Perfume Class 2020 : Flowers and Herbs

The Bois de Jasmin perfume seminar 2020 “Ukrainian Scent and Taste Adventure” is going to be special. Why Ukraine? Given the country’s incredible biodiversity and rich soil, Ukraine is one of the largest producers of aromatics, such as lavender, coriander, fennel, dill seed, sage, hyssop, mint, artemisia, caraway, pine, and beeswax. During my perfumery training, I came to understand that knowing where the ingredients come from is both thrilling and important. So, I want to share with you the professional techniques I’ve acquired during my studies. I would like to sharpen your sense of smell and bring you to the source of aromatic essences. Ukraine has an old and established tradition of folk medicine, and we will have the chance to learn about plants from a botanist and herbal specialist on site. Finally, I want you to discover different cultural traditions, foods and sights. Ukraine is the perfect destination for that.

Since we will be visiting Ukraine from June 2-9, 2002, we’ll experience summer at its most gorgeous. Hence, the theme of our perfume seminar will be Flowers and Herbs. Please note that unlike my other seminars, this one covers 8 days. My partner for this seminar is Nataliya Cummings of Experience Ukraine, who has been running tours for the past decade. She will take good care of us.

While I’ve already shared the main program, I wanted to give you more details on what we will be doing in our perfume workshops. I’ve planned 3 full workshops, but of course, each day we will be covering more topics, smelling more perfumes and having additional sessions. Everything will depend on the interests and preferences of the participants.

Perfumery Basics

Painters express their vision with colors, but for perfumers, ideas acquire meaning with aromatics. Nowadays the multi-million dollar industry, supported by research and development in aroma-materials, creates hundreds of new scents each year. During this module we will learn how something as intangible as smell acquired such an impressive history and culture. You will find out how professionals transform ideas and visions into scents and you will smell some of the greatest examples of the perfumer’s art, from Europe as well as Asia.

Smelling Exercises

A big part of our seminar will be devoted to acquiring the ability to tell scents apart and to sharpening one’s sense of smell. Smelling is quite a workout for the brain! You will learn several exercises that we will do together throughout our seminar. You will also receive personalized exercises to continue at home.

Fragrance Materials

We will be surrounded by aromatic plants during our trip, and while we will study aromas in nature, we will also learn the basic perfumery palette of fragrant oils. The theme of our seminar 2020 is Flowers and Herbs, and I will focus on floral and herbal essences. We will study their facets and the way they are used in classical and modern fragrances.

Vintage Perfumes

The crown jewels of classical perfumery have alas been altered over the past years to comply with ever changing regulations. During our seminar, however, we will have a chance to smell fragrances like Coty Chypre, L’Origan, Emeraude, Hermès Calèche, Chanel Cuir de Russie, No 5, No 22, No 19, Guerlain Jicky, L’Heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Shalimar, Nahema, Chamade, Vol de Nuit, Caron Tabac Blond, En Avion, Or et Noir, Dior Dioressence, and much more in their original versions. We will learn the stories behind them. Did you know that even during the Cold War, one could find Guerlain Mitsouko and Dior Diorissimo in the USSR?

Creating a Floral Perfume Accord

Using our understanding of perfume techniques and materials, you will create your own floral accord. You can even pick your own flower to transform into a perfume. You’ll have the chance to take your fragrant creation home with you to remind you of our adventure.

We’re keeping the group small to provide the best experience. For more details on accommodation, logistic and itinerary, please refer to Experience Ukraine tour page.

Dates: 8 days, from June 2nd to June 9th, 2020
Cost: from £1800 per person, fully inclusive, doesn’t include flights to Ukraine. The price is based on 2 people sharing a room. Single supplement is £300.

To book a place, or to find out more, please email us at [email protected] and put [email protected] in CC.


