Pasta di Mandorle : Cream For Lily Soft Hands

One of my favorite guilty pleasures is sitting down in front of the TV in the evening with a cup of cafe blanc and a jar of Santa Maria Novella Pasta di Mandorle. I sip my orange blossom scented drink and slowly rub the speckled brown cream into my hands, knowing that in the morning I will wake up to lily soft hands and shiny nails.


It’s a guilty pleasure, because at $50 for 1.6 oz, Pasta di Mandorle is the most expensive cream I own. When I look at the ingredient list–sweet almond oil, grape seed oil, egg yolk, virgin beeswax, and glycerin, I think that my grandmother’s home made version might just be  as good. For the price of a couple of jars of Pasta di Mandorle, I can pay for a trip to Ukraine from Belgium so I finally decided to make my own cream.

It takes only a few ingredients–almonds, almond oil, and honey. Almond oil is one of my favorite skincare oils, because it absorbs easily, doesn’t have a heavy scent and leaves skin silky and soft. Honey, especially raw, unheated honey, has antibacterial properties, and it’s also a humecant–it draws and binds water from the air into your skin. (The glycerin in Santa Maria Novella’s Pasta di Mandorle serves the same function). Since I believe in gilding the lily, I added a splash of rosewater. It’s excellent for the skin, and I can’t resist the fragrant combination of almonds, honey and rose.


I ground up almonds finely in a food processor, mixed the powder with the rest of the ingredients into a thick paste and stretched out on the pillows in front of the TV (a year in the new apartment and we still don’t have a sofa). The texture of my pasta di mandorle is much rougher and more granular than that of Santa Maria Novella, but it was a pleasure to rub it into the skin and nails. I was watching a BBC documentary about Madame de Pompadour and by the time it was over my skin was soft and perfumed with honey. I bet King Louis XV’s mistress would have been envious.

Since the paste won’t absorb into the skin the way the commercial version does, it’s messier to use. If you wear cotton gloves, you can skip having to sweep up crumbs from the floor and you’ll end up with even more glowing skin. I’ve experimented by adding different oils and using egg yolk for an extra emollient version. I’ve loved all the variations so much that while my Santa Maria Novella jar has been empty for a few months now, I haven’t been tempted to repurchase it. I also prefer the natural honey and almond scent of my pasta di mandorle, which I’ve accented with floral waters or sometimes with a drop of vanilla extract. It then becomes temptingly edible.

Another reason I love doing some of these simple skincare recipes at home is that the very process feels wholesome and special. It may not be much, but it’s a wonderful treat that doesn’t require too much effort. The sensory pleasure of experiencing different textures and scents adds to the enjoyment. Plus, taking a break from everything, if only for a few minutes, is sometimes the greatest luxury of all.


Your homemade pasta di mandorle will last in the fridge for about 2 weeks before it starts to dry out. Since all of the ingredients are edible, I suggest labeling it “hand cream.” Otherwise, the next time you decide to enjoy a home spa treatment and start searching for your potion, someone will look up from his reading and say, “Oh, that brown marzipan? It was very tasty.”

Pasta di Mandorle (Almond Paste)

The quantities below are mere suggestions. You simply want a paste that’s fine enough to be exfoliating, rather than scratchy, and wet enough to spread easily over skin. Instead of almond oil, you can use olive, jojoba, sesame or any other favorite vegetable oil.

I recommend washing the storage jar with baking soda and then either rinsing it with boiling water or (if it’s heatproof) baking it in a 250F/120C oven for 30 min. Cool jars slightly before adding the almond paste.

1/2 cup almonds
2 Tablespoon honey
enough almond oil to make a thick, spreadable paste
1 Tablespoon rosewater or orange blossom water (optional)

Grind almonds to fine powder. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well into a homogeneous paste that spreads easily over skin. Transfer into a clean jar and store in the fridge.

Extra-emollient Variation: take two spoonfuls of prepared pasta di mandorle and mix in 1 egg yolk. Rub into your hands and leave for at least 30 minutes. If you wish, you can put on cotton gloves and leave the mixture overnight (spouses might object to this though, and admittedly it’s not terribly sexy). Wash off the paste with warm water and you will have hands as soft as kitten paws.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Lucas: Wow, wonderful!
    Isn’t it great to have a homemade alternative to a valued skincare of bodycare product?
    This Pasta di Mandorle looks lovely and I bet it smells amazing.

