L’Artisan Parfumeur The pour un Ete : Perfume Review


Andy dreams of finding a fragrance that smells of jasmine tea.  

In concept, L’Artisan Parfumeur’s Thé pour un Été sounds like the perfect perfume for a tea lover like myself. Created in 1995 by Olivia Giacobetti, Thé pour un Été is meant to evoke the experience of sipping an icy glass of jasmine tea on a hot day. Unfortunately, my experience of repeatedly trying this perfume has felt more like sweating it out in the sun, still waiting for that glass of iced tea to come my way.

the ete1


Soon after applying Thé pour un Été though, I am quickly reminded of its more interesting older cousin, Bulgari’s Eau Parfumée au Thé Vert. Where Thé Vert seems fresh and original, I don’t find nearly as much creativity in Thé pour un Été, which embellishes a familiar green tea accord with citrus, gauzy jasmine, and crisp herbs.

At first inhale, Thé pour un Été brings together a refreshing burst of lemon, bergamot, and a touch of mint. Shortly thereafter, what comes to the forefront is a crisp, clean jasmine atop a simple green tea accord. Everything is held smoothly together by a base of feather-light, blurry musks. But Thé pour un Été entirely lacks tenacity. In warm weather, I have found it so fleeting that I might as well have skipped wearing any perfume.

No matter how many times I try it, I don’t find Thé pour un Été enjoyable. But the same goes for many green tea fragrances. Rather than conjuring exotic tea leaves, many “green tea” accords evoke little more than a headache for me. I find the bright, soaring radiance of citrus set against misty florals to be akin to staring into the sun—without something to counteract the brightness, the accords can smell blindingly intense to me.

My personal tastes aside, I also find Thé pour un Été an expensive way to find refreshment, given that you need to douse yourself with it generously. L’Occitane’s relatively affordable and now discontinued Thé Vert au Jasmin came close to my fantasy version of jasmine scented tea, with a light touch of bitter woodiness that cut through the radiance of its floral accord. Now, my search for a jasmine tea perfume will have to continue. Until I’ve found it, though, brewing a cup of richly perfumed jasmine tea now and again will satisfy my tastes.

Or perhaps, you can help with some suggestions for other interesting jasmine tea perfumes?

L’Artisan Thé pour un Été Eau de Toilette includes notes of jasmine, green tea, mint, and lemon. Available at Luckyscent, Aedes, Barney’s, Neiman Marcus and other L’Artisan counters. 100ml/$145.



  • Jillie: You’re right, Andy, it’s far too expensive to be lavishly applied, and has no lasting power. But last summer I did enjoy it every time I spritzed it on, and was pleased that I had got it at a bargain price! And when it disappeared after a couple of hours, I sprayed myself with O de Lancome to get a citrus blast.

    I wish I had smelt that L’Occitane before it got discontinued ….

    I reckon we should all have a debate about the scary way prices are heading! January 21, 2014 at 7:59am Reply

    • Andy: At the end of the day, the enjoyment you get out of your perfumes is all that matters, so I’m glad to hear that Thé Pour un Été works well for you! As I remember it, the L’Occitane is more or less a slight variation on the same theme you can find in your Thé Pour un Été, so admittedly it’s not hugely different. January 21, 2014 at 9:44am Reply

  • Anne of Green Gables: Hi Andy, I’d like to thank you for your tea primer posts which I read recently and enjoyed. I find Thé pour un Été very pretty. I think it’s good for people who want to enjoy clean, dewy jasmin without any animalic facet. If I remember correctly, I also liked that it wasn’t overly sweet like some of the other green tea fragrances but I’ll have to check again in the evening with my sample. But I also find it too fleeting for the expensive price.

    I agree that many “green tea” accords don’t really smell like real tea. I wish I could find green tea perfumes which are more delicate and pleasantly bitter too. January 21, 2014 at 8:45am Reply

    • Andy: Your description of Thé Pour un Été is completely accurate, and you’re right, it is very pretty. If it were not quite as radiant (i.e. less citrus, some contrasting dark facets), it would probably work really well for me–but then we’d be talking about a whole different perfume!

