recommendations to heart. In addition and completely off piste where this post is concerned – i just smelled galop d’hermes and am in love. Perhaps I have grown up just a little bit ….. November 29, 2016 at 3:01pm Reply

  • Sylvia Long: I’d like to find a new winter fragrance. I’ve just tried Santal Majuscule ( thank you for the fabulous review Victoria!) and I like it enough that I’m going to send for a larger sample to keep trying. I love the dry cocoa note over the sandalwood! It’s very comforting and seems Christmas- y to me. 😀
    I love the drydown of Ambre Des Merveilles! I’d like to find something like that ending if that makes sense.
    I tried the new Stash by SJP and it was just linear cedar on me and didn’t work. I also tried the Nirvana Bourbon and it was just musk and a little spice and then lots of musk. It didn’t work either.
    I have suggestions that I try the SSS Cocoa Sandalwood ( I’ve
    Tried a small amount before but will get a larger amount to try next to the Santal Majescule) and Boise de Champange.
    Anyone else have a suggestions for things I should sample?
    Thanks! November 21, 2016 at 12:25pm Reply

    • Erry: I think Kenzo Jungle d’Elephant is very christmas-y, at least on me. It smells like gingerbread (nutmeg, clove, vanilla) sprinkled with cardamom. November 21, 2016 at 12:59pm Reply

      • Sylvia Long: @Erry- oh that sounds delightful! Thanks for the rec! November 21, 2016 at 3:54pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: I suggest you try Neela Vermeire’s Trayee, it has a wonderful spicy sandalwood drydown. It is now available as a travelspray which makes it more affordable. November 21, 2016 at 2:32pm Reply

      • Sylvia Long: Hamamelis- thanks for the suggestion- spice and sandal and a travel size sounds great! November 21, 2016 at 3:58pm Reply

    • George: Dior Homme. Dries van noten. Sycomore. Borneo 1834. November 21, 2016 at 6:35pm Reply

      • George: oh and Bois Des Iles. November 21, 2016 at 6:35pm Reply

        • Sylvia Long: Thank you for the suggestions George! November 22, 2016 at 4:48pm Reply

    • Karen A: Geisha Noire now comes in a EDP (used to just be an oil). Amber, sandalwood, and tonka bean – it is rich and comforting. I’ve only tried the oil, but the EdP is probably a bit more shimmery. November 22, 2016 at 4:01am Reply

      • Sylvia Long: Thank you for the suggestions Karen. The notes look good. November 22, 2016 at 4:49pm Reply

    • kayliz: I think you might like Lei by Mazzolari. November 22, 2016 at 2:12pm Reply

      • Sylvia Long: I’ll look that up-thanks for the lead Kayliz! November 22, 2016 at 4:51pm Reply

  • Frank masso: Happy holidays to everyone! I have been looking for a perfume or oil that reminds me of Christmas. I’m thinking eggnog and brandy,cinnamon and vanilla,warm milk with some spicy and sweet notes. Madeline by Ava Luxe is amazing but want to try something different. Thanks! Lots of love to you all! November 21, 2016 at 12:48pm Reply

    • Aurora: Happy Holidays to you too Frank: I’m thinking of Hermes Ambre Narguile for you balsamic sweet with brandy and spice + tobacco. Also one of Thierry Mugler A*Men might appeal (Mugler does gourmand very well), I know the Malt one (I don’t think there’s a brandy one) and like it very much although if I strictly think of undiluted malt I like l’Artisan Parfumeur Skin on Skin even more, but am not sure if you would like it. All the best for finding your perfect Xmas scent. I’m looking for one too. November 21, 2016 at 2:57pm Reply

      • Frank masso: Thank you so much! November 22, 2016 at 11:28am Reply

    • Aurora: Also just remembering, you might want to explore the BPAL (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab) oils. I have a Halloween one, really good quality and fun, there may be some specifically for Xmas too. November 21, 2016 at 3:14pm Reply

    • George: Arabie by Serge Lutens. Egoiste by Chanel has some Christmassy aspects mixed in with other more traditional mens fragrance aspects. November 21, 2016 at 6:29pm Reply

      • George: And seconding Ambre Narghile. November 21, 2016 at 6:31pm Reply

      • Frank masso: Thank you! Going to the perfumed court for some samples. Happy holidays. November 22, 2016 at 11:30am Reply

    • katherine x: Hi Frank – Happy Holidays to you too! There’s Dries Van Noten – Victoria reviewed it as well. It’s sweet and warm – a little woody though – perhaps from the fireplace burning brightly? November 21, 2016 at 9:12pm Reply

      • Frank masso: Thank you! November 22, 2016 at 11:30am Reply

    • Tara C: Despite the name, Tom Ford Tobacco Oud has spice. I was wearing it one day at Nordstrom’s and the SA said I smelled like Christmas. November 22, 2016 at 10:43pm Reply

    • Lala: Maria Candida Gentile’s Lankaran Forest is a bracing, beautiful new perfume that’s great for the holidays. It’s got similarities to Serge Lutens’ Fille en Aiguilles (but less phenolic) and the Bruno Fazzolari + Antonio Gardoni collaboration Cadavre Exquis (but less gourmand). November 24, 2016 at 7:44pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: As a perfume newcomer, I haven’t “met” many fragrances with a distinctive milk note, but here is one I like very much: Carner Barcelona’s Palo Santo. Here is what Fragrantica says about notes: “Top notes are artemisia and rum; middle notes are milk, guaiac wood and tonka bean; base notes are vetiver, vanilla and sandalwood.” The name itself is Christmasy, as palo santo is a tree that is related to frankincense and myrrh! I find the milky note to be very distinctive and warm. December 22, 2016 at 11:06am Reply

  • Aurora: Seeing Frank’s request reminds me that I am looking for a Xmas eve perfume. I usually wear No 5 EDT but want a change this year. With many thanks in advance would you let me know what you plan to wear for this special evening? It has to withstand the kitchen as I will be cooking. November 21, 2016 at 3:01pm Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: I plan to wear Baghari (Piguet) that evening.
      Maybe also good for you! November 21, 2016 at 3:32pm Reply

      • Aurora: Thank you so much, Cornelia! New to me, my knowledge of Piguet is small, Fracas only (I admire but don’t love), so I am going to order a sample of Baghari, if it is similar in strength it will do very well. November 21, 2016 at 3:54pm Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: Baghari is in my perception festive, warm, amber, vanille, a touch of orange. And the aldehydes familiar from No5. Certainly strong enough. Totally different from Fracas!
          I love by the way also Piguet’s Futur. A very green and bitter chypre, not for Christmas Eve.
          but worth sniffing.

          Enjoy your Christmas! November 21, 2016 at 4:23pm Reply

          • Aurora: Sounds quite perfect. And now you make me want to try Futur too. November 21, 2016 at 5:04pm Reply

    • Lily: My holiday fragrance shortlist is:
      Serge Lutens Fille en Aiguilles – pine over incense, to me that is Christmas Eve in one image
      Houbigant oranger en fleur – bc a male friend describes it as sitting in a wooden study while someone cooks with orange and spice down the hall, and bc it is such a fave for me I use any excuse to wear it as a special scent
      -Burberry london for him which is cinnamon on vanilla tobacco for me, basically grandpa’s study at the holidays

      Of these the only one even remotely similar to No.5 genre wise is the Houbigant, and even that is pretty different. 🙂 November 21, 2016 at 5:53pm Reply

      • Aurora: Thank you very much for your suggestions Lily. I know the Lutens and enjoyed it but don’t have a bottle as I have already Nuit Etoilee but you’re absolutely right pine or fir is a great idea for Xmas! And I’ve been curious about Oranger en Fleurs, your description is very enticing. November 22, 2016 at 2:56am Reply

        • Lily: Funny thing, I wasn’t crazy about the Lutens till I dig out my sample this fall to try again in cooler weather. And then it was everything I didn’t know I was looking for! Love how that works with this hobby 😉 November 22, 2016 at 9:32am Reply

          • Aurora: In that case you would probably enjoy Nuit Etoilee, it represents a cold, still night to me. Yes, it’s one of the best things about perfume quests, these surprises and near misses due to weather and moods. November 22, 2016 at 9:42am Reply

            • Lily: I will add to my sampling list. I remember reading the review and being put off by the maple syrup note Victoria listed…my skin is sweet-sensitive so gourmand can easily go cloying on me. But that was also very early in my perfume explorations! Reading now the comment didn’t seem quite so alarming. November 22, 2016 at 10:29am Reply

      • Aurora: And I’ll make sure to try the Burberry too, Grandpa’s study at the holidays is appealing. November 22, 2016 at 3:16am Reply