    I don’t know much perfumes from Santa Maria Novella range and I’m curious to try more of them. July 10, 2013 at 8:17am Reply

    • Victoria: It’s not an identical product, of course, but it works really well. If you have glycerin on hand, you can add some too. Plus, it’s fun to make these kind of things at home now and then.

      SMN Nostalgia is a beautiful leathery scent, and their Melograno is an interesting powdery green perfume. I don’t like wearing it–too rough on me, but it’s fascinating to smell. July 10, 2013 at 9:07am Reply

      • Lucas: I’m familiar with Acqua di Sicilia and Acqua di Genova which are lovely soft citrus scents and Iris is pretty nice too! July 10, 2013 at 9:11am Reply

        • Victoria: I’ll make a note to revisit them, since I don’t remember neither Acqua di Sicilia nor Acqua di Genova. Thank you for a tip, Lucas! July 10, 2013 at 9:13am Reply

          • Lucas: You’re very welcome Victoria, my pleasure.
            Your perfume and food posts are so inspiring. This summer I’m planning to do a couple of foody (and maybe homemade beauty products) posts too! July 10, 2013 at 9:21am Reply

          • Lucas: Need to rectify my mistake. Acqua di Genova is not from SMN. July 10, 2013 at 9:25am Reply

            • Victoria: Ah, ok! I seem to remember that there is a perfume company called Acqua di Genova, but I don’t know their products well. July 10, 2013 at 10:21am Reply

              • Lucas: I just had to check it out. I always though it was SMN but since my decant has only “Acqua di Genova” written on it and I got it with a decant of Acqua di Sicilia I thought they were both from SMN.
                Looks like Acqua di Genova is a brand and a name of their perfume too July 10, 2013 at 1:12pm Reply

                • Victoria: 🙂 And in the end, I learned something new. Will search for some Acqua di Genova. After googling it, I realized that I’ve seen at a couple of shops in Brussels. July 10, 2013 at 6:07pm Reply

  • Zazie: Thanks for the tip: sounds a wonderfully scented and easy to make treatment!

    Just wondering: do you think that replacing the ground almonds with almond flour (100% almond powder very finely grounded) could smooth out the cream’s texture?

    (Oh, I totally picture my husband tackling my pot of unlabeled cream with a spoon and a loaf of bread!!! ;)) July 10, 2013 at 8:31am Reply

    • Victoria: It would definitely work perfectly and simplify the preparation even further. Just let the paste soak for 15-30 minutes before using, since sometimes the commercial almond flour can be a bit dry. My grandmother uses leftover almond residue from making almond milk, so that’s another (very thrifty) option.

      I confess that whenever I do this almond treatment, I end up licking my fingers surreptitiously. 🙂 July 10, 2013 at 9:04am Reply

      • Samantha: How do you make almond milk, Victoria? I buy it from whole foods but maybe I could make it at home. July 10, 2013 at 10:51am Reply

        • Victoria: It’s very easy. Soak almonds in water to cover for 2 hours or overnight. Then drain them and crush them in a food processor into fine paste, adding 2-3 cups of water per every 1 cup of almonds (measured before soaking). Strain, and that’s it. July 10, 2013 at 11:47am Reply

          • fleurdelys: Another recipe I’ll have to try! I was thinking the same thing as Zazie: The almond meal we buy for baking could be a useful shortcut.

            Re: the almond milk, do you leave the almond skins on when you put them in water to soak? July 10, 2013 at 12:18pm Reply

            • Victoria: I usually leave the skins on, because they don’t affect the flavor. Whole almond milk won’t be snow white, but if that’s not essential, you can definitely skip skinning almonds. July 10, 2013 at 5:48pm Reply

        • Rose: What a wonderful idea! I love homemade face masks too. I love one with almond paste, oatmeal,milk and honey. Can substitute with yogurt for oily skin. We have a version of milk in India Badam milk- blanched almonds, saffron, cardamom and rose water. Heavy but yum! July 10, 2013 at 6:57pm Reply

          • Victoria: My MIL adds pistachios and nutmeg to her almond milk drink, and it’s so decadent. Thank you for reminding me of it. I will make it this weekend. July 11, 2013 at 9:14am Reply

  • The Blue Squid: LOL to your remark about the brown marzipan, because reading your post, with all of its almondy goodness, is making me feel like getting an almond croissant in the morning. Lovely photos, writing and lotion idea. I agree with Lucas; it’s great to find a cheaper, better alternative to an expensive favourite. July 10, 2013 at 8:31am Reply