      And I couldn’t agree more on the green tea accords. A perfume inspired by matcha, for example–grassy, powdery, slightly bitter–would be amazing! January 21, 2014 at 9:49am Reply

      • Anne of Green Gables: OMG, we’re thinking on the same wavelength. 🙂 I’ve been searching for matcha inspired perfumes and have been unsuccessful so far. January 21, 2014 at 11:53am Reply

        • Andy: Oh cool! I had no idea, but I’m glad to join the search with you. Clearly, Bois de Jasmin needs its own perfume line, in which we work together to design all of these elusive fragrances 🙂 January 21, 2014 at 1:49pm Reply

          • Solanace: Seconding that! January 21, 2014 at 5:51pm Reply

      • lisa_67: Not a perfect fit, but you might consider sampling Dawn Spencer Hurwitz’s Bancha. Dawn calls it a “‘tea’ scent that contains no tea.” It’s inspired by Japanese tea. To me, it’s a bit grassy, a bit pine-y, and definitely greenish, with delightful accents of jasmine and citrus. I quite enjoyed my sample and am contemplating a small bottle for summer. January 21, 2014 at 9:40pm Reply

        • Andy: Thank you! It sounds like something I might really like, especially if it nods toward a Japanese tea inspiration. January 21, 2014 at 11:48pm Reply

  • Annikky: Thanks for a refreshingly frank review, Andy! Nice to have you back. I’ve sprayed myself with The pour un Ete a few times, but don’t recall much. Now I know, why.

    Like you, I find L’Occitane’s version very nice. I have a bottle that sees heavy use and I hope to find another before it disappears entirely. January 21, 2014 at 8:57am Reply

    • Andy: Thanks Annikky, I’m glad to be back after a long while. I had forgotten that you were also a fan of the L’Occitane. I don’t own a bottle of it, but I think I would use it a lot if I had it. January 21, 2014 at 9:52am Reply

  • Natalie: I like Elizabeth Arden Green Tea. It’s light and pretty. January 21, 2014 at 11:03am Reply

    • paola: Yes, I like it too. It’s so fresh and summery… even if I can smell more citrus than green tea. January 21, 2014 at 11:42am Reply

    • Andy: I like Elizabeth Arden Green Tea as well! It’s quite simple and light, as you’ve said, but it can be found for such a reasonable price that I don’t mind applying lavishly. On my skin, it’s about equal parts citrus, rhubarb, and mint, a combination I love. January 21, 2014 at 1:51pm Reply

      • Alessandra: exactly…. it even has original, unexpected twists, which is impressive for a fragrance that cheap! I use the body cream frequently. January 22, 2014 at 6:41am Reply

        • Andy: The original version (no clue on any of the flankers) was created by Francis Kurkdjian, and you’re right, it does have some interesting twists in spite of its simplicity. January 22, 2014 at 7:46am Reply

          • Elena: EA Green Tea was one of my first perfume loves as a teenager. I revisited it recently and my little ten year old plus bottle was off, unfortunately. I’ll have to have another sniff if I get to a mall soon! Andy, I would highly recommend a vacation to Japan if you’ve not already been. I don’t really know you, but it seems like you would just love it! January 22, 2014 at 9:48pm Reply

            • Andy: Japan is right up there on my list of places I’d like to visit along with Morocco and Turkey and an endless host of others! January 23, 2014 at 7:18am Reply

  • maja: I haven’t tried this one but I do enjoy some green teas in summer. Bvlgari, E. Arden for example (there was a Green tea Cool Breeze – I think I might have invented the name as I don’t remember it clearly – a sort of a light version I kept in the fridge) but think I have found the perfect tea fragrance just recently – Goutal’s Duel. It’s black tea actually with a hint of lemon and mint, slightly herbal, a bit of powdery suede in the drydown. I find it extraordinary and plan on buying a full bottle. January 21, 2014 at 11:06am Reply

    • Andy: Duel has somehow escaped me! I’ll have to try it, because I love fragrances that remind me of black tea. Thank you! January 21, 2014 at 1:54pm Reply

  • Lucas: It doesn’t sound like something that is really worth giving a try, especially that you found cheaper fragrances that smell better that The Pour Un Ete from L’Artisan.
    Maybe not a typical jasmine tea but I like Laboratorio Olfattivo Decou-Vert. January 21, 2014 at 12:26pm Reply

