Christian Dior Diorissimo : Perfume Review


Star rating: 5 stars–outstanding/potential classic, 4 stars–very good, 3 stars–adequate, 2 stars–disappointing, 1 star–poor.

A whisper of Christian Dior Diorissimo on this cold day makes me imagine spring. I glance at the dark rooftops covered with white patches of snow, black outlines of icicle draped trees against the grey sky and even though the landscape is morose and silent, I can almost feel the warm breath of spring. The frozen winter vista is almost scent-free, which I find renders rich, oriental fragrances somewhat overwhelming. Instead, I tend to reach for citrus, iris, orange blossom and other delicate white floral fragrances. Like Venice covered in snow, the impossibly transparent and airy Diorissimo (Christian Dior) is a perfume whose beauty is only enhanced by the cold. Then again, just like Venice, it is beautiful regardless of time and season….

Created by one of the greatest perfumers of the 20th century, Edmond Roudnitska, Diorissimo (1956) is an excellent example of a perfume classic. Although it celebrated its 50th birthday last year, this perfume is beyond the effects of time, beyond trends and fashions. It is also a beautiful testament to perfume artistry. Inspired by the elusive fragrance of lily of the valley whose white bells resist giving up their fragrance using conventional methods of distillation, Diorissimo was Roudnitska’s stance against the heavily lactonic and sweet fragrances of the time. The fragrance was created for the perfume house of Christian Dior, who considered lily of the valley to be his lucky flower. Indeed, the composition wonderfully embodied the lightness, the elegance and the femininity of Dior’s fashion.

In Roudnitska’s vast repertoire, Diorissimo stands out as the least abstract and yet it is rather stylized. It is not a posy of delicate lily of the valley, but rather a dream-like image of flowers growing in the forest. Diorissimo unfolds with green leafy notes, which suggest the buds of springtime covered with translucent sap. The heart of the beautiful lily of the valley is painstakingly reconstructed from a range of materials, from natural essences to synthetic components. Its radiance and harmony are breathtaking. Although Diorissimo retains its sheer and floral character, a subtle animalic hint infuses life into what could have been a beautiful piece of marble. It feels like a living flower that speaks of spring days that are soon to come.

For all of its delicacy and transparency, Diorissimo has a gorgeous trail and tremendous lasting power, which is another affirmation of Roudnitska’s genius. The fragrance features notes of bergamot, lily of the valley, jasmine, lily, amaryllis, sandalwood and civet. It is currently available in the Eau de Toilette and the parfum (Parfum de Toilette used to be available at one point as well.) Unfortunately, the fragrance has been reformulated to comply with the regulations of International Fragrance Association (IFRA) as well as to replace animalic materials, with the result being a version that strikes me as somewhat strident. The parfum is better, but it also contains the same screechy synthetic woody note in the base that ruins the appeal of Diorissimo for me. Still, the allure of this fragrance is such that even these changes do not prevent me from enjoying it.

Update March 2011: there is now a new version of Diorissimo called Diorissimo Eau de Parfum. While the extrait de parfum and the Eau de Toilette are the original Roudnitska creations (even if reformulated to comply with IFRA,) the Eau de Parfum was created by François Demachy, Dior in-house perfumer. It is richer, denser, with a strong jasmine note.

For more lily of the valley fragrances and lore, please see my article, Spring Flower Bouquet: Lily of the Valley. Photograph from



  • aryse: Hi Victoria,
    Venice covered in snow, I saw that several years ago.It’s a fairy, one single and unforgettable moment in a life.
    Your description of DIORISSIMO makes dream and I share your impressions. Perfume cherishing and poetic, it is certainly the most beautiful fragrance based on lily of the valley ever created. In my opinion, it is also the most brilliant and subtle perfume of Edmond Roudnitska.For me it is higher than Eau sauvage which is however a large perfume.
    Have a nice day.
    JP January 23, 2007 at 5:00am Reply

  • newproducts: Thank you for this lovely review of my mother’s favorite perfume. I especially like this: “It is not a posy of delicate lily of the valley, but rather a dream-like image of flowers growing in the forest.” How true! I always picture trees and trees of white blossoms in bloom, when I smell this scent, even though I know that lily of the valley does not grow on trees. January 23, 2007 at 8:17am Reply

  • Elle: This is how I enjoy winter most – through beautiful, magical descriptions like this one. 🙂 Diorissimo was my scent of choice for the first long, impossibly frigid winter I spent in Moscow. I can’t wear it w/out thinking of that winter. Wonderful times, but best preserved in memory w/out the reality of blue, frozen fingers and toes. January 23, 2007 at 8:20am Reply