        • Lily: That’s one that would probably be easier sampled locally, I am not sure I’ve seen it on decant sites probably bc it is REALLY easily had and not too pricey. It’s one I really love that seems to fly under the radar a lot. November 22, 2016 at 9:33am Reply

          • Aurora: As I am in Burberry country, the UK, I should be able to get hold of it, although of course it is now owned by the LVMH mammoth. November 22, 2016 at 12:42pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: I thought about it, and I’m not sure if there is a better choice than no 5 EdT! It so fits the silence of the midwinter night…
      Would you like me to send you a sample of Orangers en Fleurs? There is a travelspray of the pure perfume for sale on Ebay, very reasonally priced, I have that one as well, which is equally lovely, it has a bit more emphasis on the rose. November 22, 2016 at 6:54am Reply

      • Aurora: Oh, so kind of you, I would love a sample of OEF when you have chance (no rush). Off to eBayuk to investigate about pure parfum, I didn’t even know there were 2 concentrations. November 22, 2016 at 7:52am Reply

      • Aurora: I love your description of No 5, so poetic, yes, it’s very special. But I am so grateful to have more options thanks to the answers received. November 22, 2016 at 8:06am Reply

    • Tati: My plan is Une Rose, by Malle. We always go to Midnight Mass, it is starry at night and cold, and the rose and earthy note seems appropriate. November 24, 2016 at 1:37am Reply

      • Aurora: Thank you Tati. Your choice sounds lovely, I don’t know Une Rose and will order a sample. Have a wonderful time at Xmas. November 24, 2016 at 3:21am Reply

    • Cybele: Chanel Bois des Iles is perfect. Another favourite is Youth Dew Amber Nude – if you can still find it November 24, 2016 at 7:33am Reply

      • Aurora: Thank you for sharing your choice, Cybele. I love Bois des Iles, at first I wasn’t sure and then I found that I absolutely adored it especially the dreamy, woody drydown. November 24, 2016 at 1:23pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: What a great thread, which I am discovering a month later! I’ve been thinking about my choices too. I love the idea of DSH’s Adoration but I don’t own that. I could go with Calligraphy Rose, for the frankincense and myrrh, or Palo Santo. Love the suggestions of Nuit Etoilee and Fille en Aiguilles, but I don’t have either of those. I’ll have to jump over to the December thread to get more ideas! December 22, 2016 at 11:25am Reply

  • Jacqueline: I am looking for a sexy turn-on perfume, something that I can find easily in Australia up to $200 mark.
    Thank you. November 21, 2016 at 3:46pm Reply

    • Aurora: Sexy is a little bit hard to define, I find. I’ll try by suggesting dark roses, I think, Do you like mossy rose perfumes? Perhaps Agent Provocateur (the one in the pink bottle) would work for you or Estee Lauder Knowing very rich mossy rose, or Terry de Gunzburg Rouge Nocturne another lovely patchouli rose. November 22, 2016 at 9:33am Reply

      • Jacqueline: Thank you, Aurora! Will check out Knowing, not sure where I can find rest here, but I have put them on checklist for lookout! November 22, 2016 at 3:42pm Reply

        • Pearl: Hi Jaqueline, I’m a french girl living in Australia – you can find Rouge Nocturne at Mecca. Check out the Frederic Malle perfumes there too – there are a few that I think could be called ‘sexy turn ons’ such as Musc Ravageur, Carnal flower, etc.
          What perfumes do you currently wear/love? That might help people narrow down their list of suggestions 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 5:32pm Reply

          • Jacqueline: Oh wow!
            At the moment, LouLou, Alien and Stash…
            Nothing exciting… November 23, 2016 at 12:00am Reply

            • Pearl: Mecca also stocks Serge Lutens – another brand you might want to look as their perfumes fall under the $200 mark (and are gorgeous). I think ‘Chergui’ and ‘Ambre Sultan’ are very sexy for example but as someone else mentioned – ‘sexy’ means different things to different people :). November 23, 2016 at 4:44am Reply

    • Marianna: I highly recommend Ultimate Seduction or Sensual Orchid by LM Parfums. Not sure how pricey it is in Australia, but he sells 5 ml travel samples on his website November 22, 2016 at 10:38pm Reply

      • Jacqueline: I will have a look! Thanks! November 23, 2016 at 12:01am Reply

    • Tati: In that price range, Juliett Has A Gun had some great options. Their Midnight Oud is very soft and sexy, IMO, and also Lady Vengeance, rose and patchouli. November 24, 2016 at 1:42am Reply

      • Jacqueline: Thank you, where can I find these? November 24, 2016 at 5:13am Reply

        • Tati: Not sure if you are in the US, but Luckyscent carries the line, or you can order directly from them. Good luck! November 24, 2016 at 9:57am Reply

  • Delilah V: Hello again, I just wanted to thank the lovely creatures who helped me with suggestions in last month’s thread.

    I was on a quest for the most decadent scent in the world, one a naked courtesan/swaggering adventuress might wear. So I’ve finally made a choice and I’m wearing Jazz club layered with MKK and it’s glorious!

    The boozy smokiness in Jazz club tempers the femininity of the rose in MKK and the leather in the former and musk in the latter blend seamlessly into an incredibly erotic drydown. I’m obsessed. (Also, chose L’Air du Desert Marocain to scent my hair)

    I thoroughly enjoyed sampling many of your suggestions so thanks again, I’ll keep an eye out for any requests I can help with.

    Suggestions for a scent to wear to a Grecian themed orgy perhaps? Or the perfect perfume for your worst enemy’s funeral? Outrageous requests are so fun, we should all partake more often. Death to minimalism, Long live decadence. November 21, 2016 at 6:41pm Reply

    • Aurora: Jazz Club + MKK that sounds fierce and wonderful. I admire your attitude very much, Delilah! November 22, 2016 at 5:50am Reply

      • Delilah V: What an adorably candid thing to say Aurora. I’m glad I can be entertaining in some way, hope your life is going beautifully sweet-thing! November 22, 2016 at 11:22am Reply

    • kayliz: Thrilled to read your update! What’s MKK? November 22, 2016 at 2:18pm Reply

    • AnnieA: @Delilah, the best way to offend at an enemy’s funeral would probably to wear a loud, cheerful, unfuneral-like perfume, something singing “Happy Times are Here Again”. Maybe a Jessica Simpson? November 28, 2016 at 7:58pm Reply

  • Ninon: Hello! We are in our dark, damp season here in the Pacific Northwest. I’m shopping for a new perfume for Christmas and would love some recommendations. I love Bois des Iles parfum and Bois d’Armenie, and am interested in discovering other complex, well-structured balsamic scents. I am going to smell the new edp formulations of No. 22 and Coromandel, as well as Angelique Noire. I have not explored Caron yet, and am curious about Nuit de Noel and Parfum Sacre, but I haven’t found any samples of the current formulations online. Anything else I should consider? Thanks so much and happy autumn! November 21, 2016 at 8:24pm Reply

    • Karen A: Will resuggest Geisha Noire (posted above to Sylvia). Luckyscent has samples. There is also Lutens’ Fille en Anguilles with resinous pine and vetiver working together beautifully. November 22, 2016 at 4:07am Reply

      • Ninon: Thank you so much! I am not familiar with Geisha Noire…I wish I had sniffed it when I was recently at Scent Bar! And I had somehow forgotten about Fille en Anguilles–that is lovely this time of year. November 22, 2016 at 4:04pm Reply

        • Karen A: I put on a tiny bit of Geisha Noir early this morning and was so blown away by it. And as I commented on another post, Like en Anguilla is one of the only perfumes I actively craved – while on a trip to Scotland walking in a pine forest during an unexpected snowstorm. November 22, 2016 at 4:08pm Reply

    • Aurora: Ninon, I hope you will find your perfect balsamic perfume. One I like very much is Maitre Parfumeur & Gantier Ambre Precieux and Lutens does balsam and amber well: Santal Majuscule, Chergui, Ambre Sultan (which Cornelia recommends below) or even Un Bois Vanille, although you have to like coconut for this one and you might find it lacking in depth. November 22, 2016 at 10:01am Reply

      • Ninon: Thank you so much for these recommendations! I can’t believe I still haven’t found my way to Santal Majuscule…must remedy that asap! I should have mentioned that I can’t do amber in large doses, which makes my request for something balsamic quite bratty. I will definitely retest Chergui though! November 22, 2016 at 4:06pm Reply

    • Lily: Parfum Sacre is one of my great loves, though I have no idea how it compares to the others you listed. On me it dries down as vanilla powder with this spice-like burn at the back of the nose. Not especially resinous or basalmic (at least as I tend to think of those terms) but gorgeous. My bottle was eithe 2009 or 2013 – not current but not the original either.

