Estonia and Denmark Visits : Tallinn and Copenhagen Book Events

I’m delighted to share that my book The Rooster House was selected among “The Best Books of 2023” by Waterstones. I’m grateful for this recognition and I thank all of my readers for your support.

As I mentioned in my previous newsletter, I will be in Estonia and Denmark to speak about The Rooster House. It’s been such a pleasure to meet my readers on these travels, especially those who have been following Bois de Jasmin for years. Your support throughout my journey has been invaluable.

On this note, many thanks to everyone who gave me recommendations for Munich and Leipzig. I had very little free time in Munich, but your suggestions helped me plan efficiently and I managed to get a sense of the city, visit a couple of churches and Alte Pinakothek, which is one of the most impressive museums I’ve seen.

There have been many book news recently, but next week I will have another exciting announcement, so please stay tuned.

Tallinn, Estonia

30.10.23 17.00
Tallinna Viru Keskuse Rahva Raamat

Presentation of Victoria Belim’s book “The Rooster House”.
We are waiting for you on Monday, October 30 at 17:00 at the presentation of Victoria Belim’s book The Rooster House in Viru Keskus Rahva Raamata!

I will be in conversation with Annikky Lamp, the translator of my book and the author of a wonderful blog Life in a Cold Climate. Anniky wrote a thoughtful article about translating The Rooster House and her decision to take on this project: The Rooster House: A Deeply Personal Love Letter to Ukraine.

“The moving memoir tells the story of one family and the whole of Ukraine from the complicated history to the dangerous present. It tells a fascinating story of parents and children, loyal Bolsheviks and victims of communism, gardens and art, mysteries and long-kept secrets.”

You can find more details via and

Copenhagen, Denmark

I will participate in Bogforum in November. Bogforum is one of the largest book fairs in the region and an important event in Denmark. I will be on stage on Saturday, November 4th at 15.20-16.05.

More details via



  • Darinka DAlessio: I’m so happy that your book has met with such interest and success! I thought of you the other day when I saw this article about a new Ukrainian restaurant in Chicago called Anelya. It is named after a grandmother who also hails from Poltava! These owners are always so thoughtful in their dining creations. October 30, 2023 at 1:24pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you very much! I’m going to take a look at the article. Poltava is also famous for its food. October 30, 2023 at 7:07pm Reply

  • Sariah: My mom’s mom was Ukrainian Canadian and my dad’s dad was Estonian. I started reading The Rooster House this weekend and am reading it slowly which isn’t normal for me – I’m really savoring it. I’ll be getting a copy for my mom too. Tallinn is such a great place to visit, and how awesome that another one of my favorite bloggers (well…more instagrammer now) is your translator. Your book expresses a lot of what l think my grandparents and great grad parents (both Ukrainian and Estonian) would say if they could let it out. Thank you so much. October 30, 2023 at 2:27pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you for reading and for relating to the story so well. Speaking about my family in Estonia was fascinating as so many people here have similar mysteries and untold stories in their families. October 30, 2023 at 7:09pm Reply

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