  • Jason: What a beautiful review of one of the most beautiful of perfumes! Diorissimo is a favourite of mine – whenever I smell it I think of creamy silk, cold and clean. I love how the green notes accentuate the impression of flowers in the wild. Truly one of the classics indeed! Thank you for a lovely review, yet again. January 23, 2007 at 5:41am Reply

  • Robin: Just saw a great price on the parfum at one of the discounters, I think Parfum1 but now can’t remember. Anyway, $89. January 23, 2007 at 11:52am Reply

  • Madelyn E: Dear Victoria,
    What a lovely coincidence V that you reviewed Diorissimo . as I wore it last Friday . I chose it as a pick me up as I was fatigued. My association with Diorissimo is a nostalgic one. I wore it with gay abandon in the mid 70’s when I was a nursing student in college. I would wear it in the early Spring mostly when the winter chill was transforming into days of sunshine . It was on of the happiest periods of my life – and I associate it with the essence of Diorissimo. Like, others, I , too recognize Its familiar floral notes upon sniffing the newly sprouted lily of the valley plants. It is a moment upon whch I can only pause and be ever so thankful for the bounty and beauty of nature. And for the genius of perfumeur extrodinaire Roudnitska for capturing this joyous essence .
    While I prefer to wear Diorissimo during the warmer months rather than now – I know it is awaiting me at Spring’s first blush !
    Madelyn E
    PS Victoria, the top note of Diorissimo EDT – the chill that I experienced reminded me of Carnal Flower -eucalyptus blast . Do you notice that too? I know how much you love Carnal Flower. Also I am going to the Guerlain event on February 10th. It is a skincare, fragrance and color event. January 23, 2007 at 1:05pm Reply

  • Marina: I absolutely adore this one. So great to read the comparison between the modern and old versions. I do like the modern parfum a lot, but would love to compare with the vintage one. Thank you for the wonderful review. January 23, 2007 at 9:01am Reply

  • Tania: My feelings on winter fragrances are exactly the same. Although Bois des Iles and Chinatown are perfect in the days of mild sunshine and crisp breezes that precede Christmas, in true cold those rich perfumes suddenly seem clashing, too heavy. You find yourself wanting a sorbet, not a chocolate cheesecake. I haven’t yet smelled the perfume of Diorissimo and hope to soon. You’re right that comparing Diorissimo to standard, old-fashioned sweet lactonic florals, like Detchema or Fleurs de Rocaille, shows it to smell surprisingly different. Even among muguets, it’s different in its remarkable fidelity to living muguet, as compared to, say, Caron’s or Coty’s muguets. Roudnitska famously planted muguet in his garden as a reference point while composing Diorissimo, and when Evan and I found a patch at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and kneeled down among the tiny white bells to inhale, we looked at each other in surprise and recognition: Diorissimo! In this sense, you might consider Roudnitska’s years of work smelling the live flower and composing the fragrance to be a precursor to the technologically-aided art of headspace composition today. But without a gas chromatograph to guide him, he had to use the next best technology—his nose.

    Do you have an idea of which materials set off the IFRA alarms, aside from any animal-derived materials? I was terribly sorry to hear that a screechy fake wood note has found lodging in Diorissimo. That seems suspiciously like a budget decision, rather than in consideration of ethics and allergies, but I could be wrong. January 23, 2007 at 10:28am Reply

  • Karin: I used to wear this one a lot in springtime.

    I found it a little strident on me in more recent years. It could be the reformulation or it could be that I’m leaning more toward orientals.

    Or it might be that I don’t live in Michigan any more where it fit just right. January 23, 2007 at 4:04pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Aryse, I agree that Diorissimo is perhaps the best fragrance from Roudnitska. I admire his work very much. Wearing Diorissimo one forgets that it was created in 1956. This cannot be said of some others by him. January 23, 2007 at 1:01pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Jason, thank you, it is one of the fragrances that never fails to touch me. I am fascinated by it, and exploring it further only makes me admire it more. January 23, 2007 at 1:03pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: N, it was my mother’s favourite too. That is how I remember her as a young woman–trailing Diorissimo and wearing a grey cinched waist suit. She had a small bottle of the parfum, and I remember playing with it long after the perfume has been used up. January 23, 2007 at 1:05pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Elle, Moscow and Diorissimo sounds like a perfect match. 🙂 Dior fragrances were among the few that were sold in the Soviet Union, and I remember most of them well. The beautiful spring-like scents are the only way I can bear winter, although I admit that this year we have been very spoiled! January 23, 2007 at 1:06pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Marina, the vintage Diorissimo in good condition is very difficult to find, as it does not keep well. If the liquid is anything but transparent and slightly yellow, then it has turned. January 23, 2007 at 1:08pm Reply

