Cartier La Panthere : Perfume Review


Why did “the feral floral,” a tag line used by Cartier to describe its perfume, La Panthère, catch my attention? It’s not that I’m all that keen on the smell of unwashed animals; otherwise, the camel leather belt I bought for my husband in India (now banished to the outside closet) would have satisfied that craving and more. Cartier’s perfumery, on the other hand, is in the hands of talented Mathilde Laurent, and if anyone could make feral smell good, it would be her.


La Panthère was the nickname of Jeanne Toussaint, the flamboyant artistic director of Cartier jewelry from 1933 to 1968, who was responsible for some of the most dramatic examples of Cartier’s art. Named after this tremendous character, the perfume couldn’t be just another well-behaved floral, and Laurent decided on a composition based on contrasts: moss and leather; gardenias and patchouli.

The old-world glamour of La Panthère is instantly obvious. As citrus and peach give way to white petals and hints of leather, you can recognize the outlines of chypre with a capital C. There are all of the classical hallmarks that make chypres such a beguiling, if difficult, fragrance genre–complexity, surprise and some dirty bits.

The white flower part opens up slowly, while you’re enjoying La Panthère’s leather and musk soaked woods. But then you notice the waxy, thick petals, and just as quickly, you realize that this gardenia is already edged with brown. The earthy, mushroom-like fragrance of overripe, fully blossomed gardenias is a perfect bridge to the rest of the La Panthère  story–more leather, more woods, more musk.

Unlike my unfortunate Indian belt, the leather in Cartier’s interpretation smells soft, tangy and creamy, like a new handbag from a fancy store. In the drydown, it gets softer and softer until you have a murmur of suede and patchouli. The perfume has excellent tenacity, but it’s modulated enough to work during the day as well as in the evening.

La Panthère is exciting in its break from the “sexy clean” and “candy sweet” standards for most feminine launches, and it has a sophisticated character. As Robin observed in her review, it’s well-made, polished and luminous. Feral might be an overstatement, however. Those who can’t get enough skanky, animalic notes won’t be satisfied with La Panthère. It’s far too mild of a leather, and its kin are the modern chypres like Agent Provocateur, Sisley Eau du Soir,  Dior Gris Montaigne, and Perles de Lalique. It’s enjoyable to wear, and its glamorous character is a pleasant change from the casual and low-key recent launches. On the other hand, if you’re still getting your head around chypres and wondering why their fans go in raptures over the smell of moss, La Panthère will be a great introduction. 

Cartier La Panthère Eau de Parfum is available in 30 ($72), 50 ($103) and 75 ($135) ml at Cartier counters and boutiques.



  • The Blue Squid: Nice one!  I have been lurking about in the department store on the weekends, waiting for this to appear.  The bit about the smelly belt made me laugh.  I got a black leather jacket from a TK Maxx store in Dublin a few years back.  It’s a fun mutton-sleeved bolero item.  But the smell of it is reminiscent of meat, so I don’t wear it often.    April 10, 2014 at 8:02am Reply

    • Martyn: Ha! I don’t know if many of you are old enough to remember, but in the Sixties everyone wore camel-leather coats brought back from Afghanistan on the hippie trail. And gosh, they reeked!

      OK, back to perfume … April 10, 2014 at 8:45am Reply

      • Victoria: I’m trying to expand this belt into a whole coat in my imagination, and the very thought makes me gag. April 10, 2014 at 12:01pm Reply

    • Victoria: When my husband was first wearing my gift, I did notice some smell, but I didn’t think that it was the belt. We were still in India, and there were many other smells around. 🙂 April 10, 2014 at 11:55am Reply

  • Anka: How nice to read that you gave La Panthère 4 stars! From what I testet in 2014 it’s my favorite mainstream release. I can see the kinship to Gris Montaigne too but LP is fruitier. Do you get much of the strawberry part? I did and for me it makes it sophisticated and casual at the same time while Gris Montainge is more on the sophisticated side. April 10, 2014 at 8:19am Reply