      The Fille en Aiguilles mentioned by Karen A is a gorgeous sappy pine over incense, with hints of tart berries on the edge. I am living it as Christmas in a bottle but it is definitely resinous!

      If you try Nuit de Noel report back…I want to try that one too but haven’t sampled yet. 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 10:50am Reply

      • Ninon: Parfum Sacre sounds divine! I can sample a couple older versions on StC, but I’m afraid of getting attached to something so difficult to find. If I manage to test the current formulation and Nuit de Noel, I will post my impressions 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 4:08pm Reply

    • Aurora: I forgot to mention the wonderful budget treat: Yves Rocher Voile d’Ambre. It holds its own with the best and Victoria likes it too. Enjoy your autumn too. November 22, 2016 at 1:17pm Reply

      • Ninon: Thank you–I neglected to mention that I struggle with heavy ambers. But I will check this out! November 22, 2016 at 4:07pm Reply

        • Karen A: A beautiful amber is Estee Lauder’s Amber Mystique. Very elegant. I have recommended Roberto Cavalli’s Oro before – it is a beautiful and very inexpensive amber. Not at all heavy, plus layers well. November 22, 2016 at 4:10pm Reply

        • Aurora: No, don’t apologize, Ninon, it must mean that some balsam resins don’t work for you, very interesting challenge in a way. Helpfully I’ve just checked my box and Yves Rocher lists for Voile d’Ambre: ess. oils of mandarin, patchouli, incense, australian sandalwood, black pepper and tonka bean absolute, opoponax and myrrh resinoids, so it is these last three that might or might not be a problem for you. November 22, 2016 at 4:33pm Reply

    • Ninon: Somewhat askance from my post above: Can anyone comment on PHI Une Rose Chypree? I see that it’s again available and I love Une Rose de Kandahar. From what I’ve read, this is layered and complex over that balsamic Taurade base. November 22, 2016 at 4:10pm Reply

      • Tara C: There are two perfumes confused here: Une Rose Chyprée and PHI Rose de Kandahar. Both of them are gorgeous. November 22, 2016 at 10:49pm Reply

        • Ninon: I already know and love Une Rose de Kandahar and consequently would like to try Une Rose Chyprée 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 10:53pm Reply

          • Hamamelis: Rose Chypree is one of my favourites. It starts as a fresh beautiful rose and slowly dries down to a soft spicy amber. There’s an excellent review here on BdJ. I did not get on so well with Kandahar, but I love Rose Chypree. November 24, 2016 at 7:03am Reply

            • Ninon: Thanks so much for this. Now I know I must try it! November 24, 2016 at 1:00pm Reply

    • Danica: Vintage Coco parfum is the absolute best in kind of the French rose/ sandalwood perfumes and is very Christmasy, the new formulation may still be lovely. 10 Corso Como is rose, sandalwood and aoud and especially nice if you can get vintage (seeing it around Ebay these days). Ciel de Gum by MFK (sometimes avail on their website) is a modern and classy cinnamon sandalwood rose. Basmah Attar by Amouage is a spicy sandalwood that alternates hot and cold and is simultaneously ethereal and dramatic (another Ebay find). You might also try Dior’s Bois D’Argent which is dry, classy and has a myrrh note.

      I think Geisha Noire is fabulous but it reads more like a spicy leather on my skin. November 24, 2016 at 2:54am Reply

      • Ninon: Danica: Oh my goodness, I had not heard this about vintage Coco! That sounds divine! Thank you so much for the recommendations! November 24, 2016 at 1:00pm Reply

    • Cybele: try also Toly by Ormond Jayne and Estee Lauder Sensous Noir is surprisingly nice November 24, 2016 at 7:40am Reply

      • Ninon: Thank you–I have not sniffed either of these yet 🙂 November 27, 2016 at 1:16am Reply

  • Julie Ellis: Thanks for the great ideas so far, will look for samples to try during the pre-holiday season.
    They all sound yummy. November 21, 2016 at 9:20pm Reply

  • kekasmais: The period between Thanksgiving and New Years may be the only facet of winter I actually like, simply for being so redolent with warm, sweet and ambery fragrances that fit perfectly with knit sweaters, decadent desserts and company around the fireplace. What fragrance captures your favorite part of this time of year? (Coco, Jeux de Peau, Rahat Loukhoum and Dries van Noten pour Frederic Malle do it for me.)

    Also, knowing me, by January I’ll start to itch for strong, striking florals to carry me through until April. Any suggestions to jot down for future appraisal would be greatly appreciated.

    (P.S. Special thanks to everyone who threw down the L’Heure Bleue gauntlet in response to my request last month for a fragrance to take to the Met Opera. The two are now delightfully inseparable in mind.) November 21, 2016 at 9:22pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: I’ve discovered Mona di Orio, and love her Vanille and Ambre for this time of the year. I also love Annick Goutal’s Ambre Fetiche and Sables, Ambre de Merveilles, and Trayee. I think my all time favourite Heure Exquise fits too, especially the sandalwood drydown. November 22, 2016 at 6:57am Reply

    • Hayley: I like Jo Malone Dark Amber and Gingerlily for early to mid winter. I find it festive but not too much so, and the bright ginger helps against the winter blues 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 11:25am Reply

    • Aurora: So glad you enjoyed your night at the opera. This fall I find myself wearing Daim Blond layered with AP l’Agent for even more osmanthus, Kenzo Madly (my everyday encens), Jil Sander No 4 for its honeyed plum and Bvlgari Omnia for its cinnamon.

      2. White flower perfumes: Have you tried Annick Goutal Songes (a jasmine very potent)? Also Van Cleef & Arpels Gardenia Petale, a soft gardenia maybe too much on the quiet side for you? and Cartier Baiser Vole Essence de Parfum a vanilla lily, very strong. November 22, 2016 at 1:06pm Reply

      • Aurora: … And forgot one that I like to wear in the winter as well as summer: Nuxe Prodigieux Le Parfum, perhaps you’d like it too. November 22, 2016 at 2:29pm Reply

    • Neva: Hi kekasmais, my favourite scent for December, waiting for Christmas is Feminite du Bois – woody, spicy. Also Gucci Rush works great for me in cold weather.
      And I must try Jeux de Peau again, now that you mention it. I remember being fascinated by it but then I probably got carried away by something else… November 29, 2016 at 9:32am Reply

  • Pearl: Hi everyone! I discovered this wonderful blog last year and to say that I am now obsessed with fragrances is an understatement 🙂 Thank you for creating such a wonderful space Victoria.
    I’m looking for my new signature scent and I’d love to hear your suggestions!
    I have a few floral and light rose perfumes already so I’d love something different. Here are a few of my current favorite samples:
    – SL ‘Feminite du bois’
    – Dyptique ‘Volutes’
    – Parfum Delrae ‘Bois de paradis’ (though I’d love it even more without the blackberry note)
    – FM ‘Musc Ravageur’
    – MFK ‘Grand soir’ & ‘Baccarat’
    – Terry Gunzburg ‘Rouge Nocturne’

    ps. I used to wear Angel (and still secretly love it though it reminds me too much of my university years now), Coco Mademoiselle, and Shalimar…so loud perfumes obviously don’t scare me hehe.

    Thank you! November 21, 2016 at 9:35pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Maybe you could try out Neela Vermeire’s fragrances? November 22, 2016 at 6:58am Reply

      • Pearl: Oh I’m not familiar with that brand – I’ll look them up now. Thanks for the suggestion xx November 22, 2016 at 4:38pm Reply

    • mina: Oh someone mentioning rouge nocturne! Could you please tell me more about it? I’m really tempted to buy a bottle! November 22, 2016 at 8:45am Reply

      • Pearl: Hi Mina! Rouge Nocturne was my gateway into rose perfumes. I never thought I liked the smell of roses until a lady at a perfume store in France insisted I give RN a sniff after I named a few perfumes I already liked. If you love a good rose/patchouli combo then I think you’d really enjoy it. It’s a very feminine, luxurious, opera-worthy perfume I think. The only thing that slightly bothers me with RN (besides the high price point and the fact that it doesn’t come in a smaller/cheaper bottle) is that the drydown is quite powdery.

        ps. I think Victoria did a review on this perfume a while ago actually – I’m sure her description will be much better than mine 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 5:00pm Reply

        • mina: Thank you for your reply! I tried RN and it smelled of lush buttery red roses. The red coloured juice is just spot on for this fragrance. Have you tried Café Rose by Tom Ford? It’s a dark moody rose layered with smoke and woods. I think you will like it very much. November 23, 2016 at 9:05am Reply

          • Pearl: That’s so funny you said ‘lush’ as I almost used that exact term myself haha. Buttery is an excellent way to describe it too – it truly is a lovely fragrance. I’ll try to find and smell Cafe Rose today, thanks for the recommendation x November 23, 2016 at 3:35pm Reply