    • Victoria: A friend from Casablanca mentioned to me that there is a similar Moroccan preparation of ground almonds, honey and argan oil. You eat it with a piece of bread. July 10, 2013 at 9:09am Reply

  • Lyn: LOL at your husband’s comment. I’m making this cream tonight! July 10, 2013 at 8:35am Reply

    • Victoria: Hope that you like it and please let me know what you think! July 10, 2013 at 9:09am Reply

      • Lyn: I made it last night! I didn’t have rose water so I skipped it and used olive oil and clover honey. My hands are very soft still and I plan on using this cream on regular basis. Thanks a lot! July 11, 2013 at 8:06am Reply

        • Victoria: Yay! Glad that you liked it, Lyn. Rosewater is definitely not essential, and while it adds a nice touch, the rose-free almond cream also works really well. July 11, 2013 at 9:35am Reply

  • Violaine: Oh i love this suggestion ! very kind to share with us. I struggle with skin conditions that leave me with few commercial skin care to use & pasta di mandorle is funny to pronounce 😀 July 10, 2013 at 8:57am Reply

    • Victoria: I’m sorry to hear this, Violaine. Since moving to Brussels, I’ve had to become very diligent about keeping my skin moisturized and well-taken care of, because the water here is awful (in fact, that’s the main thing I dislike about the city). And I find that some of these traditional preparations work better than the fancy creams. For my wallet, that’s a good thing too. July 10, 2013 at 9:11am Reply

  • Caroline: Sounds lovely, and I believe in gilding the lily as well! July 10, 2013 at 9:05am Reply

    • Victoria: 🙂 I can never resist some roses. July 10, 2013 at 9:12am Reply

  • Samantha: I love this post! Thank you for the ideas on how to use almonds in skincare. I was recently told by my dermatologist to use almond oil and it’s interesting that it can be so beneficial. July 10, 2013 at 10:50am Reply

  • Andy: I made a batch of this first thing this morning. I varied it ever so slightly, putting the mixture of ground almonds, honey, and oil back in the food processor to achieve a smoother texture while drizzling in the floral water. The end result is very nice and smooth! I only had it on my hands and arms for about five minutes before washing off, and I still ended up with impossibly soft skin–thanks for this idea!

    I love using honey in facial skincare, to the point that I incorporate it almost every day in some form or another. In this case, I love how it moisturizes my hands in conjunction with the oil and natural fats found in the almond itself. And since I see the topic of cheaper alternatives to expensive, luxury skincare has come up, I thought I should mention that I am a big fan of a company called SkinActives. They offer ready made products that are formulated with the same sorts of fancy active ingredients that luxury brands use (in many cases, better, because they eliminate many of the filler ingredients that do nothing for skin) for a fraction of the cost. I don’t know if they ship internationally, but their Collagen Serum is incredible; the ingredients apparently help boost and maintain healthy collagen synthesis, but also help with all kinds of other skin complaints, in my experience. July 10, 2013 at 10:51am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you for this great idea, Andy! I’m going to make it this way next time. Imagine emulsifying it with egg yolk–then it would turn into a real cream.

      I’ll have to look into SkinActives. I also like simple products, and La Roche-Posay and Paula’s Choice are some of my favorite brands. Most of their products I’ve tried work really well, and I like their approach. One aspect I really don’t like among many luxury skincare brands is the use of fragrance, which seems completely unnecessary. This is one case when I would rather have a fragrance-free product, or at least, the one that simply smells of its active ingredients. July 10, 2013 at 11:52am Reply

      • Andy: I’ll have to try the emulsifying trick with a bit of it—it sounds lovely.