    • Andy: It might work better for you than it did for me, but yes, I do think L’Artisan has many fragrances more impressive than Thé Pour un Été. Thank you for the Laboratorio recommendation! January 21, 2014 at 1:57pm Reply

  • Ann: It is interesting that Thé pour un Été (which I have never sniffed!) is paired with citrus and marketed as a refreshing, summer fragrance. I’ve tried the prepared green ice tea drinks that combine green tea with citrus, so I know the combo is very much in the market–but it is still not a fragrance combination that makes sense to me. When I think of matcha, I think of a soft, vegetal, almost dusty, white chocolate aura. If I were to design a matcha fragrance, it would go in the tonka bean with a slight hint of sun baked hay direction, I think. 🙂 January 21, 2014 at 12:31pm Reply

    • Anne of Green Gables: I was thinking of a hint of galbanum to give pleasantly astringent and bitter flavour at the top. Tonka bean in the drydown would be great! The funny thing is when I smell iris in perfumes, it gives a similar sensation to drinking matcha. Astringent (maybe this is not a correct description. What I mean is sharp/acrid), powdery with sweet aftertaste. January 21, 2014 at 12:56pm Reply

      • Ann: I almost added “orris” to my fantasy notes for a green tea fragrance. I totally agree with you! The dry, earthy, rooty aspects of iris share a lot with matcha in my mind (nose?) as well. January 21, 2014 at 1:05pm Reply

        • rainboweyes: I was very excited when I heard about Xerjoff Shunkoin – a tea and orris scent – but was quite disappointed as I smelled the drydown – much too milky and vanillic for my taste. January 21, 2014 at 2:03pm Reply

          • Anne of Green Gables: Interesting. With milk and vanilla, it would go in the direction of Matcha Latte. January 22, 2014 at 11:41am Reply

            • Andy: Mmm…I made one just this morning, and I was thinking just the same–what a great perfume concept! January 22, 2014 at 1:35pm Reply

            • rainboweyes: I don’t know what Matcha Latte smells like (I don’t tolerante greater amounts of milk) but I think Shunkoin might go in this direction. I love the bitter green opening but then the vanilla spoils it all (although it’s very moderate, I must admit). Maybe I should revisit it after all… January 23, 2014 at 5:57am Reply

              • Anne of Green Gables: Hi rainboweyes, I just wanted to let you know that I sampled Shunkoin (on paper). It did remind me of Matcha Latte to some extent and I’m not surprised given that this perfume was inspired by Japanese culture. I liked the slightly bitter note in the beginning (supposed to be “reminiscent of an infusion of fresh tea leaves” according to the description on Aus Liebe zum Duft) but then I found the vanillic drydown a little too sweet for my taste. The idea was interesting but I hope that they could have made it more transparent, rather than creamy. But I’m glad to have tested it so thanks for your suggestion. 🙂 January 30, 2014 at 7:02am Reply

                • rainboweyes: It could have been such an interesting scent if they had substituted the vanilla by something else to make it less creamy and foody – maybe even tonka bean? Funnily enough, the tonka bean in the drydown of Atelier Cologne Silver Iris (which joined my collection only yesterday :)) doesn’t bother me at all… I also got a sample of ELd’O Fin du Monde with the Silver Iris and found it disappointing too. Much too gourmand for my taste, despite the lovely iris note 🙁 January 30, 2014 at 11:34am Reply

                  • Anne of Green Gables: Congrats on your FB. You really love iris, don’t you? 🙂 I sampled Silver Iris after reading Patricia’s review but I didn’t like it. I actually found it too sweet and this was unexpected. Funny how our preferences differ. But on the other hand, I think I’m finally smitten by the strange beauty of ISM, which I hated the first time I tested. Where are you based in Germany, if you don’t mind me asking? January 31, 2014 at 7:32am Reply

                    • rainboweyes: I was actually surprised myself how much I liked Silver Iris. Gourmand scents usually make me queasy and give me a headache. Silver Iris, though, has a bright, sparkling vibe to it which makes me smile every time I smell it.
                      ISM was my first niche purchase – unsniffed, go figure! In my early perfumista days I was naive enough to rely on the description of the notes but I was taught otherwise very soon. I think ISM will remain the last blind buy in my perfumista career ;). I’m glad you’ve embraced the beauty of this gem!
                      I’m based in a small town in the Southwest of Germany, by the way. January 31, 2014 at 2:02pm

