Fairy Tale Perfumes: Scents of Fantasy

Perfumes that transport Andy into the world of fantasy and fairy tales. 

Reading the stories of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm is a fond childhood memory, and even today, though I may have outgrown storybooks, I can experience the world of fairy tales through my choice of perfume. The best perfumes are more than the sum of their parts, creating miniature worlds within which the wearer can explore, pretend, and escape.


I may enjoy Chanel No. 19 for its beautiful iris note, but it’s experiencing a fantasy, of spring flowers blooming amid thawing snow, which makes me want to wear it again and again. Culling though the perfume stories that exist in my mind, I thought of these four perfumes below, which I wear to evoke the opulent castles, evil witches, and mysterious forests of my favorite written fairy tales.

Serge Lutens Fille en Aiguilles

Hansel and Gretel was one of my most beloved stories as a child, and when I want to smell like I’ve stepped into the pages, I turn to Fille en Aiguilles. From the first dab, I’m plunged deeply into a Black Forest fantasy, where I imagine myself parting sticky pine boughs and stumbling upon a cottage made of gingerbread and candied fruit. Where the perfume adds wisps of incense smoke and dry woods, I fill in the blanks, imagining sweet smoke rising from the chimney and a promise of warmth and welcome inside. Yet, these somber touches hint at something darker too, not unlike the ominous turn the fairy tale takes as soon as Hansel and Gretel enter the old woman’s candied cottage. I like to imagine that Serge Lutens had a similar idea in mind when creating this perfume, because every time I wear it, I find myself gullible as Hansel and Gretel, gleefully falling for the fantasy time after time.

Caron Pour Un Homme

I recently discovered this perfume, but just as soon as the dreamy blend of lavender, vanilla and amber rose from my skin, I knew this was the scent of a storybook Prince Charming. Just like any fabled hero, Pour Un Homme might have classic “good looks”, but its simple structure suggests honesty and softness, a case of substance rather than bravado. Imagining that Sleeping Beauty is a perfume lover, I can’t help but hope that her Prince Charming brought a bottle of Pour Un Homme to her rescue—after all, this simple blend, reminiscent of lavender water, would provide some much needed refreshment after 100 years of sleep!

Etat Libre d’Orange Rossy de Palma

Assigning fairy tale queens a perfume based around rose, the queen of flowers, might sound too easy, except that Rossy de Palma steers clear of clichés. I’m inclined to think that this perfume suits both the benevolent and evil queens of lore equally well, because it straddles the line of charming beauty and smoldering darkness like few other perfumes that come to mind. On the one hand, this rose is rich, opulent, and regal, with warmth appropriate to a kindly royal highness who sits on a throne of plush red velvet. On the other hand, a substantial dose of dark patchouli, incense, and spices make Rossy de Palma seem just as suited to a queen of darkness too. In my fairy tale fantasy, I smell a presence wearing Rossy de Palma somewhere nearby, and I’m never sure if I’m about to meet a malevolent Queen of Hearts or a gentle monarch.

Lolita Lempicka Lolita Lempicka

With its exquisite bottle that one would expect to contain some magical potion, Lolita Lempicka might just be the quintessential fairy tale perfume. All of its vanilla and cherry compote sweetness is offset by a generous dose of green, bittersweet licorice and earthy patchouli, suggesting a slightly lethal allure. Added to foil the dark timbre of these elements is a powdery iris and violet blend that adds a dreamy sense of softness. And amazingly, Lolita Lempicka brings these seemingly disparate elements into perfect harmony, with excellent sillage to boot. This is the perfume I wear whenever I want to be reminded of the elements of black magic and poisonous alchemy that pop up in some fairy tales. As a perfume of great duality, I sometimes wonder whether wearing Lolita Lempicka is more akin to falling under the spell of some potent elixir, or dosing out a potion of my own to all who pass in my bewitchingly fragrant path.

What fragrances invite you to dream and fantasize? What are your fairy tale perfumes?

Image: Ivan Bilibin’s fairy tale illustration.