        I agree on the fragrance in facial care products. For that and many other reasons, I was so tired of trying to find a cleanser I like, and so I ended up just figuring out how to make my own. In the palm of my hand, I mix a tiny bit of any kind of powdered clay, a pinch of matcha, some honey, and a few drops of whatever oil I feel like, work it into a thick paste, and apply it to damp skin. I leave it on during showers too, to let the ingredients really work their magic before rinsing off. It works more effectively and gently than anything else I’ve found commercially. Anyway, I guess it’s just another case where I’ve found that, for skincare, simpler is better. July 10, 2013 at 12:28pm Reply

        • Victoria: What a brilliant idea, Andy! I’ve just tried it and I absolutely love the effect. My skin is glowing, and even my husband noticed. I mixed clay powder, matcha (a pinch), a teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of almond oil and enough chamomile tea to make a spreadable paste. I used it as a final step after I’ve removed my sunscreen and makeup with DHC Cleansing Oil. Thank you very much for these great tips. July 10, 2013 at 5:50pm Reply

          • Andy: I’m glad this worked so well for you! As you may have seen, and as I discovered, all the ingredients in the “formula” work together; the oil helps to remove any dry, dead skin or excess makeup, while the clay cleanses and purifies, preventing the oil from leaving any excessive residue. The honey just lends its characteristic moisturizing, luminous properties, and the matcha is partially for fun, but also I think plays an important role when I leave this on as an in shower mask. July 11, 2013 at 8:59am Reply

            • Victoria: Well, it was an Andy inspired evening, since I also made your rose-apricot tea. 🙂 July 11, 2013 at 9:37am Reply

        • solanace: Hi Andy,

          I like your idea! I only clean my face with olive oil, and I’m gonna try it today, since I’ve just got a nice pink clay. I had the same problem with commercial products, and in the end I enjoy making my own. More perfume money, and my skin never looked better. July 11, 2013 at 6:15am Reply

          • Andy: I hope this works for you as we’ll as it does for me! The best thing about it is how you can so easily substitute in whatever clay, oil, and honey you like! July 11, 2013 at 8:53am Reply

    • Ann: You’ve hooked me on cafe blanc. I bought a bottle of orange blossom water from a Greek store and no day goes by without a cup of orange blossomy goodness. I’ll have to give this cream a try, but I worry that I would be tempted to eat it before it even ends up on my hands. July 10, 2013 at 12:11pm Reply

      • Victoria: I’m so happy you like it as much as I do! In the summer, we also add it to cold water for a refreshing drink. Orange blossom water is one of my favorite flavorings, up there on par with vanilla. July 10, 2013 at 5:47pm Reply

    • Hannah: I wash my face with honey. My only skin problem is that it is prone to blackheads and nothing worked like honey. And I put honey on the ends of my hair once a month. July 10, 2013 at 9:26pm Reply

      • Victoria: Do you leave honey on your skin as a mask or do you rinse it off right away? July 11, 2013 at 9:15am Reply

        • Hannah: I leave it on for 10 minutes. July 11, 2013 at 11:46am Reply

      • Andy: I love using honey as a facial cleanser too! Manuka or orange blossom honey are my favorites to use, aside from what I can find locally harvested. July 11, 2013 at 11:02am Reply

  • Ann: Sorry, I meant to reply to Victoria! July 10, 2013 at 12:12pm Reply

  • noele: Thank you for the tip! This blog has already given me so many ideas. I’m certainly in a place where I need to take more time out to slow down and just enjoy…this is something I’d like to try this week.

    I have yet to own a SMN product, though they’ve long tempted me, particularly the colognes. Somehow they just don’t warrant their price, as interesting as they are. July 10, 2013 at 12:33pm Reply

    • Victoria: Sometimes when I’m working and my day feels especially stressful, I love anticipating a few minutes in the evening when I can just chill out. Even taking a short break makes a difference, especially when you have a lot on your plate.

      I love SMN soaps, but I’ve recently discovered much less expensive French brands and various pharmacy brands, so I no longer splurge. But if I had more spare money, I would definitely buy a package of SMN’s iris soap. July 10, 2013 at 6:04pm Reply

  • Nancy A.: Hi V,

    Your homemade recipe sounds delightful and one that I will snip and maintain.I wouldn’t be surprised when Santa Maria Novella started out they were formulating their line of products not unlike you! My newest discovery is based on the neem plant. The oil is found in many cosmeceuticals one of which I recently sampled coupled with coconut oil as a night cream. The following morning my skin was like a baby! And any dry patchiness due to sensitivity of weather was eliminated. One can purchase the oil and add to any body, face products. They even have toothpaste which I haven’t tried yet. It’s the old tried and true methods that have been handed down thru the generations. The Australian line Aesop’s also has some pretty nice products that probably can be replicated. July 10, 2013 at 1:07pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you, Nancy! Neem oil mixed with coconut sounds amazing. I’ve read about this ingredient, which is considered pretty much a panacea in India, and I’ve even tasted the leaves (very bitter!) I’ll definitely look for oil. July 10, 2013 at 6:05pm Reply