    • Aurora: Another Guerlain maybe as you like Shalimar? Jicky if you enjoy lavender has the typical drydown of Guerlain (the guerlinade) all the Guerlains are worth trying really , or the orange flower of Hermes 24 Faubourg or the potent yellow flowers (mimosa) of Lancome Poeme since you don’t mind ‘loud’ perfumes, also do try Habit Rouge, the men version of Shalimar, I actually find it easier to wear. Also based on your fondness for patchouli you might try Estee Lauder Knowing, it is more affordable than Rouge Nocturne and wears very well, or a good sandalwood like Serge Lutens Santal Majuscule, Santal Blanc, Diptyque Tam Dao and Chanel Bois des Iles. Also as you like Feminite du Bois try Bois et Fruits too. Hope this is helping a little bit in your quest. November 22, 2016 at 3:26pm Reply

      • Pearl: Thank you so much Aurora! I have tried most of the Guerlains and while I do enjoy them very much, none of them has completely won me over yet. My mum wears 24, rue faubourg so I associate this perfume with her. For some reason orange blossom doesn’t work on my skin though. I love it others but on me it smells wrong…
        I will get samples on EL Knowing (hehe you quickly spotted my love for patchouli), Bois et Fruits and Bois des iles as all sound very promising. Thanks again xx November 22, 2016 at 4:35pm Reply

  • Shannon: *waves* There is something about the beautiful fall weather that makes me really crave a church incense perfume. I just tried Ramon Bejar’s Sanctum, which is nice, but too powdery for my tastes. I would like an incense-labdanum sort of blend. Any suggestions would be fantastic!! November 21, 2016 at 11:04pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: My absolute favourite incense at the moment is April Aromatics Calling all Angels. Expensive though, but a sample goes a long way.
      Another real churchy incense is Unum Lavs. Comme des Garcons Avignon or Kyoto are also worth a try. November 22, 2016 at 7:04am Reply

      • Marianna: I second for Unum Lavs November 22, 2016 at 10:42pm Reply

      • Danica: Unum Lavs is pretty amazing. It has a black pepper note that weaves into the incense accord in a very haunting way. November 24, 2016 at 2:59am Reply

    • Aurora: I will second Hamamelis for Avignon (I’m not familiar with the others), but for specifically labdanum/incense I will add Montale Full Incense, not too heady, reminds me somewhat of Encens Flamboyant (long discontinued) and the recently discontinued Sahara Noir very heavy in labdanum, very heady almost too much, best worn on a scarf as Victoria suggests in her review. November 22, 2016 at 8:01am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: My favourite church atmosphere in perfume: Bois d’Encens on my skin and Oud Royal on my scarf. (Armani Privè). Very expensive of course if you can’t find a tester or a decant!
        Not an incense, but solemn, reminding of a church: Ambre Sultan SL November 22, 2016 at 8:32am Reply

    • Tara C: Heeley Eau Sacrée is very good, but $$$. November 22, 2016 at 10:52pm Reply

    • Tati: A third vote for Unum Lavs! November 24, 2016 at 1:52am Reply

  • Andrea: Hello, everyone, I’m looking for a (white) floral, that I can wear at work. I’m a piano teacher and most students are children, so the perfume shouldn’t have too much character. Actually I’m looking for something nice, bright and slightly sparkling that makes you smile. I’d like the perfume to have a warm side, too, like vanilla or something. J’adore lumiere nearly fits the bill, but to me it is too white and not transparent enough. I also tried Idylle, Jour d’ Hermes and Ever Bloom. Do you have any ideas? Thank you all! November 22, 2016 at 7:12am Reply

    • Anne: Hello,

      Have you tried L Instant by Guerlain? I think you might like it. It has the bright luminous white flower and also the comforting Vanilla, and without being heady or sickly. It s my BF to go scent, and it does make me smile and also say “you smell lovely’. November 22, 2016 at 7:44am Reply

      • Anne: Me again….just another thought. Have you tried the new Chanel N 5 L eau? It is not exactly a white flower….but it is a flower ( rose), and not exactly vanilla… but it has this gourmand skin quality ( musc)? It s my favourite at the moment. November 22, 2016 at 7:47am Reply

        • Andrea: Yes, I like No 5 l’eau. At first I wanted to write, that the perfect perfume might be a cross of J’adore Lumiere and No 5 l’eau. The first one has the flowers, the latter the sparkel. Maybe I should layer them. I think I’ll do that once just to see what will happen, although it feels like a sacrilege. Thanks for your suggestions, Anne!
          I once tried L’Instant and it didn’t do anything with my brain. I have no idea why, the ingrediences just sound right.. November 22, 2016 at 8:27am Reply

          • Andrea: Oh no, I was wrong! It was L’Instant Magique, that I tried, so I don’t know L’Instant yet. Great, I’ll try it! November 22, 2016 at 8:39am Reply

          • Anne: You should definitely try layering! Why not??!!!
            Also, another suggestion, have you tried Le Parfum by Elie Saab. I,personnaly, have a bit of a love/hate relationship with that one. But a friend of mine wears it beautiful, hence I always try to revisit it and it fails on me. But on her, it has that gorgeous flowery quality and burst of sunshine
            Let us know how you get on. November 22, 2016 at 8:42am Reply

            • Andrea: I looked up the ingrediences on fragrantica. It looks good. Do you know, if Elie Saab uses natural materials? I didn’t make my mind up, if that’s really important. Until now I struggled with scents like La Vie e belle or Si. Maybe it’s just the composition and not the material… November 22, 2016 at 8:57am Reply

              • Anne: I am not sure about the ingredients. However, as much as I love Elie Saab perfume, I can t stand La vie est Belle or Si. To me, they are 2 similar mainstream very sweet scent.
                Le Parfum is not that, at all. Definitely try it on your skin before. It doesn’t agree with me, but smell so good on my friend. November 22, 2016 at 9:01am Reply

    • Michaela: Maybe Knot. November 22, 2016 at 7:55am Reply

      • Andrea: Yes, I forgot about knot. I should revisite it! Thanks for your answer, Michaela! November 22, 2016 at 8:28am Reply

    • Madtowngirl: Have you tried Wit or Kai? Both are pretty white florals. Victoria and NST both have great reviews of Wit and Luckyscent has samples available to try before you buy🙂 November 22, 2016 at 9:11am Reply

      • Andrea: Both perfumes are new to me, thats great! I had a look at the reviews and on first glance it just seems right. I hope I will find anywhere to test them. Thank you very much! November 22, 2016 at 9:25am Reply

        • Andrea: Oh, and I didn’t know Luckyscent. November 22, 2016 at 9:31am Reply

          • Andrea: Is there a way to purchase DelRae Perfumes in Germany? I guess Wit is exactly what I’m looking for! In German there is a nice word for when you are disappointed and cross: Schmoll! November 22, 2016 at 6:19pm Reply

            • kayliz: Andrea, as far as I know DelRae isn’t available any more in Germany. Shops here and there may have bottles left, but not of Wit, since it was never distributed here. Sulking along with you: mit-schmoll! November 27, 2016 at 3:50am Reply

              • Andrea: Ich glaube, ich muss eine Feundin von mir noch mal in die USA schicken. Thank you, kayliz, for your answer! Let’s schmoll together. November 27, 2016 at 11:19am Reply

    • Heather H: Chanel Beige or Chanel Gardenia pure parfum are lovely!!! I have three children and they love these Chanels. Beautiful, but subtle. November 22, 2016 at 9:21am Reply

      • Andrea: I own Beige and it really makes me happy. Gardenia is, like J’adore Lumiere, though completely different, too white for my purposes. Thank you for your recommendations, Heather! Great, that your children love the Chanels. They have good taste 🙂 November 22, 2016 at 9:28am Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: Maybe the current version of Ivoire (Balmain). November 22, 2016 at 9:37am Reply

          • Andrea: I heard of that one before, the name sounds great already, doesn’t it? I’ll keep it in mind. Thank you, Cornelia! November 22, 2016 at 10:20am Reply

        • katherine x: I love Beige too – and Van Cleef Gardenia Petale strikes a similar feel – you may want to try it.