  • Ajda: I love this theme! And I agree on Fille en Aiguilles.
    Mine is vintage Dior Poison. I had a Snow White book which smelled amazing. The smell matched the gorgeous illustrations of the dark and mysterious forest perfectly. It smelled poisonous, but sweet and inviting at the same time. I have no idea why the book smelled this way, but a couple of years later I realised that Poison smells a lot like that book. Maybe whoever gave it to me was wearing it at the time or the sales lady who sold the book to my parents did.
    I have a mini of the old Esprit de Parfum and I wear that occasionally to remember that dangerously alluring smell that wafted from the book. I know they are nothing alike, but Fille evokes that same feeling in me. January 5, 2017 at 8:03am Reply

    • Andy: Poison is a perfect fairytale perfume, and I love your scented book memory. I have a vintage mini of the Espirit de Parfum which has no perfume left but still smells strongly when I lift the stopper, and it smells so different from anything I can think of today. January 5, 2017 at 8:29am Reply

  • Michaela: Absolutely beautiful!
    I love how you imagine Prince Charming wearing Pour Un Homme.
    I don’t know this Lutens, but I discovered Lalique Le Parfum after reading Victoria’s review, who associated it with Hansel and Gretel tale, and it was charming.
    Town Musicians of Bremen is one of my old favorite fairy tales. For the fun and for the potency I imagine Kenzo Jungle bursting along with their ‘music’.
    Another favorite one is Andersen’s Snow Queen. I feel Jacomo Silences sprayed in full winter storm as icy as the boy’s heart. January 5, 2017 at 9:01am Reply

    • Michaela: I can also imagine Etat Libre D’Orange Rien for the drama of Blue Beard’s young brave wife who finally defeated her horrible husband. January 5, 2017 at 9:22am Reply

      • Jane: Just happen to be wearing ELD’O Rien today and remembering the writer Angela Carter whose ‘Bloody Chamber’ retold fairy tales with a feminist twist – Bluebird’s wife was rescued by her mother! Marvellous! January 5, 2017 at 10:04am Reply

        • Kitty Van Halen: Ooh, I need to check that book out! That sounds awesome! January 5, 2017 at 10:54am Reply

        • Andy: I agree, what a fantastic read that sounds like! January 5, 2017 at 11:13am Reply

          • Tess: I love Carter’s “Bloody Chamber” collection!
            The bloody rose accord of Amouage’s Opus X seems fitting to her rework of Sleeping Beauty–instead of a princess waking from a kiss, a vampire is killed from a kiss by her would-be prey.
            There’s a lot of imagery in the story of roses and decay, so the bloody rose accord and varnish notes reference that very well, as would its alternate softening into a harmless gardenia to the innocence and gentleness of the prey-turned-survivor. January 6, 2017 at 12:02pm Reply

      • Andy: Reading about your favorite fairytales brings back so many memories for me, and I love the perfume-to-story matches you suggest. Silences paired with The Snow Queen is one I wouldn’t have thought of but which matches perfectly. January 5, 2017 at 11:12am Reply

  • Cornelia Blimber: I love your vivid phantasy, Andy! a lovely post. i am not that imaginative myself, but i often think of certain perfumes when I am reading. January 5, 2017 at 9:54am Reply

    • Andy: I think about perfume while I read sometimes too. Especially after finishing Jo Malone’s new book, I have had books and fragrance on my mind a lot. January 5, 2017 at 11:17am Reply

      • limegreen: Happy new year, Andy! Thank you for a fun and fanciful concept, a great lift to the start of the new year. 🙂
        How did you find Jo Malone’s book? Some reviews were kind of lukewarm — she’s had an interesting run of it, though.

        I find Caron Yatagan sort of a witchy, herbal brew, kind of goes with potions and elixirs in fairy tales. Maybe concocted in the gingerbread house alongside Fille en Aiguilles! 🙂 January 5, 2017 at 7:54pm Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: Brava, Limegreen!
          There might also be a few drops of Baptême du Feu. January 6, 2017 at 8:25am Reply

          • limegreen: Happy new year, Cornelia!
            I have not tried Bapteme du Feu yet — it seems perfect though with the gingerbread! Is it gourmand, in your opinion? January 6, 2017 at 10:58am Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: Happy New Year to you too, Limegreen!
              I tried Baptême du Feu on paper and had first my nose filled with sharp pepper and then the gingerbread. January 6, 2017 at 11:03am Reply

              • Andy: I haven’t smelled Baptême du Feu, but it sounds excellent! January 6, 2017 at 1:46pm Reply

        • Andy: Happy New Year! I was gifted the book by a thoughtful friend, and I’m not sure I would have read it if it hadn’t landed in my hands that way. However, given my interest in Jo Malone the person, the brand, and Jo Loves, the book gave me such an immense appreciation for all the immense, lasting ways she has had an impact on the fragrance industry of today. I have long been fascinated by the Estee Lauder acquisition and Jo’s departure from her namesake brand, and so I appreciated the candid account of exactly what happened. Knowing your interest in Jo, I think you might enjoy reading the book (it also includes a page scented with Pomelo, which wafts up softly as you read; I think more books should include something like this!). It’s not the most compelling read in the world, but it was interesting.