        • Anne of Green Gables: I’m so glad to know that I’m not the only one feeling that. January 22, 2014 at 11:39am Reply

      • Andy: I have to say, these ideas are so fantastic! I think if all three of us were in the industry, collaborating on a project to create this perfume, we’d come up with something great for sure! 🙂 January 21, 2014 at 2:05pm Reply

        • Solanace: With these notes, I’d probably buy it unsniffed. January 21, 2014 at 5:55pm Reply

        • Anne of Green Gables: That would be so much fun! 🙂 January 22, 2014 at 11:32am Reply

    • Ann: Just realized you describe Été as a jasmine tea. I am a straight up jasmine tea gal myself–no lemon or mint need app;y. Jasmine (unlike green tea to me) seems uber floral. January 21, 2014 at 1:02pm Reply

    • Andy: I couldn’t agree more! I’m drinking a cup of matcha right now, and its flavor and aroma are exactly as you describe–soft, hay-like, vegetal, dusty. Your ideas for a matcha fragrance are great as well; I like the thought of pairing of green notes with tonka, to add a bit of powdery, toasted sweetness. January 21, 2014 at 2:02pm Reply

  • rainboweyes: I’m a big fan of Olivia Giacobetti’s work but unlike most of her creations, Thé Pour Un Eté just doesn’t “sing” to me. It’s way too clean and somehow characterless.
    My perfect tea scent is Osmanthe Yunnan by Hermès and I also enjoy wearing Carthusia Mediterraneo in the summer.
    Have you ever had a chance to try Giacobetti’s L’Eau Argentine? It’s a gorgeous, sparkling mate tea-themed scent she created for the IUNX boutique at Hotel Costes in Paris. January 21, 2014 at 12:45pm Reply

    • Andy: I haven’t tried L’Eau Argentine, but it sounds like something I might really like! Your mention of Osmanthe Yunnan (which I love) reminded me that I’m going to be sampling a few osmanthus-scented green and oolong teas in the next few weeks. January 21, 2014 at 2:09pm Reply

  • rickyrebarco: I totally agree. I’d give this one 2 stars as well. Bvlgari’s Green Tea fragrance by JCE is about a zillion times better than the L’Artisan one. I think a number of the L’Artisan perfumes are overrated. January 21, 2014 at 12:50pm Reply

    • maja: I also think some of them are overrated. January 21, 2014 at 2:05pm Reply

    • Andy: I also personally prefer Bulgari’s (seminal) take on the green tea theme to Thé Pour un Été. January 21, 2014 at 2:38pm Reply

  • Etomidac: Thank you for this review. I have to say I absolutely agree.
    I find L’artisan’s “summer creations” always seem so so fleeting. Dousing the perfume just seems to add another 15-20 minutes at best. (The oh-so-wonderful summer thirst-quencher Ananas Fizz. It’s so fizzy, the second it lands on your skin, its gone.) January 21, 2014 at 1:02pm Reply

    • Andy: It is frustrating enough when a perfume doesn’t last how you’d like it to, even more so when the price point makes you feel guilty applying it generously! It’s at that point that I just give up, as I have with Thé Pour un Été. January 21, 2014 at 2:54pm Reply

      • Etomidac: I am totally with you on this. Sometimes the price tag do not justify with the product we get at all. The composition may be great but if it is watered down so much, I feel like I am just paying for high grade water/alcohol. Is it really that impossible to ask for a few % more in the juice?
        (Jo Malone is a huge culprit of this imo.) January 21, 2014 at 3:26pm Reply

        • Andy: A fragrance without a lot of tenacity can of course be very well made, and has its place in any wardrobe. However, when a fragrance is light, categorical (as in, it can be summed up with a succinct description like ‘fresh floral’ or ‘citrusy rose’) and merely pretty (as I find with many Malones), I am usually reminded that I can get a lot more value for my money elsewhere. January 21, 2014 at 3:54pm Reply