          Another perfume (edp) that should be relatively easy to find is Cartier’s Baiser Vole – sparkling but soft lily. The Baiser Vole Essence is also beautiful – it’s the regular Baiser Vole with vanilla that warms and sweetens it. Glorious. November 27, 2016 at 10:16pm Reply

          • Andrea: I remember trying it once and finding it beautiful. I know where to find it, it’s really easy. I’ll try it again. Thank you for your recommendations, Katherine. November 28, 2016 at 5:21am Reply

    • mina: J’adore Lumière is beautiful and i suggest tou try it with a lotion that has citrus note( like Tom Ford Neroli Portofino body lotion). For a happy, luminous white bouquet i couldn’t suggest better than Estee Lauder Pleasures. It’s fresh, comforting with the jasmine dominating the floral notes. I also would like to suggest la panthère eau légère by Cartier and Alien eau extraordinaire by Thierry Mugler.
      Elie Saab le parfum is ok but i found the quality really cheap and disappointing. November 22, 2016 at 9:34am Reply

      • Andrea: Yes, that’s a good idea. The lotion might add the sparkel, that I want! Thank you very much. November 22, 2016 at 9:36am Reply

        • Andrea: Here the results from my layering experiments: First Layering:J’adore Lumiere plus Original Eau de Cologne by Farina (this is really nice stuff, it’s a perfume, well ballanced, complex and shimmering) The result is Lumiere with silver sparkels, which is funny, because the Farina is golden.
          Second Combination: J’adore Lumiere plus No 5 L’Eau. Doesn’t work to my mind. L’Eau is muffled, Lumiere gets pale. It is as if the two fragrances fight for attention and loosing either. I can’t percieve it as a new scent, it’s still Chanel versus Dior.
          Thank you all for your recommendations! November 22, 2016 at 10:57am Reply

    • Ninon: I remember Heeley Ophelia as being quite gentle (and beautiful). November 22, 2016 at 4:12pm Reply

      • Andrea: I fear Ophelia is discontinued. But Heeley is a new brand to me. Their perfumes look promising. Thank you! November 22, 2016 at 6:49pm Reply

        • Ninon: Oh yes, I’m sorry! Van Cleef & Arpels Gardenia Petale is also soft and lovely. November 27, 2016 at 1:19am Reply

          • Andrea: Thank you, Ninon. I hope I’ll find anywhere to try it. November 27, 2016 at 11:21am Reply

            • katherine x: Hi Andrea,
              I hope you find it too. It’s soft in feel, slightly unusual (a touch carnal perhaps) and very easy to love. One of the VCA “extraordinaire” line. November 27, 2016 at 10:07pm Reply

              • Andrea: Slightly unusual sounds great! November 28, 2016 at 5:26am Reply

    • Sofie: Jour de Hermès Gardenia. White floral, although I think of it as a soft yellow colour, it’s pretty but not overwhelming and has a moderate longevity and sillage. November 22, 2016 at 6:00pm Reply

      • Andrea: Yes, I thought of that one, too. Glad, that you know it and described it. I’ ll try it next time in the perfume shop. Thanks, Ninon! November 22, 2016 at 6:43pm Reply

        • Andrea: Sorry, I mixed up the names. Thank you Sofie! November 22, 2016 at 6:50pm Reply

          • Sofie: No worries 😊. I was thinking of another one: Diorissimo! White lily of the valley, sparkling, happy… the only thing being the modern version smells a tad screeching and has no longevity at all. I do find it wears better on clothes though, so that might be an option. November 23, 2016 at 3:38am Reply

            • Andrea: I thought I tried it once, then I found out, that there are at least three fragrances with “diorissimo” in the name. The counter had the original, too, I think, but maybe it was an other dior. Maybe one afternoon I compare them to each other. Will be fun, I guess. Thank you for your suggestions! November 23, 2016 at 5:39am Reply

    • Amélia: Andrea! I have the perfect perfume – I also like white florals – it is Estee Lauder Private Collection Gardenia. But it is crazy expensive – only comes in edp. At least try it. It is soft and warm but vibrant and jasmine-y without being cloying or sweet. Can be worn day and night. November 23, 2016 at 5:11am Reply

      • Andrea: Oh yes, this is something, that I always wanted to try, but because of its price and because I just don’t know, where to try it, I haven’t. Do you know van Cleef and Arpels Gardenia Petale? Is it in any way comparable? Thanks for your answer, Amelia! November 23, 2016 at 6:55am Reply

        • Amélia: Hi Andrea, I’m familiar with Cleef and Arpels but I haven’t tried their gardenia fragrance unfortunately. Today I tried Diorissimo which you may like. I would describe it as a white floral that is somewhat sparkling, but a little muted if that makes sense. There is a powdery note in there, as well as a dewy element, a strange dichotomy that could render it perfect for both winter and summer. I tried EL Gardenia again today and I wasn’t so impressed for the price. I love it, but then today it smelled different on me and I couldn’t find the other worldliness to justify its price tag. November 28, 2016 at 6:11am Reply

          • Andrea: Thank you for this helpful comment, Amelia. I’ll definitely try Diorissimo now. Do you know van Cleef and Arpels California Reverie? That is another scent, that I’m interested in. Is it similar to Chanel Beige? November 28, 2016 at 7:52am Reply

    • Erry: As far as I remember, Estee Lauder Tuberose Gardenia is a sparkling, luminous white flower. That and Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Lys Soleia. November 23, 2016 at 3:59pm Reply

      • Andrea: That is interesting. I never had the nerv to find out what all the allegorias are about. Now that’s a reason to have a closer look. Thank you, Erry, for your answer. November 23, 2016 at 4:05pm Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: Tuberose Gardenia is sparkling indeed, but don’t you think it could be too strong for the piano play
          ing children?
          The edp is not cheap, but not so very expensive either. The pure perfume is very expensive (the one with the ”gems” on the stopper).

          Second Lys Soleia!
          I considered tributing Lys Soleia to Victoria’s list, but I don’t trust the bottle. Could be leaking, the Allegoria’s sometimes do. November 23, 2016 at 4:41pm Reply

          • Andrea: Now I really want to try the edp, though not for work. Your comment was very helpful. Thank you, Cornelia! November 23, 2016 at 4:49pm Reply

    • Karen A: Songes by Goutal is mentioned above to another question, but sounds like it may work for you. I fell for it after receiving a sample from Notturno7, and ended up buying a bottle and wearing it daily all late spring and summer. November 23, 2016 at 4:44pm Reply

      • Andrea: I thought Songes was rather on the bold side, is it not? November 23, 2016 at 4:52pm Reply

        • Karen A: Wow, that’s a difficult question! It was not a bad/ loud fragrance on me, but body chemistry may play a part?? I was also going to suggest Chamade – the pure parfum for something close wearing, or the EdP. it is not a white floral, but may be worth trying just because it’s so darn beautiful. November 23, 2016 at 5:15pm Reply

          • Andrea: There is a lot out there, that I haven’t tried yet, because I fell in love with perfumes in July this year. Chamade is one of the scents one shouldn’t ignore, I guess. And I’ll try Songes again. I didn’t test it on skin, if I remember correctly. Thank you for your answer, Karen! November 23, 2016 at 6:30pm Reply

    • mysterious_scent: Warm while floral, my top three:
      Isabey Gardenia
      Melodie De L`Amour by Parfums Dusita
      MDCI Nuit Andalouse December 13, 2016 at 9:16am Reply

  • mina: Hey everyone! I have a few fragrances that i like but i would like to try something different. I tend to prefer chypre fragrances and i like floral solinotes as well. Basically i like a perfume that is elegant, with depth and personnality. I tried Tom Ford Shanghai Lily, loved the opening but the drydown was disappointing as well as the longevity. Rouge Nocturne and Orchid Soleil smelled compelling but i’m still not sure if i have to have them. Here is my small collection to give you guys a hint of my taste in fragrance:
    -Chanel N5 eau première
    -Chanel Coco
    -Narciso by Narciso Rodriguez
    -Courrèges la fille de l’air
    -Alaia by Azzedine Alaia
    -Balenciaga l’essence
    -Estee Lauder Pleasures
    -Sisley Eau du soir
    -Cartier La Panthère

    PS: i don’t have access to niche perfumes. November 22, 2016 at 9:04am Reply

    • Liliane: Hey a suggestie for a food chypre : Y from Ysl.
      Thans a real Ghoos one of you love chypre. November 22, 2016 at 2:30pm Reply

      • mina: I’ll surely try it out! Thanks 😊 November 23, 2016 at 8:53am Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Mina: Have you already tested Another chypre for you Guerlain Mitsouko if you haven’t tried it already? Or Jean-Louis Scherrer a green chypre, or Jacomo Silences another green chypre (these 2 are not often in shops but available online). Other chypres to explore would be Dioressence and Miss Dior (but I hesitate to recommend L’Originale, a bit too sharp, it would be better to get hold of vintage Miss Dior, in houndtooth bottle, where I live it is really affordable on ebay).