          And Yatagan is a perfect fairytale perfume! I wish I found it easier to wear, since it is beautiful. January 6, 2017 at 1:43pm Reply

          • limegreen: Pomelo wafting from the pages sounds wonderful! It’s such a special fragrance, nothing else in her Jo Loves line has captured the same magic, for me. Though, the recent Red Truffle 21 is pretty nice — truffle, fig, and pine. If Hansel and Gretel ate haute cuisine in the forest, this would be the correlating perfume!
            I’ve wandered from the Jo Malone line, not very interesting, but recent creative releases have brought me back. You might enjoy the Basil Neroli, done by Anne Flipo, if you have not tested it. The Basil really shines through. January 7, 2017 at 10:05pm Reply

            • Andy: I’ve been curious about Red Truffle 21–the notes sound so intriguing, but I can’t imagine what they’d all be like together. Your description is very alluring.

              You’re right about the layering, though I can hardly imagine layering Malles together, it’s just that they each strike me as such individual ‘art pieces’. January 9, 2017 at 7:20pm Reply

          • limegreen: And you are right about her influence, “layering” fragrances is a common idea now. A Malle SA offered his favorite combo layering of Malle fragrances and it just flowed naturally from conversation. January 8, 2017 at 12:37pm Reply

  • Kitty Van Halen: This is a great post. I have, embarrassingly, spent a significant amount of time trying to imagine what all of the fairy tale/Disney evil queens would wear. I think of Maleficent in Tom Ford Purple Patchouli (what I imagine a giant fluorescent purple dragon would smell like), the queen from Snow White in Ormonde Jayne Woman, for the deep, dank foresty scent. January 5, 2017 at 10:59am Reply

    • Andy: The perfumes you’ve matched to these queens are, or at least sound, spot on (I haven’t actually smelled Purple Patchouli, but I’m imagining it). And I tend to think, what good is perfume, anyway, if it doesn’t help us escape from our routine and think about fantastical things like this? January 5, 2017 at 11:24am Reply

  • Josey: Ahh Lolita Lempicka! I’ve loved that perfume for 10 years, amd have loved the idea of “fairy tale” perfume just as long.

    Thank you so much for this post! I really hope you end up doing some follow-up posts, because this is my favorite perfumery theme 🙂 January 5, 2017 at 10:59am Reply

    • Andy: I too love Lolita Lempicka. I have to be in the right mood to wear it, but there’s absolutely nothing like it to lift a bout of the blues. It’s one of those rare perfumes that I find absolutely perfect in all stages of its development. January 5, 2017 at 11:28am Reply

  • Aurora: What an enchanting post. I practically bathed in fairy tales as a child and to this day I immediately think of Tabu for the evil queen, Snow White in Anais Anais, for Sleeping Beauty Liu or No 5 and the good fairies in Angel. I love your idea of Pour Un Homme for Prince Charming. Have you tried l’Impact (the perfume version)? January 5, 2017 at 11:56am Reply

    • Andy: I love your perfume choices, especially Anais Anais for Snow White. I have tried L’Impact, and it’s so beautiful–I just wish it were easier to get a hold of. January 6, 2017 at 1:48pm Reply

  • Irene: For me there´s no other perfume that evokes more a “witchy vibe” than Oriza Legrand´s Chypre Mousse. A quirky sorceress working through her potions in a forest cottage… But as I love this theme in perfumery, others that I would add to the suggestions are Mandragore Pourpree, Bois 1920 Vento di Fiori and Ormonde Woman. Great to read about your recommendations!! January 5, 2017 at 12:25pm Reply

    • Andy: Chypre Mousse is an excellent perfume, and your description is spot on. I think the next time I wear it I will definitely recall these sorts of mystical associations. January 6, 2017 at 1:50pm Reply

  • Merlin: I find Iris Nuit to be evocative of silvered glades found at the bottom of the garden – you know those ones where the fairies have been dancing and the echo of their laughter still sounds? January 5, 2017 at 1:48pm Reply

    • Andy: You’re right, Iris Nuit definitely does have that radiant, “glow in the shadows” quality, just beautiful. I need to dig my sample out and give it another go. January 6, 2017 at 1:52pm Reply

  • Nora Szekely: Dear Andy and perfume lovers,

    Wow great post idea!