My personal favorite part of Victoria’s class, as a novice, is learning how to experience scent – to distinguish different fragrances, to commit them to memory, to know when a fragrance is evolving or sometimes oscillating between two scents and so much more. And each of the three times I have attended her class, I learn new techniques, new scents and gain more appreciation of the art of perfume.  –David

As a participant of last year’s course, let me speak up for how much knowledge, pleasure, discovery and camaraderie one short week can contain. Highly recommended, because each individual designing this experience for you is full of love and passion and knowledge for the region and the material.   –Meg Jamieson

I am so glad I went to the course and be guided by Victoria with her vast knowledge on scents and perfumes. I got to learn the basics of the different fragrance families and how to differentiate between white florals and other florals. And within white florals, how to distinguish one from the other. This was so fascinating and very intriguing and was the best part of the course. I also learnt what happens if you combined two scents and how it enhances the overall smell.  –Ruth Q

As a professional fragrance evaluator in a cosmetic company, I found Victoria’s class the most interesting and inspiring one among many perfumery classes that I took. I was very surprised by Victoria’s intimate knowledge about perfumes and her brilliant tips to analyze fragrances. I enjoyed every details of this class.  –Pema

Photography by Bois de Jasmin, Ukrainian roses



  • Anne: It sounds wonderful! I’ll try to attend it this time. November 18, 2019 at 11:52am Reply

    • Victoria: I’d love to have you there! November 19, 2019 at 2:03am Reply

  • AndreaR: I wish I could participate in this trip, but we have some milestone events scheduled for June. I urger your readers to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to participate in this workshop. Not only for the experience of scent, but the opportunity to explore this intriguing country with you. My husband and I traveled to Ukraine a number of years ago and found Kyiv to be exotic, Lviv elegant and the Carpathian mountains magical. November 18, 2019 at 1:48pm Reply

    • Victoria: The reason I love this itinerary is because it shows the most beautiful places of Ukraine. Kyiv and Lviv are both very different and fascinating places.
      Plus, this time of year there are so many good things to taste and smell. November 19, 2019 at 4:43am Reply

  • Rakasa: I would so love to come with! Have you considered structuring any separate future seminars such that persons who can no longer travel could still learn from you? Perhaps sessions that include a suite of source materials one could order in advance to access at home while participating online? Wouldn’t recommend combining distance learning concurrent with a travel seminar since I know from personal experience that attempting such while managing an international travel group can be more of a challenge than it’s worth. If online teaching isn’t for you, can you recommend a top notch fragrance expert who excels in fragrance training via distance learning? Regardless, I’ll be looking forward to enjoying and learning from your reports on the Ukraine adventure! November 19, 2019 at 10:45am Reply

    • Victoria: I’m thinking about creating a special online course, so I will keep everyone posted. November 20, 2019 at 6:56am Reply

      • Rakasa: Fantastic — I plan to sign up. Looking forward to it! November 20, 2019 at 11:53am Reply

  • Inma: Dear Victoria,

    I am engaged in some projects that don´t allow me to attend your workshop. Nevertheless, I want to congratulate you for proposing such a beautiful and interesting experience. It is really impressive. November 20, 2019 at 6:29am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you very much, Inma!:) November 20, 2019 at 6:57am Reply

  • Gabriela: Would love to join you but too busy with the children… makes me doubt whether to have a third child or have more time for those kind of courses. Oh existence, so complex!!

    Online would be a wonderful option!
    Congratulations for organizing this beautiful experience! November 21, 2019 at 4:20pm Reply

    • Victoria: That’s a dilemma. 🙂
      I would love to meet you at some point. November 23, 2019 at 3:59am Reply

  • Aurora: I didn’t know that Ukraine was a producer of aromatics. What a comprehensive class. I love the modern En Avion, is the vintage different? November 23, 2019 at 3:01am Reply

    • Victoria: The vintage has a plusher drydown, but the modern has a brighter citrus accord on top. November 23, 2019 at 4:09am Reply

  • Silvermoon: Sounds wonderful! And in your original home country, Victoria, so all the more special. As mentioned in the other post, I am seriously considering it. However, I have some work schedule issues that means I cannot commit for now. Hopefully by year end or early next year I shall know if it’s possible. Fingers crossed there will still be a place if I can make it.

    I love the trip’s mix of perfumes and culture, history, etc. November 23, 2019 at 6:36am Reply

    • Victoria: I hope that you can make it! It’s going to be an adventure. 🙂 November 29, 2019 at 3:57am Reply

  • Madaris: Are the classes in English? December 5, 2019 at 3:15pm Reply

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