Celebrating Spring and a New Century

Happy Nowruz! نوروز مبارک ! Nowruz, the Persian New Year, is celebrated on the spring equinox, which March 20 this year. It will also mark the start of a new century according to the Persian calendar. 21 March 2021 will be the first day of 1400. I wish all of you health, happiness and joy. May it be the start of a beautiful new year.

And to start the new century on a positive note. Yesterday I met on Instagram Live with Firmenich perfumer Dora Baghriche–whom many of you know through her beautiful perfumes, and we talked about cultivating creativity in today’s world. We discussed our difficulties with facing uncertainty over the past year, ways of coping creatively and emotionally, and why perfume retains its power. We also shared our favorite books, documentaries and poems. Dora’s energy and passion were palpable. The Live was hosted on @firmenichfine and they will provide a video, so that I can share with all of you. In the meantime, you can go to firmenichfine IGTV and see the recording there. I hope that you’ll enjoy our candid, warm discussion.

The image above is of haft seen, a special spread of symbolic items that have deep significance on Nowruz.  I’ve already written about the tradition of haft seen before, so please check my article.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Carla: I couldn’t join yesterday so thank you for the video! March 19, 2021 at 10:07am Reply

    • Victoria: I hope that you will enjoy it! March 19, 2021 at 4:01pm Reply

  • Rhinda: I enjoyed your video and the different points of view you both shared.
    Briefly, for me, having lost my sense of smell and taste has been a major reset. Both senses have been restored finally however there are quite a few perfumes in my collection that no longer speak to me.
    I’ve completely changed up my eating to a plant based diet so spices are very different.
    Will this be a new challenge for professional perfumers to help those of us find a new scent identity? March 19, 2021 at 10:16am Reply

    • Victoria: I’m so glad that you liked it, and I appreciate your feedback.
      Losing the sense of smell is indeed tragic, and I can only imagine what an experience it must have been. Certainly, more research is needed to determine how how the receptors regenerate. It’s extremely slow in some people, but if you already can smell well, you’re fully on the mend.

      Did you decide to start a new diet after this experience? March 19, 2021 at 4:00pm Reply

      • Rhinda: I changed to the plant based diet while still regaining my smell and taste. My family seasoned the food for me while I was learning to cook this new style of eating. Lots of spices now!
        Perfume-wise, anything with a fruity scent is “false” to my new nose.
        Your blog was very entertaining and insightful for me. Thanks everso. March 19, 2021 at 7:05pm Reply

        • Victoria: It sounds like a positive change, even if the impetus was not. Please take care of yourself! March 21, 2021 at 9:16am Reply

  • Aida: Eidet mobarak dear Victoria
    Thank you for being a source of inspiration for all of us year round 💗🌸💕 March 19, 2021 at 12:39pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you very much for your kind words! May the new year bring happiness and beauty to all of us. March 19, 2021 at 3:58pm Reply

  • Silvermoon: Hello Victoria,

    I always enjoy your Persian new year post and pictures. Wishing everyone a happy Nowruz! Spring is our annual chance for renewal and always brings hope. I also really liked listening to the conversation between you and Dora. It felt like I was sitting in the room with all of us having nice scented cups of tea just out of sight, and me quietly listening. March 19, 2021 at 6:21pm Reply

    • Victoria: It’s one of my favorite celebrations, since it’s so uplifting and beautiful. It’s not a religious celebration, although it has roots in the Zoroastrian tradition, and it reminds us of renewal, hope and spring.

      I’m so glad that you liked my conversation with Dora. I also enjoyed it very much! March 21, 2021 at 9:13am Reply

      • Silvermoon: As a Zoroastrian myself, the day has double significance. For me, it’s the celebration of spring and new beginnings that’s best. March 21, 2021 at 10:44am Reply

        • Victoria: I can imagine how special it must be for you. On this note, I hold the best memories of visiting a Zoroastrian temple in Yazd. That city left the most vivid impression on me, in big part because of its history and heritage. March 21, 2021 at 4:08pm Reply

  • Wara: Two of my friends and I were celebrating No Ruz when we saw this article celebrating a perfume lover that went back to the stars as spring is here…RESTINBEAUTYCARLOS!!!!

    https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/17/style/perfume-youtube.html March 20, 2021 at 11:52pm Reply

    • Victoria: May Carlos rest in peace. He was such a generous and high-spirited person. March 21, 2021 at 9:17am Reply

  • Tara C: Very interesting video, thank you! Wishing you a joyous spring! March 22, 2021 at 11:26am Reply

  • Sandra: I watched the video, you were both so at ease with each other.
    I loved all the books in the background and didn’t catch the title of the one you mentioned if you don’t mind sharing ? March 23, 2021 at 10:23am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you so much, Sandra! It was so enjoyable for me too.
      The book is Chronicle in Stone by Ismail Kadaré. March 23, 2021 at 12:32pm Reply

      • Sandra: Great, I will look for it here.
        I am always interested in what books you are reading, you have excellent taste in both perfume and reading material March 23, 2021 at 1:33pm Reply

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