  • Number Eleven: I love the initial blast but rapidly Diorissimo feels “old” to me, I have no idea why and which notes give me this impression, I would still love to try the vintage versions as the new EDT also feels like synthetics imitating natural.
    On the other hand I love love love Debut by Parfums Delrae specially the EDT, Michel Roudnitska ‘s homage fragrance to his father Diorissimo, greater ingredients quality and younger. January 23, 2007 at 6:09pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Tania, I agree that the richer fragrances are just overwhelming. I wore Coco, Shalimar, and other lush orientals in the fall, but now I find them to be suffocating when there are no other scents to compete with them.

    Caron’s is not my favourite lily of the valley, since it strikes me as soapy and strangely reminiscent of air freshner. When I smelled Coty’s Muguet des Bois at the Osmotheque, I understood why even Roudnitska admitted that it was the best lily of the valley ever created. I have never worn it, however. Yet, on the blotter, it is striking–lucid, rich and yet weightless.

    The main IFRA substitution affected bergamot, from what I have been told. Dior had to substitute the bergaptene-free oil, since bergaptene is a strong allergen. Of course, there were plenty of changes made for the budgetary reasons. I do not see why else they tweaked the sandalwood base. January 23, 2007 at 1:14pm Reply

    • Ethel Parker: Ivoire’s comment ‘s reflect my sentiments to a tee! I love this blog! The education I’ve received here has been Invaluable and my Vista expanded substantialy !! Thank You boisdejasmin !! August 2, 2016 at 2:11am Reply

      • Victoria: Thank you very much, Ethel! I’m so happy to hear this. August 2, 2016 at 7:58am Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: R, I also saw it on Very reasonable price. January 23, 2007 at 1:14pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Madelyn, I also have a strong sentimental attachment to Diorissimo, because my mother used to wear it. It is such a special fragrance in many respects, however. How great that you still wear it! I see what you mean about the green top note of Diorissimo. I notice it more in the newer versions than in the ones I remember from my childhood (and the vintage ones I have now). It is beautiful, all the same.

    Sounds like the event might be a lot of fun! I will see if I can go too. January 23, 2007 at 1:16pm Reply

  • Tommasina: I’m coming late to this, but Diorissimo was the first ‘real’ perfume I had. My mother bought it for my Christmas gift when I was about 14 – possibly a year younger or older. Prior to that I’d only stolen sniffs of her perfumes – which, during my growing-up years, ranged from Opium to Femme, Mystère and Mme Rochas, Miss Dior through Cinnabar and Poison (HORROR) to Aliage and Magie Noire… I’d also been given drug-store perfume (Prince Matchabelli’s Cachet being the most memorable) by my school friends.

    Umm… where was I? Oh yes – I am dismayed to hear that yet another perfume has been reformulated, not least because I *thought* I had some of my original bottle left but can’t find it. I swapped for some on MUA but haven’t tried it yet; and now I fear to do so in case it’s NEW – which I highly suspect it is. Not the nice swapper’s fault at all, of course; I should have known.

    But – oh no! It was SO wonderful! WHY do they do this? Useless to ask, because we all know why. Damn the money: give us our ‘fumes! January 23, 2007 at 7:50pm Reply

  • a.: victoria,
    this is one of my favorite fragrances. thank you for that amazing review. your reviews are always such a delight to read but that is something i say time and time again. paris has been cold and gray recently, with the sun setting barely past 5pm. the wind has been howling like a banshee and the atmosphere is heavy with winter melancholy. i too find myself reaching for fragrances with promises of spring. i think it’s high time for me to pay a visit to the perfume houses in the 1eme. yes, i’ll have a “perfume smellin’ day” or something of the sort.
    a. January 23, 2007 at 3:44pm Reply

  • Tania: Yes, exactly right on the Caron. Ah, maybe I just had a dream that I smelled the Coty, then. Or maybe I smelled their more recent muguet, which like the rest of that line is nothing to write home about. I have got to get myself to that Osmothèque! January 23, 2007 at 5:01pm Reply

  • Marian Bendeth: Beautiful V!! You have primed me for my little white bells of joy! and for those Diorable fans of the House, January 21st marked M.Dior’s 105th Birthday!!!

