Thierry Mugler Le Parfum Coffret: US Version of Website Opens


The US version of Thierry Mugler Le Parfum coffret has already started functioning, and I only happened to notice it today. You can finally browse the website [link no longer working] to read the descriptions of fragrances and inspirations in English as well as use the online form to purchase your coffret. The set of 15 fragrances will cost $700. Please see more information on the project created in the collaboration between IFF perfumer Christophe Laudamiel, Christoph Hornetz and Thierry Mugler team here.

Please see my review of the fragrances. Also, the December issue of Allure features the story on Le Parfum coffret.


  • Archived under: News

1 Comment

  • Fragrances: Great website! Thanks for the link. I find this story of ‘an unexpected trio’ quite interesting. When is the book coming out? The website promises that there will be or is a book as well. And a film. But is this just the description of the coffret and the site? I think it may be…

    The site also gives great descriptions of the whole coffret. Great descriptions. The site also sets a great mood with it’s pictures for each perfume and the descriptions – inspirations and interpretations. Wonderful choice of words, and it sounds really great.

    Wonderful set up. Will be heading to your reviews and checking them out. I like the music on the site as well, it sets such an excellent mood (Along with the pictures that just feel so European that you can’t really explain it.) June 5, 2007 at 5:36am Reply

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