    It’s funny, before reading full article, Lolita Lempicka popped to my mind too.

    Angel by Thierry Mugler is pure fantasy for me, fit for a good fairy.

    La chasse aux papillons – carefree, uplifting scent for the pure-hearted Cinderella

    My favourite character is Beauty from Beauty and the Beast. Her scent would be a rose-based one, Rose Splendide from Annick Goutal.
    Beaust could smell like Terre d’Hermès. January 5, 2017 at 2:50pm Reply

    • Andy: I love your idea of La Chasse aux Papillons for Cinderella–her pure goodness has never made her one of my favorite fairytale characters, but I think your chosen perfume suits her perfectly! January 6, 2017 at 1:54pm Reply

  • Marie / Witness of Sense: Fille en Aiguille is a good one! I can see Iris Poudre for an Ice Queen and Iris Nobile for a princess, No 19 for a witch… iris just covers everything 🙂 January 5, 2017 at 3:12pm Reply

    • Andy: I think you’re on to something–when I think of the variety of iris perfumes out there, it certainly does seem that this note has enough interpretations to suit most any fantasy character, especially given the “hard to put my finger on it” quality that iris can give a perfume. January 6, 2017 at 1:56pm Reply

  • SHMW: For me Ormonde Jayne Woman is how the world depicted in Kay Nielsen’s illustrations for ‘East of the Sun and West of the Moon’ should smell. it i is also a perfect fit for John Bauer’s nordic world of trolls and Princess Cotton-grass. For a more modern comparison I imagine that in Neil Gaiman’s ‘Stardust’ the forest and fields on ‘our’ side of Wall smell like Ormonde man with the wild fey scent that sometimes blows over from beyond the wall having Ormonde Woman’s strange otherworldly violet note. January 5, 2017 at 3:19pm Reply

    • Michaela: What a beautiful perfume take on Stardust! January 6, 2017 at 6:27am Reply

    • Andy: I love how you characterize that dichotomy between Ormonde Man and Woman using this example. They are such interesting, high quality perfumes. January 6, 2017 at 1:58pm Reply

  • SHMW: By the way I love the way that in this old tale (the title story) it is the peasant girl, ‘Lass’ who rescues her prince from the castle that lies east of the sun and west of the moon…… January 5, 2017 at 3:27pm Reply

    • mayfly: I love East of the Sun, West of the Moon, I must revisit! January 8, 2017 at 3:54am Reply

      • SHMW: I love and have an old version with the fabulous loose (just side attached) colour plates but I have seen that there is also a very good, beautiful recent edition that is either still in print or still easy to find.
        I think these tales seem less adapted and much closer to the real, folk sources than some of the other, better known, fairy tale collections seem to be… and thats even before they were disneyfied. January 8, 2017 at 9:49am Reply

  • Solanace: Wonderful post, Andy! Today we read Snow White, the real deal, lol, with the ribbon and comb assaults before the apple and terrible ending. Love this story, the girl is street smart to share a house with seven guys in the middle of the forest, gotta give her that. I recently read that some sort of linguistic analysis revealed fairy tales are much more ancient than previously thought. Which makes me love them even more!
    So, I’d scent SW with AG Rose Splendide, the Evil Queen with Femme and Prince Charming with Chanel Pour Monsieur. And the little guys would be hardcore perfumistas, that’s where all those gemstones go, straight to Lutens, Mandy Aftel and Duchaufour. January 5, 2017 at 6:51pm Reply

    • Andy: Aren’t the “real” versions of these stories so much more interesting than the glossed over movie or storybook takes that children tend to be familiar with today?

      And I’m admittedly not familiar with the exact origins of fairytales, but the idea that they could be much older than previously thought makes me feel even more passionately that we must preserve and continue to read older versions of these tales.