      2. Soliflores: I love carnation, there is Caron Bellodgia and Etro Dianthus. November 23, 2016 at 7:43am Reply

      • mina: I tried scherrer and i think it’s really beautiful and perfect for this weather. I love carnation too so i will try the caron one! November 23, 2016 at 8:58am Reply

  • Heather H: I just want to thank everybody for their Amouage suggestions. I ended up loving Jubilation 25 and Ubar. I bought a bottle of Ubar. November 22, 2016 at 9:24am Reply

    • Aurora: I wasn’t one of the Amouage specialists, but I just want to say enjoy your Ubar, Heather. November 22, 2016 at 1:24pm Reply

      • Heather H: Thanks Aurora! November 22, 2016 at 1:55pm Reply

  • Chin C.: After months of searching for a good floral fragrances, i finally start to love no. 19 which i first know about from the suggestions on these recommend me a perfume thread. Im thankful to all of you! I still it very musky especially in the first hour. Can anyone let me know whether this is due to the galbanum? I have get used to it and like it but want to understand the scent profile of galbanum. I dont suppose musk is a major note in no.19, right??

    On the other hand, im looking for a good incense fragrance along the lines of timbuktu by l’artisan. Im looking for something that while incense is a key note, there are some other fruity or floral notes … maybe together with some other woody notes in play as well (just like timbuktu)

    I have sampled passage d enfer but i never get the lily. It’s all woods to me with a strange smell.

    Thanks for your suggestions. November 22, 2016 at 11:28am Reply

    • Chin Please bear with me my many typos T_T. Sorry. November 22, 2016 at 11:33am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Dzongkha is a very beautiful incense, with iris and cardamon. November 22, 2016 at 1:29pm Reply

    • Caroline: Chin, galbanum is a green resin, not musky in & of itself. It’s an acquired taste for some, but I happen to love it. No 19 Poudre is super musky; I don’t find regular 19 to be musky, but I do own an older version, November 22, 2016 at 2:40pm Reply

    • Maria: I’ve used old and new versions of No. 19, as well as No. 19 Poudré. As it is been already said, Poudré is very musky and the old versions of No. 19 aren’t, but I find that the new versions of No. 19 are very powdery, in a different way from No. 19 poudré. Maybe is this powdery note that you’re feeling as musky, both are very confortable, cocooning notes. November 23, 2016 at 3:29pm Reply

  • Raquel: Christmas, I read a few days ago a very beautiful review about Oud Al Amir by Abdul Karim al Faransi and how this fragrance reminds of Christmas, has anyone tried it? I’m very curious November 22, 2016 at 12:05pm Reply

  • Jamie Metzgar: Hi! I’d like recommendations for autumnal scents. My favorites tend to be leathery-spicier scents, (Shalimar, Eau d’Iparie, Chanel Cuir de Russie, and Bottega Veneta are current favorites.) Not a fan of anything too heavy on vanilla or sugary-groumands. Thank you and I’m looking forward to trying your suggestions. November 22, 2016 at 4:09pm Reply

    • katherine x: Hi Jamie,
      La Treizieme Heure (Cartier) might fit the bill – dry leather, woods, and patchouli? Le Labo’s Patchouli smells very similar. Good luck! November 22, 2016 at 11:05pm Reply

    • Michaela: Shalimar and Bottega Veneta are among muy top favorites, too.
      An exquisite leather-floral I love is Cuir de Lancome.
      Differenta approaches for autumn I love are: Hermes Eau des Merveilles (dry, bright and salty); Lalique Encre Noir (bracing vetiver); Etat Libre d’Orange Rien (bold, seductive leather); Caron Pour Un Homme (kind lavender – vanilla). November 23, 2016 at 7:28am Reply

    • Karen A: Dior’s Cuir Cannage is a beautiful, elegant leather. Received a generous sample from Limegreen and became a convert. Also, Byreedo’s Bullion is another beautiful leather. November 23, 2016 at 4:48pm Reply

      • Jamie Metzgar: I just got Bullion – thank you so much, I LOVE it! November 29, 2016 at 9:54am Reply

        • Karen A: Yay! I received a sample from Limegreen, who has greatly expanded my perfume wardrobe. Bullion is a wonderful perfume, so happy you love it! November 29, 2016 at 10:00am Reply

    • mina: Try Alaia by Azzedine Alaia. It smells like a luxourious handbag. November 23, 2016 at 9:35pm Reply

  • Marianna: I am looking for recommendations for something with both Iris and Rose notes. No 19 EDP has been recommended but the Rose in it is too dewy for my taste. November 22, 2016 at 10:32pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Marianne: In addition Hermes Hiris has rose although as a 2nd player to iris. November 23, 2016 at 7:48am Reply

      • Aurora: Marianna, not Marianne, sorry. November 23, 2016 at 7:54am Reply

    • Caroline: Have you tried Goutal’s Heure Exquise? November 23, 2016 at 9:27pm Reply

      • Hamamelis: Second Heure Exquise wholeheartedly. November 24, 2016 at 9:06am Reply

    • Amélia: Original Paris edt by YSL November 24, 2016 at 12:18am Reply

  • Liliane: Hey Marianna, if I can help you; than I recommend for you
    the exclusive line Chanel 31 rue cambon.
    Hopely my iPad will not do the flip-flop with the words.
    That is something with rose and iris. I love it to. November 22, 2016 at 11:46pm Reply

  • Amélia: Hi everyone, greetings from Melbourne Australia! I am just about to finish my bottle of Chanel No 5 Eau Premiere edp and I’m thinking of changing to something new + unusual when its all finished. Stuck for ideas. I absolutely adore this version of no5 – and I’ve also worn the classic no5 in winter (at 17, whoops that was probably too full on). However, the only thing that concerns me is how popular they both are. Don’t get me wrong, I’d still wear them both. In fact I don’t find either on many girls my age in Australia. But I am looking for something a bit different. I tried the new no5 l’eau today but it seemed ‘flat’ and too citrusy. Others I’ve worn in the past – Flower by Kenzo, Tresor, L’air du temps, Flora by Gucci (too sweet), J’adore etd (also too sweet) Miss Dior Cherie L’eau (which was a rare summery citrus flanker) and Burberry Brit. I’m looking for something like chanel no 5 maybe less heavy as summer is approaching. Something for everyday or a ‘signature’ that can be worn at day and night. I am early- mid twenties, very girly, into vintage clothing, art + music but I also work in professional environments (where I need to stand out). Other perfumes I’ve tried are Jean Paul Gaultier Classic which I really like for the floral/oriental accord – but did feel it was too vanilla heavy and, apologies a bit ‘slutty’ without sounding like a prude. And I LOVE the Estee lauder ‘Private collection gardenia’ but it is SO expensive! Is it worth it? November 23, 2016 at 5:08am Reply

    • Michaela: If you LOVE Private Collection Gardenia go for it! 🙂 It’s expensive in the first place, but, in the long run, it’s worth it.

      Sorry, I have no idea of a summer perfume similar to Chanel 5 Eau Premiere. This one might have been my first suggestion. Hope for someone more inspired, to help you. November 23, 2016 at 7:20am Reply

    • Michael: Have you tried any of the Chanel Exclusifs? I’m thinking Nos 18, 22, Beige, 1932 and 28 La Pausa might be to your liking. November 23, 2016 at 8:15am Reply

    • kayliz: It really is worth it! In typical Estee Lauder manner, a little goes a very long way. It would be great if more perfumes in this price bracket (and higher) had comparable projection and staying power. November 23, 2016 at 12:19pm Reply

    • DaveStPaul: Hi Amélia,
      I think a really lovely, every day, not too expensive scent with just a beautiful gardenia is the original Marc Jacobs. November 23, 2016 at 2:12pm Reply

    • kayliz: Another idea: Narciso Rodriguez. My favourite is the new Absolu (focus on jasmine) but they’re all oretty good, imo. November 23, 2016 at 2:48pm Reply

    • Karen A: Not sure if the Austrailian EL web site is the same, but I just checked and a 1 oz bottle is $95, and a 15% discount popped up if you sign up for emails. November 23, 2016 at 4:53pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Hi Amelia, have you tried any of the Cristalles? They may be very nice for summer to and have something vintage and are Chanel ofcourse! November 24, 2016 at 7:09am Reply

  • Michael: I’m not sure if this is the right place to share this link but I thought it was a very interesting article, especially since a larg section of it is devoted to Estée Lauder’s acquisition of niche fragrance brands: November 23, 2016 at 8:00am Reply

    • Aurora: Thank you very much for the link, Michael. November 24, 2016 at 8:01am Reply

  • kayliz: Not sure if anyone remembers but a while back, I posted looking for something creamy and spicy. I really enjoyed following up the (many) leads I was given but found most either creamy or spicy, rather than both, and the few that were both were headache-inducing.