    If anyone is a Dior fan, and would like to contribute to a burgeoning Dior website, I recommend joining: January 23, 2007 at 11:34pm Reply

  • portlandia: Wow, that is the best review of this fragrance I have ever read. It is a perennial favorite of mine. I had no idea it had been reformulated, what a shame! I am almost afraid to smell the new one…. January 24, 2007 at 2:06am Reply

  • flacon007: The modern Diorissimo fragrance reminds me of what it used to be only at the very beginning – a few seconds before it really unfolds. After the first beautiful notes it tends to smell somewhat heady, the tenderness is gone. Regrettably, muguet fragrances are not good at being stored for years. It would be a wonder to find an old Diorissimo that still has the aroma one can remember from the past. January 24, 2007 at 5:18am Reply

  • flacon007: Victoria, that sounds very optimistic. I will pay more attention to these early 90s versions. January 24, 2007 at 4:53pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: A, a perfume smellin day sounds like a wonderful activity. I am glad to see that I am not the only beckoning spring with my spring floral favourites. I must say that we have been very spoiled on the East Coast this winter–the weather has been very mild, almost abnormally so. January 24, 2007 at 3:13pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Karin, it definitely has been altered, because even my bottle from the 1990s is closer to what I remember it to be. January 24, 2007 at 3:21pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: T, you do! You will find herself in heaven. 🙂 January 24, 2007 at 3:21pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Number Eleven, I like Debut too, although it does not seem to possess the airy beauty of Diorissimo. That is what makes Diorissimo a masterpiece. However, in its current version, it is slightly less striking. January 24, 2007 at 3:23pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Tommasina, you had such sophisticated tastes as a teenager! Very impressive. 🙂 I hope that the new Diorissimo will not be a disappointment. It is still lovely! January 24, 2007 at 3:24pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Marian, what a coincidence that I was wearing Diorissimo over these past few days! Thank you for the website link. I will explore it further. January 24, 2007 at 3:26pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: D, thank you very much! I find Diorissimo to be very special, partially because of my memories associated with it. All in all, I treasure my bottles of it. January 24, 2007 at 3:28pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Dmitri, I find that it all depends on storage. Many ingredients used in muguet accords are quite stable, although not like woody and animalic notes. I have a bottle of Diorissimo parfum from the 60s that is in pristine condition and the liquid is transparent and slightly yellow (not ambery). However, one does not delve too much into the past to find a good bottle of Diorissimo. Even in the 1990s, it was great. I have a mini bottle of EDT from 1994, and it is fantastic. January 24, 2007 at 3:31pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Dmitri, the one I mentioned (1990s) comes in the classical houndstooth pattern with the pink oval in the middle. It is very good. I also have some EDTs from the 1960s, but they were not well-preserved. January 24, 2007 at 5:13pm Reply

  • Gaia, the non-blonde: My skin usually violently rejects lily of the valley (or maybe it’s my personality who does), so I’ll make do with reading this lovely review. I’m pretty sure that my maternal grandmother wore Diorissimo during the 50s and early 60s in Lithuania, with other eternal scents like No.5. Which is why my mother never dared go there, but to me they smell grand and far away at the same time. January 24, 2007 at 5:16pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Gaia, lily of the valley and various white floral fragrances have traditionally been very popular in Lithuania. Diorissimo was, of course, popular regardless. My mother wore Diorissimo when I was a child in the 80s, but now she will not go near it. Instead, I carry the tradition. 🙂 January 24, 2007 at 5:26pm Reply

  • LeaGirl: I also tend to reach for white florals in the cold weather as I find orientals quickly overwhelming suffocating and less refined.
    I ‘d love to try Diorissimo and Muguet des Bois in vintage but I ‘m afraid to buy perfumes that have turned (I can only think of ebay, other alternatives?) January 27, 2007 at 2:19am Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: LeaGirl, if you buy either one on Ebay, please be sure that the liquid is not dark. If it turns anything, but pale, transparent yellow, the fragrance is no longer wearable. For other fragrances, this may not be the case, but it is for these two. January 29, 2007 at 12:09pm Reply

  • Ivoire: (Some of this is totally off-topic, so forgive me for meandering away from the perfume itself. ;))