    • Victoria: I didn’t think of strawberries, but there is a creamy, fruity aspect to La Panthere, which must be it. It’s delicious.
      You comparison to Gris Montaigne is spot on. I don’t think that La Panthere smells exactly like the chypres I mentioned in that sentence, but it shares their character and structure. Between Gris Montaigne and La Panthere, I’d find it hard to pick a favorite. La Panthere feels softer, sweeter, slightly less serious (a good thing sometimes!) April 10, 2014 at 11:58am Reply

    • Steven: I could not call “La Panthère” mainstream. It is too elegant and too refined to be mainstream. I would rather call it original niche… April 10, 2014 at 9:22pm Reply

  • Ann: Ha ha ha! Your belt story reminds me of one Moroccan leather purse. My sis got it for me in Casablanca but I had to throw it away because of bad smell. April 10, 2014 at 8:19am Reply

    • Victoria: I did some research later to see what was the smell and how to get rid of it, and it seems that it’s just due to the tanning process. And that nothing can be done about the smell. Not willing to give up on the beautiful belt yet, but it’s hard to be around it. 🙂 April 10, 2014 at 11:59am Reply

      • Ushie: Try putting it in a plastic bag and freezing it, then–after it “thaws”–putting baking soda and borax in the bag and just leaving it alone for a few days. April 21, 2014 at 11:53pm Reply

        • Victoria: Thank you, Ushie! That’s a great tip. April 22, 2014 at 4:32am Reply

  • rosarita: Oh, this sounds great! Pictures of the vintage Cartier panther jewelry and those glamorous, dramatic advertisements are fun to look at on Pinterest 🙂 Thanks for the review. April 10, 2014 at 8:29am Reply

    • Victoria: I also love the TV ads Cartier has done. If you haven’t seen any clips, do search for them on youtube. They’re gorgeous! April 10, 2014 at 12:00pm Reply

  • Monsieur: Beautiful Review!! Actually, I don’t like fruit perfume but notes seems to great. I must be try!! By the way, I love the botlle… April 10, 2014 at 9:01am Reply

    • Victoria: It’s not a fruity perfume, so I don’t think that you will have any issues, even if you don’t like those notes. The bottle is very nicely done–a big, heavy glass object. April 10, 2014 at 12:01pm Reply

  • Bastet: Thanks for the review, I was curious about this one. Sounds nice, but not particularly exciting. I think I’ll stick to my Declaration, which I adore! I’m looking forward to warmer weather so I can add it back to my regular rotation. April 10, 2014 at 9:23am Reply

    • Victoria: If you like mossy leathers, it will be a great discovery to make. If anything, it’s so different from the standard launches that this alone is enough to make me cheer it.

      Declaration, of course, is a stellar classic! April 10, 2014 at 12:03pm Reply

  • yomi: Lovely review as always victoria.
    Is this a new la panthere? Cartier had one done a long time ago but the bottle now looks different. But your description of the scent sounds the same… Was just wondering? April 10, 2014 at 9:27am Reply

    • Victoria: It’s completely new. I didn’t know about the old Panthere, but I’ll dig around in my notes to see if I’ve come across it. April 10, 2014 at 12:05pm Reply

      • Nikki: Oh yes, the old Panthere came in a gorgeous flacon and was a heavy floral. Nice, but very strong. April 10, 2014 at 12:18pm Reply

        • Victoria: Wait, was it a heavy round glass bottle? I don’t remember the scent, but now I’m recalling the bottle itself. April 10, 2014 at 12:24pm Reply

      • yomi: The old one was called panthere de cartier. It was ( to me at least, as impressive as must but it was good and had a sophisticated smell ). I suspect they kept some features of the old formula from the way you described the new. April 10, 2014 at 2:44pm Reply

        • Victoria: Nikki’s comment reminded me of which perfume you meant, and I looked it up. But it doesn’t sound like the two are alike at all, apart from the white floral note. April 10, 2014 at 3:20pm Reply