  • Donna: I loved this fragrance when I tried it at Barney’s while Christmas shopping. I thought it was very feminine and summery. However, I was told by the sales associate that as lovely as it is, it wouldn’t last long. And it’s too expensive to baptize with every morning! While wearing Antonia’s Flowers recently, one of my daughter’s classmates exclaimed, “You smell like tea!”. I love Antonia’s Flowers because to me, it smells like warm tea. January 21, 2014 at 1:20pm Reply

    • Andy: I haven’t tried Antonia’s Flowers yet, but it sounds like you wear it well! January 21, 2014 at 2:57pm Reply

  • se: Excellent review! I gave my bottle away because it was so boring and inconsequential. Two green jasmine scents I enjoy: Tokyo by Guerlain and Jasmine Vert by ??miller Harris?? Tokyo is fabulous! January 21, 2014 at 1:37pm Reply

    • Andy: Thank you for your green jasmine recommendations! I had forgotten about Tokyo. January 21, 2014 at 2:58pm Reply

  • Parfumista: I like Dior Escale à Pondichery which IMO is a more intresting jasmine-tea perfume with its notes of cardamon. Kilian Bamboo Harmony is another good one in a similar style but smoother. January 21, 2014 at 2:39pm Reply

    • Andy: Thank you for the great recommendations! Jasmine tea with cardamom sounds like a nice combination for a perfume January 21, 2014 at 3:01pm Reply

    • Alessandra: oh that one is REALLY good, yes. Almost forgot about it. Shame on me! January 22, 2014 at 6:36am Reply

    • Lizzy: Oh, jasmine tea with cardamom sounds DIVINE! Iʻm putting that on the “hunt down a sample/decant to sniff” list 😉 January 22, 2014 at 4:52pm Reply

  • Austenfan: I love Thé pour un Eté, even though I don’t get much tea from it. I think of it as a green and airy summery jasmine. It’s not my favourite Artisan; that honour goes to another Giacobetti creation (Dzing!) but I think what it does, it does very well. I agree that on the whole the Bvlgari is probably slightly more complex and therefore more interesting though I can’t say that I like it more.
    I have to go on memory for the Occitane which I remember liking at the time; especially the opening.
    I’ve yet to encounter a perfume that really evokes the smell of tea, be it black, white or green. The closest reproduction for me is still L’Eau du Fier, but that smells like Lapsang, which is as different from Jasmine tea as tea possibly can be.

    Good to see another post from you Andy, thanks! January 21, 2014 at 4:14pm Reply

    • Andy: I agree, Thé Pour un Été is very nicely crafted, and the touches of citrus and mint do set the jasmine off nicely.

      Lapsang Souchong is among my favorite teas, so I still want to try L’Eau du Fier very much! January 21, 2014 at 4:44pm Reply

    • Figuier: Thanks for the review, Andy! I second Austefan – TpuE is my favourite summer jasmine, with a hint of citrus and bitter tea to stop it from becoming cloying. It’s also the closest I’ve come to finding a scent that matches the scent of jasmine green tea, even though, as you point out, it doesn’t really come that close at all. L’Occitane Jasmine Green Tea, by contrast, smells unbearably artifical to me, like room freshener, while Bvlgari’s version, for all its greatness, is for me very reminiscent of the 90s and so feels a bit dated/overexposed (sadly).

      The price/longevity ratio of TpuE, however, is probably the reason I still don’t have a FB; I’m saving up to potentially buy it next summer… January 21, 2014 at 6:02pm Reply

      • Andy: Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Figuier! It never fails to amaze me how perfumes can be perceived so differently from person to person. That’s one of the things that keeps the topic of fragrances so interesting to me! January 21, 2014 at 8:35pm Reply

        • Figuier: I know, the variability is fascinating…and hopefully means every well-crafted scent will find its market – speaking of which, if anyone is interested in swapping a full bottle of L’Occitane Jasmine Green Tea (with a rather battered box) let me know! January 22, 2014 at 5:17am Reply

    • Alessandra: I can’t stop wearing dzing!, this winter – what a masterpiece!!