    After having wandered around the virtual world for quite a while, “trying on” many websites, blogs and discussion groups, I hope to have found my fragrant “home”. It certainly feels like it right now, after reading these posts and evaluating the obvious knowledge and love of perfume that waft from these pages…;)

    Amazingly, I bought “Diorissimo” for my mother (one of her old favourites) – for the first time in twenty years! – on the very day this review was published. Which is why I decided to start posting here, on this page. Nowhere else have I read such an accurate description of “Diorissimo” – or such fun and intelligent commentaries…;)

    And yes: it is definitely a winter/early spring fragrance. It reminds me of certain days around mid-February, dreary and cold – and yet, there is suddenly a clear hint of rich budding, even blooming, in the air: a fleeting vision of mid-April and early May (to me, the most beautiful time of the year). Where does it come from? Ah, it’s a mystery. 😉

    So, in a way, “Diorissimo” is subversive, certainly not for humble wall-flowers. Wearing it during the winter is like thumbing the nose (ever so elegantly, of course! 🙂 of the herd mentality… Why should winter smell only of cinnamon, vanilla, musk and heavy basenotes? We who love “Diorissimo” love the promise of a radiant future – and WE know we ARE going to get there. 🙂 February 2, 2007 at 5:57pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Ivoire, thank you for your comments. It is a pleasure to welcome you here. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on perfume. I cannot agree more about cinnamon, vanilla and musk as typically winter scents. It is far too easy, far too predictable to pick those. I reach for citrus and light florals on cold days, because they seem to develop better. Now, in the fall, the typically winter scents work beautifully.

    “‘Diorissimo’ is subversive, certainly not for humble wall-flowers.” How perfectly put! I agree with every single word of this statement. February 4, 2007 at 6:41pm Reply

  • Ivoire: Thank YOU.

    After a few months since this first comment, my opinion of your wonderful blog hasn’t changed one bit.

    I don’t write much at the moment – but that, too, might change.. 😉 April 30, 2007 at 6:31pm Reply

  • geekchic: That was such a marvellous review on Diorissimo. I was mucking around my mom’s dresser and chanced upon a bottle of that. I sprayed it on my wrists and immediately, images of meadows of flowers came to my mind. When I read your review, it was like you’d read my mind and have put them into words so perfectly.

    Diorissimo might not be such a suitable scent to be worn in the tropics (as where I am) but I can most certainly understand how uplifting it can be on a cold wintry day, longing for spring to quickly come by. May 18, 2007 at 11:04pm Reply

  • Lalique: I have flirted with many different perfumes over the past 20 years trying to find one that was me. I have tried everything from Oscar de la renta to Chanel. I have loved some and bought more, others I have disliked within a few days.

    I have purchased a bottle of Diorissimo today, and as I am waiting for it to arrive I have not yet had the pleasure of smelling it yet. I was curious to smell it as when I was in my teens I read a Jilly Cooper book and a sexy, elegant female wore this perfume.

    It seemed to sum up everything that a perfume should aspire to. After reading the posts on this wonderful page I am glad that I have purchased this scent, but sad that I will not smell it as it was meant to be, although this might be a good thing as I will be unable to compare the new with the old.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing your wonderful descriptions and memories, I hope my delivery arrives very quickly! August 11, 2007 at 4:43pm Reply

  • Ernest Lowe: Can’t find Diorissimo eu du perfume anywhere., Plenty of “eu du toilette”. Any ideas? October 30, 2011 at 2:25pm Reply

  • Ernest Lowe: Help!! October 30, 2011 at 2:26pm Reply

  • Domestic Goblin: Victoria, would you recommend I try the Eau de Toilette rather than the new Eau de Parfum? 🙂 September 28, 2013 at 4:11am Reply

    • Victoria: Try both, if you can, but the edt is closer to the original version. September 29, 2013 at 1:37am Reply

  • Stella: My search for bergamot scents brought me to your webpage. What a delight!

    Hours spent reading your reviews and 5 stars …. and I chance upon a few of my favourite fragrances some 20 odd years ago, like L’air du Temps, Diorissimo.