  • Nicola: Yes, indeed! Thanks for this beautifully accurate review. I first sampled this yesterday lunchtime, on card since I was expecting to sample other things in the evening (Rozy!!) and the card is still wafting its glamour over my desk. It also reminds me of a gardenia Bottega Veneta if that makes sense. Nicola April 10, 2014 at 9:30am Reply

    • Victoria: Makes perfect sense! I thought about it mentioned Bottega Veneta this morning, but the article already was published and it was too late to add anything. Or L’Eau de Chloe, but with gardenias instead of rose. April 10, 2014 at 12:06pm Reply

  • Sylviane: I tested it on paper and loved the opening. Tested it on my skin and still loved the top fruity soapy notes but very soon it turned into a white sophisticated ladylike floral and then it settled into a heavy patchouliesque musk à la Agent Provocateur. That’s when I had to scrub it off. Wasn’t easy given its impressive tenacity ! April 10, 2014 at 9:31am Reply

    • Victoria: The tenacity is really something, isn’t it! Yes, if you don’t like musk and patchouli, La Panthere will be a difficult one. April 10, 2014 at 12:06pm Reply

  • maja: I was given a sample of this some weeks ago in Milan and I liked it very much! It is definitely different from the recent launches and has a very elegant vibe to it. A bit heavy on strawberries or what I thought were strawberries but still very pleasant. It also reminds me of something from the past – wish I could remember what. 🙂 April 10, 2014 at 9:32am Reply

    • Victoria: The first time I smelled it, I thought that it smelled retro, as if it were an older perfume that got a modern lift. But I suppose that it’s because the idea is a classical one. April 10, 2014 at 12:07pm Reply

  • Ashley Anstaett: Thanks for the review, this sounds like a fantastic perfume. I can’t wait to try it!

    And I looked up Jeanne Toussaint. Talk about glamour, she was fabulous! April 10, 2014 at 10:03am Reply

    • Victoria: She was the embodiment of glamour, but not in a soignee, overly refined way. I love that kind of bold, fearless style. April 10, 2014 at 12:10pm Reply

  • Elena: I haven’t smelled this yet though it just jumped to the top of my “to-try” list, but it sort of sounds a little like Bottega Veneta, perhaps? Your description of the soft leather is bringing BV to mind. I’m giving it another half star in my mind for the bottle and the fierce look from the model. Grr! Lol at your camel belt, too, maybe you can let your mom’s cat give it a sniff, she may love it! April 10, 2014 at 11:21am Reply

    • Victoria: It’s in the same family, but they don’t smell alike. La Panthere is bolder, darker, with more patchouli, more earthy notes. The mushroomy notes of gardenia also give it a different twist. But it might be a good idea to compare them side by side.

      I rolled my eyes at the ad, because it’s another one of those trite images that don’t even communicate anything anymore. But the bottle looks very nice, better than in the photo. April 10, 2014 at 12:13pm Reply

    • Victoria: P.S. I’m afraid to traumatize Viola, my mom’s cat, with this belt. 🙂 April 10, 2014 at 12:18pm Reply

  • Tijana: I must admit I did a double-take when this appeared in the store. Normally I am chased by SAs to test the latest and greatest, and I typically can’t be bothered (I like to do this on my own terms :-)), but in this case, I wa curious enough to try it out unprompted. I expected something average and mainstream, but was pleasantly surprised. I carried the blotter with me throughout the store and wherever I stopped people complimented how I smell nice, but it wasn’t actually me, it was the blotter in my pocket! 🙂
    It is a really nice release and I think I may decide to purchase the smallest size to enjoy it this spring… April 10, 2014 at 11:41am Reply

    • Victoria: My husband commented several times on it, and since he is used to me smelling of something all the time, this means that La Panthere really stood out. 🙂 I was so jaded by the lackluster Cartier launches like Roadster or Cartier de Lune that I didn’t have high expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s definitely memorable. April 10, 2014 at 12:17pm Reply