    Well… drumroll… /the one/ turns out to be Ouverture by Sospiro. I tested this purely by chance, because 1) Sospiro, seriously? 2) it lists fig; and 3) Sospiro, why not go for Clive Christian and sleep under that bridge right now?

    Fortunately there is the German parfumo network, so I don’t have to carry the cost of 100ml all by myself.

    Bought it almost a week ago and have worn it every day since:) November 23, 2016 at 3:00pm Reply

    • kayliz: P.S. The few… were headache-inducing — that sounds a lot more negative than I meant it to. Not intended as a judgment on the perfumes! I have other evidence that suggests ridiculously sensitive sinuses;) November 23, 2016 at 3:06pm Reply

  • Tracy: Hello from Canada! I’m very excited to explore all of the perfumes listed above as well as the personal recommendations I’ll get (fingers crossed). I seem to gravitate towards green florals, but I’m looking for a darker / moodier / heavier winter fragrance to balance it out. A few of my favourites:
    – Diptyque L’Ombre dans l’eau
    – Creed Vetiver Geranium
    – Nishane Wu Long Cha
    – Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscano
    – Nasomatto Narcotic Venus

    Please let me know if you have any recs for me! November 23, 2016 at 5:13pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Tracy have you tried Ormonde Jayne’s Woman? A dark green winter fragrance, with a beautiful sandalwood dry down. They do travelsets and I believe this Friday without shipping (I’m not sure). November 24, 2016 at 9:04am Reply

  • Tati: Perfume suggestions, please! New Year’s Eve, a very special hotel on the cliffs of California, and possibly a ring involved… I want something special that I will associate with that night. My beloved is a rose man, and I love orientals, especially amber and patchouli. All suggestions appreciated. November 24, 2016 at 2:28am Reply

    • Karen A: Lutens La Fille de Berlin is a beautiful rose. There are tons of rose perfumes (I’ve got or have sampled more than my fair share) but in all honesty, La Fille is the one I keep coming back to. And since starting to explore perfumes is the only one I have emptied a bottle of and repurchased.

      Guerlain’s Nahema, but it is not an ambery rose, and the extrait which is stunning was discontinued but the EDP is gorgeous.

      Also, Rose Nacree du Dessert by Guerlain is a dark rose that has gotten me lots of compliments.

      Portrait of a Lady by Malle is kind of the Queen of patchouli roses in my book, but may be a bit too heavy??

      Jo Mallone’s Velvet Rose and Oud is a beautiful, beautiful dark rose that wears very elegantly.

      A lot of people like Une Rose by Malle, but it didn’t quite resonate for me.

      Hope you can try some of these out, and please keep us posted on everything! Many congratulations! November 24, 2016 at 6:38am Reply

    • Aurora: Dear Tati, how exciting! Terry de Gunzburg Rouge Nocturne (a patchouli rose) is getting a lot of love. I also 2nd Karen for Nahema, I always call it a passionfruit rose. Hope you will find your perfect fragrance. November 24, 2016 at 7:59am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Dear Tati, I suggest you try Une Rose Chyprée as it offers the best of both worlds, a lovely rose and a beautiful amber drydown. See review here on BdJ. November 24, 2016 at 9:03am Reply

    • Karen A: If you want, I can make up some rose (and others with rose as a strong note) samples. I need to create a non-personal email account, and will do so in a few days. Then, will pass that address on via this comment thread. November 24, 2016 at 9:21am Reply

    • Tracy: Hey Tati!
      Seconding Portrait of a Lady. Also recommend Le Labo’s Rose 31 – which doesn’t have patchouli, but is a great dark rose to consider! November 24, 2016 at 9:37am Reply

      • Danica: Love Le Labo Rose 31, especially in its current formulation. Really unique and lovely sandalwood rose. November 24, 2016 at 11:50pm Reply

    • Ruth: Oh, congratulations! Elizabeth and james’ nirvana rose is a slight geranium, jammy rose and vetiver scent and is just lovely for an evening or winter scent re: rose. I’m really surprised with how much I’ve loved my sample- sometimes I apply before a movie just so I can keep cuddling with it! November 24, 2016 at 10:30pm Reply

    • Tati: Thank you for all the great suggestions! Many that I’ve not sampled before so this will make whichever I choose very special. Karen, such a nice offer of samples, that would be lovely. November 25, 2016 at 4:03am Reply

      • Karen A: Hi Tati! Got a BdJ/perfume specific email account set up (should have done it sooner, Victoria suggested it as I have passed along samples and bottles to other BdJ people). Email address is:
        karenlovesroses at yahoo dot com

        Please post once you email me, should there be any problems we can figure out some other option! And I was just smelling some fragrances trying to figure out more if what might work.

        I look forward to hearing from you and sending some goodies to get you started! November 28, 2016 at 6:42am Reply

        • Tati: You are too kind, Karen. Thank you! I’ve PM’d you. November 28, 2016 at 1:53pm Reply

          • Karen A: Shoot, nothing yet – will check in a bit and see if your message got there. November 28, 2016 at 2:08pm Reply

            • Tati: Resent it just now. November 28, 2016 at 2:23pm Reply

              • Karen A: And I just received it! Very fun, will email you back. November 28, 2016 at 2:37pm Reply

    • Surbhi: Rose, oriental, patchouli, ring, special occasion – Portrait of a lady 😀 🙂

      In case that’s too much for your liking then le fille de berlin.

      After I wrote these two lines, I saw Karen A’s post below. I have nothing more to add. She knows her roses 🙂 November 27, 2016 at 2:55pm Reply

  • Liliane: To Tati, something very speciale portrait of a lady F.Malle; I think that it is. For a special moment… in time …
    Also cheaper vengeance extreme Juliette had a gun.
    I hope you will have a great time. November 24, 2016 at 6:27am Reply

  • Liezl Harmse: Hi from South Africa where supporting my fragrance frenzy is becoming more and more difficult with export legislation! Anyhow….. A perfumista like myself will make a plan!
    I am looking for that special 5 star Christmas present, from me to me, suggestion.
    What can you recommend?

    I love Chanel Bois de Isles, all of Ormonde Jayne, Muscle Mooi from Nicolai and most of Dyptique.
    I am looking for a classic, light, but not too light floral oriental.

    Also kindly suggest a impressive musk and then also the ultimate beach fragrance.
    I am soo looking forward to your response. November 24, 2016 at 11:09am Reply

    • Victoria: I really like Serge Lutens Clair de Musc and Muscs Koublai Khan, although the latter can be too much for some people (depends on how sensitive you’re to some of its components.) For a light floral oriental, do you have favorite floral notes? November 25, 2016 at 5:57am Reply

      • Liezl Harmse: I quite like Frangipani…… However am not too crazy about the Ormonde Jayne version. November 25, 2016 at 6:55am Reply

        • Victoria: Bottega Veneta might be a nice option, including their Eau Legere version, which includes white florals. Also, what about Guerlain Idylle? November 25, 2016 at 10:12am Reply

    • Surbhi: I am not sure about ultimate beach fragrance…but I can tell my favorite beach fragrance: Carnal flower. This one does wonders in hot and humid beach weather. (I don’t like it as much in cooler weather). November 27, 2016 at 2:51pm Reply

  • Ruth: I’ve loved the sample of tam dao by Diptyque in EDT and I’m considering buying it… but I’m unsure as I wonder now what the EDP smells like! The added notes are lime, coriander and ginger and the coriander scares me a little bit because I cook with all forms of it and view it as such a savory and pungent spice (though I love it with food)…. I’m hoping for any insight into either this note in a fragrance or on the EDP itself!! November 24, 2016 at 10:33pm Reply

    • Victoria: It doesn’t smell savory in the EDP version. I find that in contrast to the EDT, it’s richer, warmer and creamier. Coriander in perfumery smells like smoky orange, by the way. November 25, 2016 at 5:58am Reply

      • Surbhi: I would have never imagined coriander smelling like smoky orange. November 27, 2016 at 2:45pm Reply

        • Surbhi: Thanks for the info. November 27, 2016 at 2:46pm Reply

  • Marleen Welkenhuysen: Hi,
    I’ve been using a light perfume from Lollia called ‘Imagine’. Unfortunately this has been discontinued and I cannot find it anywhere anymore. Since I’m a very difficult person when it comes to perfume (I find it often too heavy for me) and this was the only one that truly suited me in my opinion, I would like to find a similar one.
    Could someone give me a recommendation please?
    This was the description of the Imagine perfume (might help):
    Top notes are Lotus en Orchid; heart notes are Rice flower and coconut; Base notes are jasmine, mandarin and wood. Thank you so much! November 25, 2016 at 3:50am Reply

    • kay: Have you tried Kenzo Amour? It sounds similar based on notes. November 25, 2016 at 8:50am Reply