  • benvenuta: My husband asked me what to buy his mother when he was leaving for a work trip to Italy. I recommended this and he bought it in Venice. His mother loved the cream, but used it up before we came to visit her (she lives in Sweden). So i never got to even smell this cream.
    I`ll try the home made version! July 10, 2013 at 1:55pm Reply

    • Victoria: SMN cream definitely makes for a fantastic gift, as most of their products. The packaging and presentation is so beautiful. You’ve made a great choice, and I bet your MIL loved it. July 10, 2013 at 6:08pm Reply

    • Victoria: Nice to hear from you, by the way! 🙂 July 10, 2013 at 6:12pm Reply

  • Lavanya: ooh- this sounds great. I prefer hand made skin care products like these because I’m generally picky about what goes into them. I have almond meal, honey, oils and rose water- so I’ll try this.Thanks V.

    I used to make whipped shea butter at home before baby arrived. I also found this incredible recipe for face cream that called for emulsification because it had an oil and water phase. Making it was like making cake lol. It was labor intensive but the most glorious cream I’ve used. Since it was preservative free i had to use it quickly- so I used it as a face, hand and body cream (cold refrigerated cream in the summer is a treat!!). I wish I had the time and energy to make it more often.. July 10, 2013 at 2:39pm Reply

    • Victoria: You must realize that after reading this tantalizing description I simply would have to ask you for the recipe of this cream! 🙂 (whenever you have a free minute, of course! I know that with a baby, you must be very busy). July 10, 2013 at 6:10pm Reply

      • Lavanya: haha- it is Rosemary Gladstar’s recipe- it is called ‘the perfect cream’ or something like that. I got it from one of her books (I think the book was: Family Herbal: A Guide to Living Life With Energy, Health and Vitality) that I borrowed from the library just for this recipe..When I go home, I will search for the note-book where I took it down and copy it for you. I did make some tweaks which worked for me..

        I also found the recipe online in some places like on this website : scroll down and you’ll see it. ( July 10, 2013 at 6:31pm Reply

        • Victoria: Thank you so much! I have to say that while I don’t always have a chance to do some of these treatments (traveling for work makes it especially hard), my skin always, invariably always, looks at its best when I do. My other top favorite treatment is an Indian one–yogurt mixed with chickpea flour and a pinch of turmeric. 15-20 minutes, and it’s like my skin has been Photoshoped. July 11, 2013 at 9:13am Reply

  • Karen: Thank you so much for the recipe! I used to make all my own creams and salves. Adding melted beeswax to an oil based mixture not only makes it smell great, but adds the benefits of the beeswax.

    I would also slowly add water – or rose water – while stirring like crazy to make a cream. Definitely will try using the almond flour, my hands are always so dry! July 11, 2013 at 4:37am Reply

    • Victoria: My great grandmother left several notebooks filled with various recipes, including beauty preparations, and I love leafing through her notes. Some of her ideas have really stuck, like the sugar-oil scrub and this almond cream. If I ever feel like giving myself a real treat, I apply it on my arms and legs as well. A true luxury! July 11, 2013 at 9:27am Reply

      • Karen: Wow! What a great legacy! I made the cream, but substituted oat and rice flour (out of sheer laziness, I didn’t want to wash the food processor!). Came out great! Thanks for all your ideas and writings, they are so inspirational! July 12, 2013 at 4:22am Reply

        • Victoria: Another fantastic idea! Thanks so much, Karen. I’m very happy to share, and from this thread alone, I’ve picked up so many interesting things–Andy’s clay-green tea cleanser, Solanace’s coconut paste, Lavanya’s cream and now your oatmeal variation. 🙂 July 12, 2013 at 6:23am Reply

  • Leanne: It is still these natural ingredients that’s effective when it comes to taking care of our skin. Knowing that these remedies are homemade and fresh makes me feel confident that there are no extra chemicals on them. Great site! July 11, 2013 at 5:45am Reply

    • Victoria: I certainly love many of the sophisticated modern treatments (not to mention sunscreens!), which can also work magic. On the other hand, some brands purporting to be full of natural ingredients often fall short and don’t deliver on their promises. Plus, there is often a reason why some traditional methods work. July 11, 2013 at 9:30am Reply

  • Belle: Maybe after I use all those extra creams lying around, I’ll try this! Sounds like it smells great too. But the sound of it also makes my stomach growl…