  • Judy: Well, I just went over to the Cartier site and ordered a bottle. I had pondered it several times mainly because of the bottle, but couldn’t justify it just for that. But upon reading your review, I took the plunge. I absolutely love Bottega Veneta, so if it’s in that family, I can’t go wrong. Plus my property is FULL of gardenia bushes…anywhere from 7-8 feet tall to the lovely spreading miniatures. My husband and I adore their fragrance. Thanks for helping me decide! Take care, Judy April 10, 2014 at 12:22pm Reply

    • Victoria: Judy, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll like it. It’s definitely a gorgeous, well-crafted perfume, and I just hope that it will work on you too. Please let me know what you think.

      I’m envious of your gardenias. Even a single blossom can perfume the whole garden, so I can’t imagine how amazing it must be to have many bushes full of flowers. I’d probably float them in water or make gardenia scented sugar. April 10, 2014 at 12:26pm Reply

      • Judy: Oh, I do float them. Also love to use them in a vintage frosted green flower bowl with the frog sitting on top. It’s beautiful to look at and smell! April 10, 2014 at 1:34pm Reply

  • Alicia: Well, well, this may be worth a try, and very likely a buy. Mossy leather, a chypre, of course, what else? I am devoted to Bandit. Now you also tell me of a gardenia note, the elusive, beloved gardenia, Animalic leather chypre and creamy gardenia makes Panthere for me an irresitible temptation. I inherited from my mother a Cartier diamond ring, and that is all the Cartier I own. I was perhaps unduly influenced by Luca Turin review of Must, and never smelled it, once I tried Delices and was less than impressed, but this Panthere… a leather chypre with gardenia is something I am not going to miss. I suspect that Bandit will always be my favorite in that family, after all I have loved it for many years, but the gardenia note, if successful, is just too enticing not to fall into temptation. April 10, 2014 at 1:02pm Reply

    • Victoria: Bandit is much more feral than La Panthere, and it doesn’t really compare, because it’s in a completely different vein. But if you would like something with a bit of growl and lots of glamour and polish, La Panthere is it. It’s not a wallflower, though, and it lasts and lasts without being overwhelming.

      I never cared much about Delices and Must seems like a gussied up Shalimar, but Eau de Cartier is one of my favorite colognes. Declaration is another favorite. April 10, 2014 at 3:16pm Reply

  • Annikky: Leather and overripe gardenia? I definitely have to try this. And I’m always moved when mainstream houses produce interesting fragrances, I feel like sending them a thank you note. April 10, 2014 at 1:25pm Reply

    • Victoria: Yeah, when Coty came up with Bottega Veneta, I was pleasantly surprised and felt much like you did. 🙂 April 10, 2014 at 3:18pm Reply

  • Natalia: Thank you for the review, Victoria! I instantly liked this one, too. I thought it smelled like “real perfume” unlike the other recent Cartier launched none of which managed to impress me. I am actually thinking of getting a bottle… Probably not right now because it might be too heady in the summer. But I think it would be perfect for the cold part of the year. April 10, 2014 at 2:56pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you for your thoughts, Natalia. I also don’t think that I’d wear it much in the summer, but for the cooler days, it will be great. On the other hand, Eau de Cartier might be good to consider for the summer, and I’m nearly done with my decant. April 10, 2014 at 3:23pm Reply

  • Nancy A.: My first impression of Cartier’s new launch was that it strongly resonated, sensual and totally away from some if you’ll pardon the expression the fluff that’s launched these days. Because it’s Cartier I always expect more from them and this gave me an “old world ” feel of elegance and not for the faint of heart in the U.S. I’m not very familiar with Mathilde Laurent’s creations and will be interested to see her future offerings. April 10, 2014 at 4:52pm Reply