      Quite a good news that TPUE smells more like airy jasmine…. I might like it, after all! I’ll report back 🙂 January 22, 2014 at 6:35am Reply

    • Annikky: I love so many Giacobettis – En Passant, Passage d’Enfer, Tilleul, Dzing! to name a few -that I probably should give TPuE another chance. Certainly, I didn’t try it in indeal conditions. But it was almost gone by the time I left the boutique and I am easily frustrated by perfumes that don’t last or are too faint for my insensitive nose. January 22, 2014 at 6:38am Reply

      • Alessandra: Olivia is a genius, no doubt. I still think that l’été en douce – which is also hers – is a perfect summer choice… can’t rememeber about its lasting powers, though. Need to try it on again.
        I am not a huge fan of en passant yet, probably because I don’t think it suits me a lot… need to give it another try! January 22, 2014 at 6:45am Reply

        • rainboweyes: Oh yes, Eté En Douce is lovely in the summer!
          My favourite Giacobetti scent is Hiris, though. It’s a masterpiece of cool understatement.
          Isn’t the newest LE from Artisan – Jour de Fete – a Giacobetti creation too? January 23, 2014 at 6:03am Reply

  • nozknoz: I remember the original Heeley Verveine fragrance smelling very good, and maybe related to your quest. They seem to have a different verveine now that I’ve not tried yet.

    Hope you find what you are looking for and report back! January 21, 2014 at 10:58pm Reply

    • Andy: Thank you for your recommendation. I keep telling myself to try something from Heeley, so Verveine might be a perfect start. January 21, 2014 at 11:49pm Reply

  • Sally: As a tea merchant and long time perfume collector, I have also been on a quest to find a scent that captures the aroma of my beloved Jasmine Pearl tea. I’m almost at the point of brewing a pot, letting it cool and spritzing it on! I feel the same way about The Pour Une Ete – it seemed to simply evaporate after a mere nod in the direction of the tea pot… January 22, 2014 at 2:57am Reply

    • Andy: After reading your comment, I’m brewing a pot of Jasmine Pearls right now. I’m not sure any perfume will ever capture the sensation of this tea for me, because the rush of pleasure I get from brewing it is probably greater than anything I could get even if I found a more suitable jasmine tea perfume. January 22, 2014 at 8:00am Reply

  • Alessandra: This is interesting. Thé pour un été beglons to the list of AP perfumes I’ve never sniffed.. to which, sadly, even Tea for Two belongs. While I can’t test the latter anymore – with my greatest disappointment, since on paper it sounds marvellous and right up my street, even a Catherine Deneuve fave -, I could indeed give to this one a try. I’ve already found several potential summer buys – much needed, I might add -, but I’m sure there’s room for some more. Personally, I am not a fan of Bulgari’s thé vert and I presume I belong to a minority, in this sense. I find Bulgari’s thé blanc to be far more charming… plus, there’s something in the green one that gives me a slight headache, for unknown reasons. Of course, this is subjective, and from this subjective point of view, I’d say that, FOR ME, it is good news that the AP fragrance doesn’t smell like Bulgari’s green. However, it must be said that, much like you, Andy, I find it difficult to find a green tea fragrance I really like (Elizabeth Arden’s one is good, tho), so I tend to prefer something minty, herbal green, like herba fresca or – when it still existed – marc jacobs’ basil. So, I am hugely intrigued by this fragrance because the combination of it not smelling like bulgari’s green and me rarely being sure about my take on a certain green tea fragrance prompts me to see whether this one would be enjoyable to my senses or not. Poor tenacity is a sore point, tho. To be honest, I think this is a sore point for more than just one AP fragrance – while others are greatly persistent, thank goodness -, so for sure I wouldn’t buy the 100 ml… both for this reason and because, even in the summer, I wouldn’t surely have the habit of wearing a green tea fragrance 24/7 because I prefer orange colognes or lilies or minty herbal. I prefer to invest my money on l’été en douce or timbuktu, for that season, if we’re talking AP fragrances. Speaking of green tea, I must still try on roger and gallet thé vert one – do you like that one, Andy? Should it be good, it would solve the problem and save the hassle on having to spend quite a lot of money on something not outstanding. January 22, 2014 at 6:31am Reply