  • Michael: Interesting interview with Christine Nagel, including a section where she discusses the creation of Galop d’Hermes, which was reviewed by Victoria recently: November 25, 2016 at 7:20am Reply

  • ceaiu: My favorites are Vetiver Tonka and Santal Massoia.
    I’d like to find a patchouli centered that has a similar feel (linear, comforting, edible, abstract…).
    I tried Coromandel but found it too harsh in the beginning. November 25, 2016 at 9:51am Reply

    • kayliz: Coromandel starts too harsh for me too. My comfort patchouli is Patchouli by Reminiscence, which hits all the spots you mention except, possibly, abstract… hm. Not sure about abstract. November 25, 2016 at 7:29pm Reply

    • Tati: I second Reminiscence Patchouli. It was my signature scent for years before my perfume passion grew.
      My other favorite patch scents are L’Artisan Patchouli Patch, Etro Patchouli, and Patchouli Nobile.
      Although it is not patch centered, what about Ambre Sultan? The bay makes it abstract in my mind. November 28, 2016 at 2:17pm Reply

  • Kari: I have been thinking of some of the smells of my grandmother’s house and really missing it, and her. In particular I remember her having session days of dried sage , and lavender. Are there any perfumes that contain those notes-and sage in particular-that are worth sampling? November 25, 2016 at 6:33pm Reply

  • Kari: I have been thinking of some of the smells of my grandmother’s house and really missing it, and her. In particular I remember her having sachets or bundles of dried sage , and lavender. Are there any perfumes that contain those notes-and sage in particular-that are worth sampling? November 25, 2016 at 6:34pm Reply

    • DaveStPaul: Hi Kari,
      See if you can try Comme des Garçons OUARZAZATE — it has incense mixed with peppery herbs, including sage with that buzzy sort of feel. Worth a try I think. =:o) November 26, 2016 at 2:05pm Reply

    • Aurora: Also, a good cologne L’Erbolario Acqua di Colonia Del Ponte lists sage and lavender in its notes. November 27, 2016 at 2:47am Reply

    • Karen A: Hi Kari! No sage, but maybe either of these two will hit some of the notes or feel. First instinct was Jo Mallone’s Herb Garden Lavender and Coriander. Second is more of a non-herbal lavender, Serge Lutens’ Gris Clair.

      The Jo Mallone ads for the Herb Garden inspired me to contact the company, as I loved everything about them – the gorgeous Gitte Lee and the beautiful garden. I said, That’s who I want to be at 80! The idea was probably inspired by (or taken from) a wonderful book, Garden People, with photos and writing by Valerie Finnis. November 28, 2016 at 6:57am Reply

    • Mia: Hi Kari! Nicolai Amber Oud seems to have both notes prominent with amber addition. Maybe give it a try? Good luck with your search! November 30, 2016 at 5:09pm Reply

  • RJ: I’m looking to buy my “first” fragrance, and I want to have some idea of where to start when I go up to the counter. Is it possible to make some suggestions for me if I describe notes I like/don’t? I figure I can start there and then tell them which direction I’d like to test in.

    – I’m looking for something masculine, but I really dislike strong musk or moss. Black pepper makes me a little queasy. I dislike cloying floral, or anything too medical.

    – I really like leather, tobacco, coffee, almond, vanilla, and other “warm” scents. I like pines, and some oriental scents. Citrus or fresh floral might be a good balance too.

    So I guess I want to smell like a log cabin fireplace, lol. Is this enough to point me in a direction? November 25, 2016 at 8:27pm Reply

    • George: Bois en Vanille, Fille en Aiguilles, Egoiste, Feve Deliceuse, Equipage, Sycomore, Pi Givenchy, Cuir de Russie (Chanel), Cuir Cannage, Spicebomb, Cuir Cuba Intense, A*men, Terre D’Hermes.

      All for different reason chime with something in your brief. November 26, 2016 at 8:46am Reply

      • George: Try Korrigan by Lubin too. November 27, 2016 at 4:00pm Reply

    • katherine x: Hi there – perhaps Coromandel (Chanel) – Victoria has a review – she says it’s….a woody fragrance, with a gourmand twist. For smoke: Lonestar memories (Tauer) [i’ts unisex, but one reviewer said..pure campfire chic – cowboy-in-a-bottle….] November 26, 2016 at 9:53pm Reply

    • Surbhi: Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet is a crisp citrus with notes of pine.

      IF you like leather and tobacco you might like odin no 12 as well. November 27, 2016 at 2:40pm Reply

    • Tati: Another Tauer scent to consider is L’Air du Desert Marocain. November 28, 2016 at 2:20pm Reply

    • AnnieA: The ultlimate, classic masculine is Guerlain L’Instant Pour HOmme. A;lternatively, a nice smokey scent is Le Labo Patchouli 24, with no patchouli that I can smell. November 28, 2016 at 8:00pm Reply

  • Hayley: Hi just wanted to say thanks again for all the recommendations for a herbal Mediterranean garden perfume a few months ago. It takes me ages to track down and try perfumes so I still have a lot to sample. I really love so far annick goutal nuits d’hadrien and etro shaal nur, they have expanded what I was looking for 😀 November 26, 2016 at 5:21am Reply

    • Mia: Oh, happy to hear! November 30, 2016 at 5:13pm Reply

  • Niqma: Thanks for all the recommendation. Lot of info I get from the comments November 27, 2016 at 4:35am Reply

  • Josey: I adore Bvlgari Black! Does anyone know of anything very similar in EDP or stronger concentration? How about in lotion or shower gel form?

    I especially love the smokey leather vanilla notes 🙂 November 30, 2016 at 11:32am Reply

    • Mia: Hi Josey! A pricy smoky vanilla with similar vibe would be Mona di Orio Vanille, imo. Test it? December 1, 2016 at 10:03pm Reply

  • Surbhi: The kettle in the picture, is it the traditional one where water s heated with coals inside ? November 30, 2016 at 3:03pm Reply

    • Victoria: It’s a little Bialetti pot to make coffee. Water goes in the bottom compartment. December 1, 2016 at 1:55am Reply

  • Jessie: Hi! I hope I’m not too late… could you recommend me a perfume with a peppermint note?
    Current favorites are Cinema, Mitsouko, Bois de Iles, Annick Goutal Rose Absolue December 15, 2016 at 3:14pm Reply

    • Victoria: Have you tried Guerlain Herba Fresca? December 15, 2016 at 9:16pm Reply

      • Jessie: Thank you! I looked it up, and that looks absolutely refreshing and a perfect suggestion. I can’t wait to try it! December 16, 2016 at 3:59pm Reply

  • Jessie: With some bravery, I just ordered myself a bottle. I’m hoping from the descriptions that this will fall into the ranks of 2 of my most cherished springtime scents: IHP’s “Black March”, and Un Jardin Sur Le Toit by Hermes. Thanks again! <3 December 16, 2016 at 4:39pm Reply

    • Victoria: Blind buys are risky, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed it works out. December 16, 2016 at 9:38pm Reply

  • Drk: Lala: Maria Candida Gentile’s Lankaran Forest resemblance to “Fille in Aiguilles” is like “Acqua di Parma Colonia” to “Amouage Interlude”. December 23, 2016 at 5:47am Reply

  • rachel: Hi! I am looking for a perfume that appeals to my husband and myself……. He likes things like IF, Kai and Fleure de Chine I like things with more earthiness like Aromatics Elixir and Shalimar. The 2 I love are almost too strong for everyday for my taste, but I love them for a night out. Of the two my husband likes the Aromatics Elixer. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help. xx January 3, 2017 at 8:15pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hi Rachel: perhaps you could try Guerlain Habit Rouge, as it is a ‘lighter Shalimar’, it’s for men but can easily be worn by a woman or for a change Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur which also share DNA with Shalimar (it’s very expensive but you can buy a travel spray which is affordable). Last give a sniff to Aramis 900 as it is often compared to Aromatics Elixir, last, I find Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche lighter than AE, so maybe it would be a good fit for you: they share the rose, aldehydes and oakmoss.
      Happy New Year January 4, 2017 at 7:56am Reply

      • rachel: Thanks Aurora. I have tried most of your suggestions except Aramis 900 which I am very curious about. I found it on Amazon so I am going to try it. I also think I might try L’heure Bleue. I hope one of these fits the bill. I have not had any luck going to the perfume counters everything smells too generic on me. I have 5 kids and I love the idea of a scent they know me by so I am determined to find something. Thanks for your help!! Jon thought Rive gauche smelled like bug spray and MR was nice, sexy but I almost felt like it was too masculine for me. Habit Rouge was too soft for my liking I wanted to like it but I kept wanting more of something. I appreciate your help. This was fun!! January 4, 2017 at 9:02pm Reply

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