      And the thought of those gemstones fueling a perfume addiction had me in stitches 🙂 January 6, 2017 at 2:02pm Reply

  • Tippie: I’ve always thought that Kenzo Jungle Elephant evokes Sheherazade and the One Thousand and One Nights. Maybe Sinbad the Sailor. January 6, 2017 at 6:03am Reply

    • Andy: L’elephant is such a unique perfume that I can easily see how it would evoke something from these tales. January 6, 2017 at 2:04pm Reply

  • KarenA: What a wonderful, fun post! Anything that makes me think of perfume in a broader, creative way is terrific, and the comments are wonderful to read. I can’t come up with any matches, but have been trying to think of what would work for the Little Mermaid. Had several versions of the book as a child. She would need two – perhaps her human form would have one that recalls the sea, but not a light, carefree scent.

    Growing up, we had an antique fairy tale book that was so far from the Disney version of those tales, many were dark and menacing – wonderful stuff! January 6, 2017 at 6:43am Reply

    • Andy: I’ll admit, I’ve always been a great fan of storytale villains, and so the older versions of fairytales with their dark plots really appealed to me as a child.

      I like your idea of the Little Mermaid needing two perfumes for land and sea–whenever I look at pictures of the bottle for L de Lolita Lempicka, I immediately think of this story, but the perfume doesn’t seem the right match. January 6, 2017 at 2:07pm Reply

      • KarenA: Well this whole idea has me falling down a rabbit hole! I wish I knew of a scent that matched the idea of longing + deep ocean + hope in equal measure with sadness. That perfume would be the scent for one aspect, and maybe (??) De Profundis for another? Only because both aspects of the Little Mermaid have a pall of sadness, leaving who you are for love but that love involves real pain, and then there is just the longing aspect in both lives.

        Gosh, who knew the story would lead to such thoughts!

        Interestingly enough I put on some Black Opium yesterday and thought it would be a good villainess fragrance, as it is this sweet thing that draws you in and then kind of suffocates (or has that potential)! Of course, I may have over applied…

        And yes, so glad I grew up with both the old dark, scary fairy tale books, as well as the cleaner ones. January 6, 2017 at 2:44pm Reply

        • Andy: The name Black Opium even sounds like it’s made for some enchanted and mystical world, so it’s a fitting choice in many regards.

          And I love your way of thinking about the right perfume for the Little Mermaid. And I agree, De Profundis has that wonderful sad quality that might just be the thing. January 6, 2017 at 10:33pm Reply

        • mayfly: De profundis is a beautiful choice for her! I haven’t had an opportunity to smell it, but have read reviews and it sounds like it would be a lovely and very fitting perfume for her.
          (Disney Ariel would need something saccharine & fruity tho, I feel). January 8, 2017 at 4:58am Reply

        • limegreen: Hi Karen!
          I can envision that the color alone of De Profundis, dark hues of deep purple, invoking the dark depths of ocean! January 9, 2017 at 8:31pm Reply

          • KarenA: Surrender to Chance recently had SL discounted, so I tried a few small samples, including De Profundis. Unfortunately, I had a reaction to it, and I did not lovelovelove it – but it could fit the bill with the longing/love/transformation idea. (Une Voix Noir however, hit all the right notes!) January 10, 2017 at 7:24am Reply

        • Notturno7: Maybe Eau de Mervilles for the Little Mermaid? It’s kind of clean and pure, ocean like.
          What a fun post this is💖. Thanks, Andy!
          I thought of L Lempicka too, before seeing that you picked it. January 11, 2017 at 11:16pm Reply

    • mayfly: I agree that the authentic versions of the fairy tales such as ‘The Little Mermaid’, are so much more poignant and beautiful for they’re tragic endings.. I would balk at reading these to my small children tho, I think my little girl would be heart broken to learn tha her beloved Ariel becomes nothing more than ‘foam on the sea’ at the end of the original tale. Then again, my mother read this one, and tales like ‘the Little Matchgirl’ to me as a child, so maybe in a couple of years. I can’t think of a perfect scent for The Little Mermaid either.. Hoping someone will come up with one!- I think we might need two, one for the original, and one for Disney, who according to some critics ..’betrayAnderson’s tale, while it exploits society’s obsession with physical beauty and romance’. January 8, 2017 at 4:16am Reply

      • KarenA: The Disney versions are just fun – plus, the songs really influence so much! I listened to a Fresh Air interview with Lin-Manuel Miranda and he talked about how he was so influenced by one of the movies (which one is escaping me) as a young boy.