    • Victoria: One of my favorite Mathilde Laurent’s perfume was Attrape-Coeur she did for Guerlain. I have no idea why Guerlain discontinued it and why they won’t reissue it. It’s such a beautiful, complex and distinctive perfume. April 11, 2014 at 8:07am Reply

  • Cornelia Blimber: One of my favourites was So Pretty. Now I am curious about that ferocious black panther!
    Overripe gardenia sounds good, I like overripe notes. I wish they brought back the overripe peach in Rochas’ Femme. April 10, 2014 at 5:03pm Reply

    • Victoria: I went through 1/2 bottle of So Pretty at one point, and it was such a fun perfume to wear. La Panthere is very different, of course, but to my mind, it brings something interesting back to Cartier. April 11, 2014 at 8:08am Reply

  • noseknows: I tested this and was tempted. It’s much better and more original the other recent perfumes I tried that day – very wearable and versatile. I have a sample on the way for more leisurely testing. April 10, 2014 at 5:13pm Reply

    • Victoria: I can’t agree more that it’s wearable and versatile and still original. April 11, 2014 at 8:13am Reply

  • Donna: The night before I went on a cruise I was cruising the perfume aisle. I wanted to find something to bring along but nothing appealed to me (2001). Finally the sales associate pulled a beautiful gift set of La Panthere out from behind the counter. It was so old-world style and reminded me of the scents I use to find on my mother’s dresser (Woodhue, Arpege). As it turned out, my mother loved it and we shared it all through the cruise. Today, it reminds me of the wonderful week we had sailing the high seas of the Carribean together. Lovely old fashioned and elegant. The way perfume use to be made. April 10, 2014 at 5:18pm Reply

    • Victoria: What a beautiful memory to associate with perfume. And it sounds like the original Panthere was a dramatic and elegant fragrance. April 11, 2014 at 8:13am Reply

  • George: You are right- that Jeanne Toussaint does look like a character; that promo pic might make being a panther all about the eyes, but the online pics of Toussaint that I can see say that her nickname was probably more about her bite. La Panthere sounds like a solid enough a perfume, but not exactly as if it jumps out of the bottle and claws one around the face. I am going to puzzle over what sort of perfume would do that exactly. I do like the junglesque notion of gardenia being involved though. April 10, 2014 at 6:05pm Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: Try Le Baiser du Dragon. Claws around your face and a terrible headache, April 11, 2014 at 4:28am Reply

    • Victoria: Have you tried White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor? Talk about over the top! But it’s an excellent perfume. April 11, 2014 at 8:14am Reply

      • Hildegerd: I love that one. The EuT is gorgeous. April 12, 2014 at 10:26am Reply

        • Victoria: It always gets my attention, whenever I smell it in the street. It’s not as popular in Europe as in the US, but I still notice it time to time. April 13, 2014 at 9:26am Reply

      • George: I will try both your and Cornelia’s suggestions the next time I see them (LBDD in particular sounds like an enjoyable horror). I’m not sure that you are both not thinking of a panther in an anthropomorphised sexual manner with your suggestions. I note that the perfumer for White Diamonds is reported as being Carlos Benaim. As he is supposed to be lining up a fine fragrance for Malle, I shall wonder what a White Diamonds style fragrance done with a Malle type budget would smell like when I get to try it. April 14, 2014 at 5:50am Reply

        • Victoria: I wasn’t thinking that, I was thinking of something with a clinging, strong sillage. Although we associate celebrity perfumers with everything cheap, White Diamonds had a pretty good budget. Elizabeth Taylor was heavily involved in the creation, and according to Carlos Benaim, she had a very good nose. April 14, 2014 at 8:01am Reply

  • Maren: Oh my, Victoria, another one of your great reviews that makes me want to search this out immediately. Old world chypre with a capital C, leather and gardenia, has me so intrigued! I like the photo imagery for this, sure does set the tone. I tried Gris Montaigne and it didn’t quite click for me. This sounds like it could hit the sweet spot for wearable glamour for me. April 10, 2014 at 11:05pm Reply