  • Andy: For summer refreshment, I also prefer something green and minty to a fresh floral or citrus. As far as the Bvlgari teas are concerned, I find their Thé Vert fine in small quantities, but a lot gives me a headache too. I have the same trouble with other green tea perfumes, especially CK One. On the other hand, I’ve always found Thé Blanc to be quite nice, even if it doesn’t always strike me as being full of character. Also, I haven’t tried the Roger & Gallet yet, but I would like to. January 22, 2014 at 8:29am Reply

    • Alessandra: Hehe, I do think that thé blanc is a delicate flower, in fact…. I only really wear it when I need something light and very clean that smells of fresh and clean but in a sophisticated way. However, there was a time in my early days at university when I was wearing it everyday in the morning!! January 22, 2014 at 10:58am Reply

      • Andy: Oh yes, I should be clearer. Thé Blanc definitely has a delicate floral aspect. It’s a fragrance I like, but have never wanted to actually own or wear. January 22, 2014 at 1:38pm Reply

  • Nicola Stephens: I could not agree more with Austenfan about TpuE (and Dzing!) so won’t repeat the points made so well in the above comments. As for tea scents I am reminded of Denyse’s (of GdM) term “tannic raspiness” which I believe she used in connection with two of my favourite scents – Cartier La Fougueuse and Hermes Eau de Narcisse Bleu. But then I’m a builder’s tea kind of girl so raspy tannins are right up my street! January 22, 2014 at 9:21am Reply

    • Andy: How interesting…I don’t remember a “tannic raspiness” to Eau de Narcisse Bleu, so I will have to look for it the next time I try it. January 22, 2014 at 1:41pm Reply

  • JulienFromDijon: I don’t give attention to tea facets in a fragrance.
    I don’t like Dzonkgha for the milky spiced cardamom tea (more for its iris, rare spices, amber). I like Tea for two for it’s leathery aspect, which seems like an old leather chypre hue.
    To “Thé pour un été”, I prefer “l’eau de l’artisan” for its similarity in herbal and chilly freshness, but more melodious.

    What’s the closest to jasmine tea in perfume?

    I’m searching. (I think the issue is that “bulgari eau ~thé vert” that started the trend is an illusion of green tea, an accord from Elena, not tea itself).
    What comes to my mind :
    – something of the over-expensive Cartier line. Laurent uses mate, it always gives a half-horsehair and half-tea facet to what I smell. Like in “l’heure brillante”.
    Or for the ghostly “l’heure mystérieuse”. It’s 80% patchouly, but actually the sillage tops it and is full of the highest grade of sambac jasmine, which is the genius used to flavour jasmine tea.

    – Diorella : Exhilarating, melodious, but rather “vietnamese beef salad” in the foody spectrum => aim at the old Diorella, you can truly get the egyptian jasmine through the composition (the one in hounds-tooth packaging)

    – Pleasures from Estee Lauder, because it smells like snow and flower. That’s how the taste of jasmine tea would smell for me. Maybe to synthetic and screechy => Maybe play the sorcerer apprentice and add a few drop of 10% concentration jasmine essential oil to it.

    I usually over-infuse my tea, and eventually my jasmine tea tastes to tannic. I don’t see a perfume with this raspy note. Maybe Bulgary’s Bulgary, who’s inner accord always tasted like apricot kernel or peach kernel to me.

    To be out-of-topic, try Elena’s “osmanthe yunnan” and “rose ikebana” from the Hermès line, both are built on its tea accord.
    “Rose ikebana” seems to have that tannic raspiness I was searching for. Annoying and pleasing at the same time. January 22, 2014 at 11:17am Reply

    • Andy: I can see you’ve really compiled an extensive search for a jasmine tea perfume, far more organized than mine! Thank you for all of your ideas and recommendations! January 22, 2014 at 1:44pm Reply

  • N.: Have you tried L’Occitane THÉ Vert & Bigarade Eau de Toilette from their La Collection de Grasse line? It is my current favorite tea fragrance. The jasmine green tea one was good too. January 22, 2014 at 6:22pm Reply

    • Andy: No, I haven’t been to a L’Occitane store since they introduced the Collection de Grasse, so I have not tried the new Thé Vert yet. January 22, 2014 at 6:24pm Reply

  • Alessandra: So. I tried it (thé pour un été) on and it smells lovely to me…. except I doubt it’d be persistent in the summer. It’s winter and it vanished after about three hours… January 28, 2014 at 7:03am Reply

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