        As for Ariel, maybe a pretty pretty spun sugar confection like Pink Sugar? Nothing wrong with some cotton candy now and then! January 10, 2017 at 7:29am Reply

        • Michaela: I thought of Pink Sugar, too. Nothing wrong, really. January 10, 2017 at 8:20am Reply

    • Tourmaline: Hi KarenA (and Andy),

      I couldn’t resist making a late contribution in relation to “The Little Mermaid”.
      In 1972, the year I turned eleven, I saw magazine ads for a perfume by Yardley named “Sea Jade”. Although I’d never smelled it, the name and the aqua colour of the juice (and the bottle plastic) fired up my imagination. I must have raved on about it because my mother bought me a small bottle, perhaps 25ml, for my birthday or Christmas that year. I enjoyed the fragrance and used it all up.

      Sadly, I threw away the empty bottle (never knowing what a perfume aficionado I’d later become), and, even more sadly, I can no longer recall the fragrance. Bottles can be found on eBay, but usually for very high prices, and often the sellers don’t ship to Australia.

      According to Basenotes website, “Sea Jade” was originally released by Yardley in 1960, re-released in 1962 under the name of “Oh! de London” and released under that name by Tuvaché some years later.

      The delightful part of my story is that today, when I googled images of “Sea Jade” perfume, I found photographs of both the type of bottle that I was given as a child and bottles shaped like a mermaid! You can have a look and see for yourself; they are very pretty.

      Thanks, Andy, for a lovely post. February 4, 2017 at 1:14am Reply

  • Hamamelis: Nice post. I never thought of fairy tales in relation to perfume, but putting my mind to it I thought of Sleeping Beauty. In Dutch she is called Doornroosje, the thorns of a rose. It would have to be a rose with a sting in the beginning which ends in a long sleep (for the prince we need a different perfume I think!). Anyway, maybe Andy Tauer’s Rose Chypree fits, starting fresh and a bit prickly with bergamot and lemon, through a beautiful rose ending on a soft sleepy bed of amber. January 6, 2017 at 8:09am Reply

    • Andy: I had no idea of the Dutch name for Sleeping Beauty, this is fascinating. Certainly you’re right, she surely would need to wear a rose perfume, and perhaps Prince Charming would be better equipped wearing something with rose too. All that’s coming to mind at the moment is Declaration d’Un Soir, but I think it would be too edgy for him. Hmm… January 6, 2017 at 2:12pm Reply

  • Hamamelis: Sometimes my husband wears Al Haramein’s Royal Rose, worthy of a prince, and it certainly wakes me up 🙂 ! January 6, 2017 at 2:21pm Reply

    • Andy: Sounds like a perfect fit! January 6, 2017 at 2:26pm Reply

  • john: I second the Yatagan suggestion, although for me it’s less witchy than woodsman (the one who spares Snow White’s life perhaps, or rids Little Red Riding Hood of the Wolf?)
    I’d vote for Grey Flannel (at least the older formulations I remember using) as reminiscent of a damp, enchanted forest… January 7, 2017 at 12:51pm Reply

    • Andy: You’re absolutely right, the old formulations of Grey Flannel have that strong mossy note that reminds me so strongly of forests. I still like the current formulation, but it’s not the same. January 9, 2017 at 7:22pm Reply

  • mysterious_scent: Hmm..not fairy tales, but I think it’s fun as well.

    Juste un rêve by Nicolai Parfumeur. To me, it’s Midnight Summer’s Dream, especially interpretation in this painting by Sir Joseph Noel Paton:

    https://shereadsnovels.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/study_for_the_quarrel_of_oberon_and_titania.jpg January 9, 2017 at 9:37am Reply

    • Andy: I love your connecting this beautiful painting to the Nicolai perfume. I remember Juste un Rêve having this really beautiful sillage, but I do need to smell it again. January 9, 2017 at 7:24pm Reply

  • Elisa: RdP is perfect for an evil queen! So seductive but sharp and thorny! January 9, 2017 at 12:41pm Reply

    • Andy: I’m tempted to put some on right now, but I’m wearing Patou 1000, which is a bit of a scene-stealer in its own right. Both are beautiful, but I don’t want to risk suffocation 🙂 . By the way, I think I remember reading in the Best of 2016 thread that you wanted to revisit or try 1000, and if you would like a decant, I have more than I know what I’ll ever do with! January 9, 2017 at 7:29pm Reply