    • Victoria: Maybe, it would be worth trying a sample, but if you didn’t like Gris Montaigne, I’d caution against La Panthere. It’s not that they smell alike, but their characters are similar and both have enough patchouli and dry mossy notes. La Panthere is much sweeter, creamier, by contrast. April 11, 2014 at 8:15am Reply

      • Maren: I just tried my sample of Gris Montaigne again, and realize it is beautifully blended, I just think it is the patchouli that makes it a little challenging for me. I think I will still search it out though to try and appreciate the tip about the patchouli April 13, 2014 at 9:07am Reply

        • Victoria: Yes, I can see why. Patchouli has this characteristic dry, earthy nuance, and some people find it difficult. But with some sweet notes, it might be more palatable. April 13, 2014 at 9:24am Reply

  • Adriana Galani: Used to love the old one, I think I should still have a few forgotten drops somewhere hidden now that U came with this review I should look for it. Sounds lovely, will have to try it. The combo is surely out of the usual trend and hope it won’t be so wore that every second lady will smell same way. Sorry, still little under the trauma of Coco Mademoisele I could smell it in the undergrounds, busses, trains, You name it, like an uniform! April 11, 2014 at 3:20am Reply

    • Victoria: Trends have that feature about them, but I’d rather smell Coco Mademoiselle on subways in Brussels than the usual musty rag odor. And just to smell some perfume is already pleasant enough that I don’t even care what it is. Today I stood in line behind a gentleman wearing Dior Homme (or something that smelled like it), and it was so good. April 11, 2014 at 8:19am Reply

  • Cornelia Blimber: I got a sample today. My skin does not pick up the fruit nor the patchouly. I smell faintly some leather, and musk, and my beloved moss tone. And the gardenia is heavenly. I will buy this as soon as possible, thanks for the review! April 11, 2014 at 12:29pm Reply

    • Victoria: I’m so glad to hear that you had such a good experience with it. La Panthere feels so addictive, and I might add it to my to buy list for the fall. April 11, 2014 at 2:01pm Reply

  • Amer: I have been waiting for this to appear in stores for so long that I almost forgot about it. I am so glad to hear from you that it delivers what it promises.
    Dramatic gardenia leather chypre? I am sold! And the bottle is a stunner too? The people at Cartier’s trying to spoil us! Come on Cartier, bring it over here already!

    Now about that belt… had a “funky” wallet once that marked my money with its odour. Hated it but in case someone stole it or the contents I think a trained dog (or I) would be able to trace them by scent. April 11, 2014 at 4:27pm Reply

    • Victoria: It’s dramatic, but it’s not a total vixen it promises to be. More like a tamed panther, but still very interesting.

      Your wallet story made me laugh out loud! April 13, 2014 at 9:31am Reply

      • Amer: I be(l)t smelly leather can have similar merits when used on a husband too. Are you sure your buying it was not intentional on a subconscious level? 😉 April 14, 2014 at 10:28am Reply

        • Victoria: I doubt it, in so far as that day I had a bout of cold and couldn’t smell well. 🙂 April 14, 2014 at 11:24am Reply

  • Anne of Green Gables: Hi Victoria, it’s a little late but Happy Easter! I tested La Panthere a couple of times since it came out. To my surprise, I liked it instantly and I couldn’t stop smelling the blotter. It felt so luxurious, creamy and sweet without cloying. I could picture ladies in ballgowns with long gloves – retro glamour! The bottle is really stunning and I also liked the blotter that was especially made for the launch (holes that look like a panther’s face). I’ve been intersted in Mathilde Laurent ever since finding out that she created Herba Fresca so I’m happy that she came up with another great creation. April 22, 2014 at 6:54am Reply

    • Victoria: I love that image, because there is definitely something grand and glamorous about La Panthere. But at the same time, it’s not too difficult to wear, and it has such a beautiful presence.

