Guerlain Apres l’Ondee : Perfume Review


Guerlain Après l’Ondée was created by Jacques Guerlain in 1906.  I loved this scent right away for its wonderfully delicate combination of orange blossom and violet, tinged with a spicy anise note.


The first accord is reminiscent of a spring garden after a tempestuous May shower as the damp earth, drenched leaves and flowers begin to warm up under the sun. The aura of this fragrance is effervescent, innocent and joyous. But there is a dark timbre to Après l’Ondée as well. It is similar to the moment after the rain is over; the sun is shining, yet the clouds still cast somber shadows upon the landscape. The heart blossoms with iris and violet, which much to my delight, is a departure from the traditionally sweet candy-like violet notes. The carnation is subdued and merely adds a spicy ornament. The dry down is smooth and tender, with the sugared almond, vanilla and musk lending it an abstract gourmand sensation. Après l’Ondée is a garden in the first flush of bloom, yet to reveal all of its secrets.

The review refers to the eau de toilette of Après l’Ondée. The extrait de parfum is much stronger and longer lasting, with a fairly pronounced velvety iris. It is miles away from the paler EDT. Unfortunately, it has been discontinued due to IFRA regulations on potential allergens which it contained. Nevertheless, for the lack of a better option, the EDT is highly recommended.

My other, more personal, tribute to Après l’Ondée: Guerlain Apres L’Ondee ~ A Love Story

Reformulation and other notes: Après l’Ondée currently exists only in the EDT version. It’s true to the original EDT in that it follows a similar development and has a similar tender, elegant character. All of the nuances are there, but in a paler, softer, thinner rendition. It doesn’t last as well as the vintage version of the EDT, but it’s still beautiful and I still wear it with pleasure.



  • N aka parislondres: Darling V! We do have similar taste in Guerlains. I LOVE this parfum too – and so very sad that I have to wait for this to appear on ebay. They will sadly not be making any extrait any longer because some of the raw materials are now banned – so I am told.

    xoxo May 25, 2005 at 4:43pm Reply

  • Diane: One of my favorite perfumes of all time. It is just so beautiful and I love how it lingers so softly, leaving behind this undulating wave of silk chiffon florals. May 25, 2005 at 9:32pm Reply

  • Romina: I adore this. Nevermind my dad says it smells like “wet dog ass”. He’s wrrrrr-ong!
    It’s sweet and delicate and has lasted nearly 100 years for a reason. It is GOOD. June 23, 2006 at 10:07pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Clearly, your day and I have very different olfactory perceptions of what “wet dog ass.” At any rate, Apres L’Ondee is not one of mine. 🙂 June 23, 2006 at 10:10pm Reply

  • russ hull: does anyone know how I could get info on ingredients of geurlain apres l ondee? I am trying to ship a bottle to Great Btiton and I have to know if it is flammable. They also want a paper saying if it is flammable. thank you Russ August 22, 2006 at 10:51am Reply

  • Gentiana: I discovered recently Apres l’Ondee, as I found it on an internet discounter. It was a blind buy, based mainly on your review.
    As I got it, I was a little bit disappointed – a very good perfume indeed, but to me it didn’t evoke the smell of nature after rain, or anything fresh and dewy at all. Contrary: I perceived it as very dry, slightly medicinal and very similar to L’ Heure Bleue.
    I gave to it more tries an every time I discovered new facets and liked it more and more.
    It is a very complex perfume and it changes much with the mood of the wearer.
    Yesterday morning I decided to wear it, as its name fitted perfectly the weather: after a strong night storm the garden was wet, vapors raised from the damp ground, big waterdrops clinged on the leaves and flowers, huge muted-blue/grey fog pillows hanged just above the trees…
    I gave a few generous splashes (as the spray mechanism went wrong from the first day) and big surprise: as I went out, the smell raising from my blouse was an echo of the smell I felt in the air. Not the same, not the copy, but a kind of harmonic following, as the piano accompanying a violin in a Sonata… I was stunned. I stopped an smelled this unique, wonderful combination and felt goosebumps. I walked to the lady where I buy bread- about ten minutes – with goosebumps on my whole body (NOT from the cold), butterflies in the stomach and head in the clouds. I felt like every grass thread and every leave and every flower is singing its joy of life through my heart. Al that renewal of nature after the rain, all the will of life and power of life flowed around me, with me and through me like an electric current.
    Many perfumes made me smile, dream, even gave me goosebumps… I had fantastic olfactive experiences, radiating in my whole being… (Nuit de Noel, Noa, Cristalle, Jubilation 25, Hypnotic Poison, Sa Majeste La Rose etc.)…
    But to have such a harmony with the world around me… that was something unbelievable. This was an unique experience.
    Thank you for bringing Apres l’Ondee in my radar, in my life.
    I owe you one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. July 26, 2014 at 8:30am Reply

    • Victoria: Gosh, thank you so much for this lovely comment! It really moved it, and I can only say how happy I am that I helped you discover this little gem. Apres L’Ondee is still my favorite Guerlain, a perfume that always makes me feel wonderful. July 26, 2014 at 6:37pm Reply

  • Mridula: Is the parfum strength gone forever? July 18, 2018 at 8:46am Reply

    • Victoria: Yes, unfortunately, it is. July 18, 2018 at 8:51am Reply

  • Ugo: Unfortunately it has been discontinued…and also Nahema. Let’s all cry together… July 22, 2020 at 2:52pm Reply

  • Emma: Hi Victoria, I love your review of Apres L’Ondee. I have only been lucky enough to smell the EDT and fell hard for it.

    Have you tried Luxury by Mizensir? I am sampling it today and really enjoying it – to me I see a few similarities to Apres L’Ondee.

    I also love Poudre d’Or by Mizensir. The whole line is wonderful. September 6, 2020 at 9:28am Reply

  • anala sullivan: EBay is in the process of removing all perfume samples listings from the website, citing various bogus reasons.

    I’m trying to acquire my wish list before they are all gone. April 13, 2021 at 1:12pm Reply

  • Alison Martino: I love this perfume Apres dlonde. When my Mother received her inheritance one of the 1st things she did was purchase a bottle of this lovely scent. Unfortunately she died a year late but I was able to obtain the bottle….. June 16, 2023 at 12:49pm Reply

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