    Ooh, just love to read more & more…

    Thanks! December 17, 2013 at 12:48am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you, Stella! Sounds like you wore quite a collection of interesting perfumes. December 17, 2013 at 11:38am Reply

  • Adriana Galani: Was just around for a relaxing read and found this wonderful review. For no reason, I love this perfume more in India, I always make sure to have it with me even if for flying I’d choose some other one depending on my mood. But on my skin, this treasure of a fragrance unfaulds much much more beautyful there than in Europe. Is it the whether? Or just my … fix idea… though always had it, since early 20s to date when I am 36 and admire it more and more with every spritz. Yes it had been re-formulated but it is still a lovely scent and a “killer” 🙂 when it comes to breaking hearts around, especially the more sensitive ones with a fine taste for heavily beautyful florals. February 20, 2014 at 5:18pm Reply

    • Victoria: I know what you mean, because Annick Goutal Un Matin d’Orage is another light floral perfume that smells amazing in India and just ok here in Brussels. You’d think that heavy scents around you in India would require something equally rich, but no, the light floral or woods do much better. Anything too sweet is completely out of question for me. February 21, 2014 at 4:29am Reply

  • Adriana Galani: Am really wondering, this time, shall I go for my Diorissimo again, or venture out in trying having on Purpole Lilac or Lust of Lush…. Still not knowing. Yes, I too fell into this idea first time, “I should carry an oriental one for my trip” and ended up in buying a Lotus Attar as I couldn’t wear my… guess? “Obsession”! 🙂 February 21, 2014 at 4:53am Reply

    • Victoria: Diorissimo! Lust didn’t work in India for me. Plus, you’ll smell so much real jasmine that it will feel like a plastic imitation. February 21, 2014 at 5:28am Reply

  • Adriana Galani: Actually can’t have much of “Lust” here either. Got it as a gift and still trying to like it. Same with Organza, just can’t, something does not settle on me, and with Organza is on the drydown, as the top, though unexciting, has more of a Gardenia touch than the rest, I feel. Yes, convinced! I’ll keep Diorissimo as my trip fragrance. Thank You! February 21, 2014 at 6:31am Reply

  • Nati: Theres a brazilian hair conditioning that smells of Diorissimo! Its a super cheap version of course, and I used it when I was younger… When I experienced the fragrance by Dior it all came back to me. Im going to buy an edt, even with the screechy notes you mentioned…
    I cherish the good memories I have of my younger days for they are few. October 28, 2014 at 10:21pm Reply

  • Dheirdre: I found the lovely Diorissimo in 1975 by following a wonderful scent down an isle in Bloomingdales, NYC. It was the lovliest fragrance I’d ever experienced, and I nearly ran down the lady who was wearing it.
    There has not been another perfume for me since then.
    However, in the past year I have not been able to find anything but the eau de parfume on the Dior site. I miss it! Can’t find it in any retailer.
    Where can I find the edt, any thoughts? Thank you January 10, 2015 at 2:36pm Reply

    • Victoria: Please google it! I just tried, and there are many sources offering the EDT. Saks should have it too. January 12, 2015 at 8:53am Reply

  • johanob: I found a vintage Diorissimo just this week.Pristine condition,and compared to my little LOTV plant’s white bells:Perfection.Love it.Perfection in the African summer heat as well! January 11, 2015 at 6:21am Reply

  • Melissa Rosen: Victoria, I am wondering about the Extrait that Saks sells. Do you think it’s more special, aside from being more expensive, than the toilette and parfum?? December 19, 2016 at 10:04am Reply

  • Mary Kinlen CMT BA: I now possess a very small 5ml bottle of vintage 1956 Diorissimo. It is darker than light yellow. It smells real good to me. August 6, 2022 at 3:54am Reply

    • Kathleen: I just ordered a bottle of vintage Diorissimo. I’m hoping mine smells good too! August 25, 2022 at 8:14am Reply

  • My1stGradeTeacher: Ah yes my favorite Dior 💨 October 12, 2022 at 12:36pm Reply

  • Victoria H: Diorissimo was the first real grown up perfume I bought for myself. After growing up with Yardley English Lavender and Love’s Soft and other drug store fragrances, I treated myself to my first ‘signature ‘ fragrance after getting my first job. I was 16 and visited the Marshall Field’s fragrance counter and tried so many Dior, Guerlain and YSL scents. Diorissimo was hands down my favorite and I took that precious black and white houndstooth box home with me almost 50 years ago!
    Years later I would be working behind that counter, selling the big, powerful 80’s fragrances like Chloe, Giorgio and Opium. But I still always had my Diorissimo to wear in the dead of winter, like a breath of the Spring to come. I just bought a new bottle in Rome and the first whiff took me back to the day I discovered it. I will never stop adoring this fragrance, even thru the reformulations! October 28, 2022 at 10:42pm Reply

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