      • Elisa: I would absolutely LOVE to take you up on that! January 9, 2017 at 7:31pm Reply

  • KarenA: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey is a wonderful fairy-tale like book I stumbled upon at the library. One of the plugs on the back made it a must read, “If Willa Cather and Gabriel Garcia Marguez had collaborated on a book….” Plus, Ivey references scents at various times, always a plus! Fits right in with this post and everyone’s comments. January 10, 2017 at 7:33am Reply

    • Michaela: Thank you for mentioning The Snow Child! Fits perfectly with this post, indeed… Maybe that’s one of the most beautiful reads of my life. Touching, unforgettable. January 10, 2017 at 8:30am Reply

      • KarenA: It is such a beautiful book! So glad to see that you also loved it. January 10, 2017 at 3:28pm Reply

    • Andy: Thanks so much for sharing this book recommendation–sounds incredible! January 10, 2017 at 3:04pm Reply

  • Nancy A.: Thanks Andy! great concepts. Yesterday, prior to a medical appt. I hopped into Barney’s altho’ briefly for a sniff and ended up at Editions de Parfum with my first choice of Iris Poudre, which is still lingering on my coat(!) and was transported but for a moment to faraway places and flights of fancy (who can afford $285.00) for fragrance. It was fun to fantasize and whisked away. Mentioning Lempicka I usually linger over the fennel when food shopping. Pathetic as it sounds, fragrance brings such joy! January 10, 2017 at 4:26pm Reply

    • Andy: Iris Poudre is incredible, and was what I was going to wear today (I think I may still sneak a spray in). I don’t have that kind of money to spend on perfume either, so I instead opted for one of the 10ml bottles of Iris Poudre, and it has lasted me well. January 10, 2017 at 4:29pm Reply

      • Nancy A.: Andy, funny you should mention this about the 10 ml. of Iris Poudre. The thought crossed my mind to start my wish list. I didn’t dare ask for a sample although I was tempted. It gets to be very tedious these days with rejection. January 10, 2017 at 4:39pm Reply

  • Raquel: I love this post. A witch could use Aromatic Elixir or Coco and I imagine Alice in Wonderland wearing Angel. January 10, 2017 at 10:11pm Reply

    • Andy: These are all excellent choices! January 11, 2017 at 1:19pm Reply

  • gentianacraciun: I would imagine the Tales of Sindbad smelling as Amouage Epic and Frederic Malle Noir Epices…. I have a soft spot for the 1001 Nights (fairy) Tales… Jubilation 25 (Amouage), Musc Ravageur (Fr. Malle), Ambre Sultan by Serge Lutens and Afaaf from Al Haramain are transporting me in the exotic atmosphere of the Persian fantastic stories. Pairing of the Snow White and Anais Anais is a good grip, too. I would see Silences by Jacomo in Haensel and Gretel. The Evil Queen I see smelling as Narcotic Venus – Nasomatto. or Hypnotic Poison… January 11, 2017 at 3:36pm Reply

  • Gabi: Late to the party, but Zagorzk for the Woodsman in Little Red Riding Hood; Florabellio for the Little Mermaid (Andersen, not Disney); Gris Clair for Martha in The Secret Garden (not a fairy tale, but still).

    Thank you for a great topic and post! I’m going to keep playing this game with all scents frim now on! January 13, 2017 at 11:23pm Reply

  • Cecilia: Fille en Aiguilles is my favourite Serge Lutens so far. Back in december and january I was looking for a winter scent, something spicy, sweet but not too much “candied”, with incense and maybe some woody notes…during my eternal quest, one of the lovely ladies at Sephora dabbed this fragrance on my arm. I didn’t fell immediately in love. The opening was too much church like (incense all the way!). I went home, a little disappointed. But then the drydown notes slowly appeared and it was everything I had in mind; the amber, the dried fruits (sweet, but not Arabie-like sweet!), and the inimitable Lutensian oreintal accord.
    The best part was the longevity. I showered and the next day I was still able to smell this amazing scent on my scarf and coat.
    I ended up buying a full bottle two days later.
    Thank you Victoria, your review made me discover Fille en Aiguilles! February 11, 2017 at 4:56am Reply

    • Cecilia: Ops, and of course thank you Andy, since you wrote the review!! February 11, 2017 at 4:58am Reply

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