Andree Putman Preparation Parfumee : Perfume Review



Star rating: 5 stars–outstanding/potential classic, 4 stars–very good, 3 stars–adequate, 2 stars–disappointing, 1 star–poor.

Olivia Giacobetti’s fragrances have a distinct voice—clarity contrasted with darkness. The aura of her creations is a haze over the rising morning sun, radiance shining delicately through the mist. Préparation Parfumée is not an exception in this respect. Created in 2001 in collaboration with interior designer Andrée Putman, Olivia Giacobetti’s fragrance joining the divide between masculine and feminine perfumes captures perfectly a scent of sunbleached wood. A touch of crisp sweetness is provided by a modest ornamentation by water lily, while the top notes are a whirlwind of the black pepper.  Transparent and minimalist quality of the fragrance should in no way be interpreted as anything promising boredom, because one simply cannot be bored while basking in its misty, yet bright glow.

Painting (click to enlarge): Mermaids (Rusalki, Based on Night in May by Nikolai Gogol) by Ivan Kramskoy, 1871. Oil on canvass. The Tretyakov Gallery collection, Moscow, Russia.



  • Robin: V, Beautiful review, as always. I love this fragrance. I do wish it was a little longer lasting on me.

    Just found out yesterday that the Olivia Giacobetti Bottega Veneta/L’Artisan candle was “the precursor” to a personal fragrance, so I am very excited! June 13, 2005 at 9:00am Reply

  • mreenymo: V, you write beautifully!

    I tested Preparation Parfumee a couple of years ago. It did not make much of an impression then, but your lyrical review got me thinking that perhaps I should test it again.

    Hugs! June 13, 2005 at 1:05pm Reply

  • Victoria: Oh, this sounds great! I am looking forward to it–rain accord sounds very much Olivia Giacobetti.

    I also wish Préparation Parfumée lasted longer, but it is such a beautiful composition that I do not mind reapplying or enjoying it while it lasts.

    Thanks for the news! June 13, 2005 at 9:47am Reply

  • Diane: Just lovely, darling!

    I hope you had a great weekend. xoxox~~~ June 13, 2005 at 1:23pm Reply

  • Victoria: Dear R, It is a beautifully done minimalist composition, even though it is distinctly unisex. I am not sure how you may like that. For warm summer days, it is just the ticket for me. Or else, whenever I want to be reminded of the Black Sea!

    Dear D,
    I hope that your weekend went well too 🙂

    Thank you for your kind words.

    xoxo June 13, 2005 at 4:07pm Reply

  • Jane Shearer: i am in london, where can i buy Andree putman perfume. i have just trek to the Conran shop where they use to stock it, but alas, no more. Please help, I need to get it NOW.

    Jane October 17, 2006 at 2:56pm Reply

  • jean francois bernard: hi….i desesperatly looking to buy the preparation parfumée d andrée putman….i used to buy it in paris (but they told me they won t sail it anymore)…. i live in montreal…..
    can i find it in montreal? in new york? please tell me where….i cannot live without…. thank you…. jean francois… September 23, 2007 at 8:15pm Reply

  • Stellinna: Hello Jean François, i’m also looking for the fragrance d’Andrée Putman. Can you telle me please where did you usually buy it in Paris? I live in Paris but i can’t find it ! Thanks a lot! June 14, 2011 at 8:59am Reply

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