      And yes, isn’t the bottle nice? April 22, 2014 at 5:26pm Reply

  • Judy: To let you know how I like La Panthere now that it has arrived, I love it. Different than anything I own, yet of the same leathery feel as one of my favorites, Bottega Veneta. Also adore that beautiful, almost rotten gardenia smell that my husband and I swoon over in our yard full of them. Thanks for “pushing me over the edge” to buy a full bottle. No regrets. April 28, 2014 at 11:12am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts, Judy. I’m very happy that you like it and that your husband also enjoys it on you. Glad to help. 🙂 April 28, 2014 at 11:15am Reply

  • Captain: I get zero leather in this fragrance…not one bit. It’s a muddle of oakmoss, musk, rhubarb (pretty bitter) and Cartier Must. Definitely not “mainstream”, definitely challenging. May 26, 2014 at 3:39am Reply

  • Aisha: I’m wearing this one today for the very first time. (I’ve had a sample in my stash for months now, and decided to finally try it.) I absolutely love it! I’ve got to admit that upon first spray I was afraid it was going to produce a gigantic headache. But it quickly blended so beautifully with my skin. I don’t pick up the leather in this like I do with Cuir de Russie, but the white floral is spectacular. It has this warming quality about it that makes it so cozy to wear when it’s bitterly cold outside (below zero). This might be the one I ask for for my birthday next month. We’ll see… 🙂 January 14, 2015 at 10:23am Reply

    • Victoria: Oh, decisions, decision! 🙂 I look forward to hearing what you will choose. January 14, 2015 at 11:56am Reply

      • Aisha: Just ordered this one for my birthday. I tested La Panthere, Stella and Calyx for weeks, and really loved them all. But there’s something about La Panthere that I just couldn’t stop thinking about. And yeah, the fact that I have a black cat whom I’ve nicknamed “panther” probably had some bearing on my decision. 😉

        I’d like to eventually purchase Stella or Calyx, but I’ll wait for a bit. Meanwhile, I can’t wait until I get my birthday present! 🙂 February 28, 2015 at 10:32am Reply

        • Victoria: It’s addictive, that’s for sure! Enjoy it! 🙂 March 7, 2015 at 8:12am Reply

  • Giorgia: Just found this site while I was looking for more information about this perfume! I tried it for the first time today, and “there was something about it” that appealed to me. Normally I like rich, almost masculine orientals or (for stark contrast) very grassy, austere, minerally scents. So this was much more floral than I would normally like but maybe it is that earthy, off-beat chypre(?) that won me over?
    My initial first-sniff of panthere took me to borderline 1980s-land, but stopped to let me off at Nice, before I could be dragged to L.A.!! I am in mid-summer Marseille (where I tried it on) and had just been looking at hot pink floral bikinis, and blinded by the crystal blue sky and awed by the richness of culture, history and colour in this city – Not to mention the tastes and aromas… I felt that this perfume somehow summed up a lot of the extroverted, unusual, upbeat, ‘just a bit difficult’ but attractive regardless, ideas that I was having about Marseille, in one perfume. Hoping to buy it duty free at Paris airport. August 18, 2015 at 5:41pm Reply

    • Victoria: What a great description/armchair traveling via perfume! Thank you so much for that, Giorgia. As I read it this morning, a rainy overcast one, I myself could feel the sights and smells of the Mediterranean coast. 🙂 August 19, 2015 at 3:23am Reply

  • Julie N DeMelo: Dear Victoria,
    As always your great description of this perfume sounds lovely…
    I don’t have anything from this line. Great comments too.
    At this time many stores are re-opening & also having big discounts to drive sales so I may purchase a small bottle. As you stated, with the talented Mathilde Laurent, I am thinking about smelling real good real soon.
    I noticed your comment about White Diamonds, it smelled wonderful on a friend of mine! Best wishes to you and your family for a great summer Victoria! 😎 June 20, 2020 at 9:34am Reply

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