    Kudos for going DIY! Saves money that can be used for…other luxuries….*cough*perfume*cough* July 11, 2013 at 6:18am Reply

    • Belle: And before I forget! Do you plan on sharing the recipe of that pistachio marzipan from twitter? 😉 July 11, 2013 at 6:20am Reply

      • Victoria: I will do! I made another batch last night to see how it would work with almonds and pistachios (100% pistachio marzipan might be very expensive for those of us buying imported nuts, so I wanted to give another option). But I better give the recipe and stop testing, since I’m eating way too much of it. In the name of research, of course! 🙂 July 11, 2013 at 9:33am Reply

    • Victoria: I was chatting with a Facebook friend, and we’ve decided that making this cream with toasted almonds and olive oil (and honey) would double up as a fantastic spread for bread. 🙂 July 11, 2013 at 9:31am Reply

  • solanace: When the Portuguese arrived here they substituted the almonds in the sweet recipes for coconut, so I’ll do the same. Coconut oil, ground coconut, local wildflower honey and a hint of a beautiful vanilla extrait I made with rum instead of vodka for this kind of tropical purpose. It’s been cold these days and this will feel like a treat, but like a few commenters above, I’m afraid it might end up eaten. 🙂 July 11, 2013 at 6:22am Reply

    • Victoria: Goodness! This sounds heavenly, and I definitely would be testing to lick it off my hands. Incidentally, I bought some dried coconut today, so I have all of the ingredients on hand to try it. July 11, 2013 at 9:34am Reply

      • solanace: I prefer the almonds, though. But they are a bit expensive here, so I prefer to eat them! July 11, 2013 at 12:06pm Reply

        • Victoria: I always have a bag of almonds in my purse when I travel. It’s one of my favorite snacks. July 11, 2013 at 3:12pm Reply

  • Andrea: I’m interested to try both versions of this cream. I have RSD in my hands and feet which means that my hands are constantly tight and excessively dry. I have at least 60 lotions/creams; always looking for one that lasts more than a few hours. My “Gateway Lotion” into pricey lotions was the Clarins body lotion. I still like it, but La Mer Body Cream is the best I have found. Due to its price, I am still constantly searching, though! I have tried to make my own as well, using Safflower Oil, Coconut oil, Shea butter, a touch of glycerin, and sometimes rosewater. Thanks for more recommendations! July 12, 2013 at 1:19pm Reply

    • Victoria: Andrea, do try it! The best part is that you’re likely to have all of the ingredients already on hand. Feel free to substitute other nuts and other oils. July 12, 2013 at 3:17pm Reply

  • Daisy: I can’t wait to try this! I have been making my own body scrub with coconut oil, brown sugar, and a few drops of essential oils, but never ever thought to make my own hand cream.

    The ingredients remind me of Jurlique’s face scrub, which is composed of ground almonds and oatmeal. Smells delicious . . . unfortunately, it doesn’t taste very good. Yeah. I tried it 😛

    It does inspire me to figure out how to make something that tastes like how it smells! July 15, 2013 at 12:00am Reply

  • Nat: For those of you short on time, I’ve also found that ‘Burt’s Bees’ make a beautifully emollient hand cream that I like to wear overnight called ‘almond Beeswax Hand Creme’. It’s a third of the price of SMN.
    I wear it overnight with cotton gloves and my hands come up silky smooth. ( I would also highly recommend using The Body Shop organic cotton gloves (Even though they cost the bomb in Australia).
    I’ve found, because they are elasticised, they are the only cotton gloves I’ve worn that don’t come off overnight. July 20, 2013 at 6:35pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you so much for your tips! I will definitely check out The Body Shop gloves. I remember seeing another ingenious thing in Asia–gloves and socks that were already soaked with lotion and could be worn several times. July 21, 2013 at 7:14am Reply

  • Malika: I’m going to try this creme! Sounds too delicious. By the way, what was the program about Madame Pompadour called? I’ve been trying to find documentary videos about her for the longest time. April 3, 2014 at 10:51pm Reply

    • Victoria: Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name. But if you’re interested in Madame de Pompadour, you should check out an article in The Economist called Madame de Pompadour: Unchangingly good. It’s about an exhibition that explores Madame de Pompadour’s art patronage. It made me wish I saw the exhibit when it was still running (even though it didn’t receive good reviews.) April 4, 2014 at 6:25am Reply

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